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fix bugs

Dtouch 2 months ago
  1. 20
  2. 2
  3. 54
  4. 119
  5. 7
  6. 111


@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ void testExtrudeSDFXoY()
auto axisPoints = std::array{
raw_vector3d_t{0., 0., 0.},
raw_vector3d_t{0., 0., 2.}
raw_vector3d_t{1., 0., 0.},
raw_vector3d_t{1., 0., 2.}
auto axisBulges = std::array{0.0};
polyline_descriptor_t axis{
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ void testExtrudeSDFXoY()
internal::extrude_polyline extrude_polyline{extrude, aabb};
// Eigen::Vector3d p{1., 1., -0.1};
// Eigen::Vector3d p{0.3, 0.5, 1.9};
Eigen::Vector3d p{1., 1., 0.5};
Eigen::Vector3d p{.7, .8, 0.6};
double res = extrude_polyline.evaluate_sdf(p);
Eigen::Vector3d closest_point = extrude_polyline.evaluate_cpm(p);
printf("SDF at (%f, %f, %f) is %f, closest point: (%f, %f, %f)\n",
@ -65,20 +65,20 @@ void testExtrudeSDFZoX()
auto profilePoints = std::array{
raw_vector3d_t{3., 1., 2.},
raw_vector3d_t{1., 1., 2.},
raw_vector3d_t{1., 1., 4.}
// raw_vector3d_t{1., 1., 4.}
auto profileBulges = std::array{1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
auto profileBulges = std::array{1.0, 1.0};
polyline_descriptor_t profile{
raw_vector3d_t{0., 1., 0.},
auto axisPoints = std::array{
raw_vector3d_t{3., 1., 2},
raw_vector3d_t{3., 3., 2}
raw_vector3d_t{3., 1., 1.5},
raw_vector3d_t{3., 3., 1.5}
auto axisBulges = std::array{0.0};
polyline_descriptor_t axis{
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ void testExtrudeSDFZoX()
aabb_t<> aabb{};
internal::extrude_polyline extrude_polyline{extrude, aabb};
// Eigen::Vector3d p{1., 1., -0.1};
Eigen::Vector3d p{2.3, 2.9, 1.5};
Eigen::Vector3d p{2.6, 2.9, 1.2};
double res = extrude_polyline.evaluate_sdf(p);
Eigen::Vector3d closest_point = extrude_polyline.evaluate_cpm(p);
printf("SDF at (%f, %f, %f) is %f, closest point: (%f, %f, %f)\n",


@ -175,6 +175,7 @@ struct PE_API polyline {
// construct local XY coordinate system
std::vector<double> thetas{}; // for a straight line, this should be 0
std::vector<uint8_t> start_indices{}; // has the same size as thetas, indicating the starting index of each segment
double bugle;
void build_as_axis(const polyline_descriptor_t&,
const raw_vector3d_t&,
@ -220,6 +221,7 @@ struct helixline {
[[nodiscard]] Eigen::Vector3d calculate_tangent(double) const;
[[nodiscard]] Eigen::Vector3d calculate_normal(double) const;
[[nodiscard]] Eigen::Vector3d evaluate(double) const;
// CAUTION: make sure the input point is in the local space of the helixline
[[nodiscard]] line_closest_param_t calculate_closest_param(const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>&) const;
[[nodiscard]] bool isEnd(const double t) const;


@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ static inline auto get_local_TBN(const helixline &line, const Eigen::Ref<const E
const auto T = line.calculate_tangent(t);
const auto N = line.calculate_normal(t);
const auto B = N.cross(T);
handle.col(0).topRows<3>() = std::move(B);
handle.col(1).topRows<3>() = std::move(N);
handle.col(0).topRows<3>() = std::move(N);
handle.col(1).topRows<3>() = std::move(B);
handle.col(2).topRows<3>() = std::move(T);
handle.col(3).topRows<3>() = std::move(q);
@ -66,11 +66,55 @@ static inline process_return_type_t<Routine> evaluate(const extrude_helixline
// TODO: add support for non-parallel (ray vs. profile plane) case
// for now just assume that profile plane is parallel to axis
auto [profile_closest_param, dist] = desc.profile.calculate_closest_param((inv_TBN * local_p).topRows<3>());
if (!desc.axis.isEnd(axis_closest_param.t) || axis_closest_param.is_peak_value) {
// if !is_peak_value, the point is two sides away, and pmc is always true
dist *= desc.profile.pmc((inv_TBN * local_p).topRows<2>(), profile_closest_param) * 2 - 1;
bool isOut = desc.profile.pmc((inv_TBN * local_p).topRows<2>(), profile_closest_param);
profile_closest_param.point = TBN * profile_closest_param.point;
if (!isOut) {
// inside or projected point inside
const auto local_p_3d = local_p.topRows<3>() / local_p[3];
if (!desc.axis.isEnd(axis_closest_param.t) || axis_closest_param.is_peak_value) {
// inside
// max() with two planes
dist = -dist;
Eigen::Vector3d start_tangent = desc.axis.calculate_tangent(0);
auto sdf_start_plane =;
if (sdf_start_plane > dist) {
dist = sdf_start_plane;
profile_closest_param.point = local_p_3d + start_tangent * dist;
} else {
Eigen::Vector3d final_v = desc.axis.evaluate(1);
Eigen::Vector3d final_tangent = desc.axis.calculate_tangent(1);
auto sdf_end_plane = - final_v);
if (sdf_end_plane > dist) {
dist = sdf_end_plane;
profile_closest_param.point = local_p_3d - final_tangent * dist;
} else {
// outside, must closer to the plane
if (axis_closest_param.t < EPSILON) {
Eigen::Vector3d start_tangent = desc.axis.calculate_tangent(0);
auto sdf_start_plane =;
dist = sdf_start_plane;
profile_closest_param.point = local_p_3d + start_tangent * dist;
} else {
Eigen::Vector3d final_v = desc.axis.evaluate(1);
Eigen::Vector3d final_tangent = desc.axis.calculate_tangent(1);
auto sdf_end_plane = - final_v);
dist = sdf_end_plane;
profile_closest_param.point = local_p_3d - final_tangent * dist;
} else {
// outside, nothing to do
// if (!desc.axis.isEnd(axis_closest_param.t) || axis_closest_param.is_peak_value) {
// // if !is_peak_value, the point is two sides away, and pmc is always true
// dist *= desc.profile.pmc((inv_TBN * local_p).topRows<2>(), profile_closest_param) * 2 - 1;
// }
// transform closest point to world space
// the distance should be unchanged during transformation, since no scaling is involved
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Routine, evaluation_routine_tag>)


@ -79,63 +79,88 @@ static inline process_return_type_t<Routine> evaluate(const extrude_polyline
const auto world_to_axis = inversed_affine_transform(desc.axis_to_world);
const auto local_p = world_to_axis * Eigen::Vector4d{point[0], point[1], point[2], 1};
const auto [axis_closest_param, _] = desc.axis.calculate_closest_param(local_p.topRows<3>());
const auto TBN = get_local_TBN(desc.axis, local_p, axis_closest_param.point, axis_closest_param.t);
const auto inv_TBN = inversed_affine_transform(TBN);
Eigen::Vector3d axisStart;
axisStart << desc.axis.vertices[0][0], desc.axis.vertices[0][1], 0;
const auto TBN = get_local_TBN(desc.axis, local_p, axis_closest_param.point - axisStart, axis_closest_param.t);
const auto inv_TBN = inversed_affine_transform(TBN);
std::cout << "world_to_axis: " << std::endl << world_to_axis.matrix() << std::endl;
std::cout << "axis_to_world: " << std::endl << desc.axis_to_world.matrix() << std::endl;
std::cout << "TBN" << std::endl << TBN.matrix() << std::endl;
std::cout << "inv_TBN" << std::endl << inv_TBN.matrix() << std::endl;
// std::cout << "world_to_axis: " << std::endl << world_to_axis.matrix() << std::endl;
// std::cout << "axis_to_world: " << std::endl << desc.axis_to_world.matrix() << std::endl;
// std::cout << "TBN" << std::endl << TBN.matrix() << std::endl;
// std::cout << "inv_TBN" << std::endl << inv_TBN.matrix() << std::endl;
// TODO: add support for non-parallel (ray vs. profile plane) case
// for now just assume that profile plane is parallel to axis
auto [profile_closest_param, dist] = desc.profile.calculate_closest_param((inv_TBN * local_p).topRows<3>());
// bool isOut = desc.profile.pmc((inv_TBN * local_p).topRows<2>(), profile_closest_param);
// if (!isOut) {
// const auto TBN_handle = TBN.matrix();
// // inside or projected point inside
// if (!desc.axis.isEnd(axis_closest_param.t) || axis_closest_param.is_peak_value) {
// // inside
// auto dist_start_plane =
// fabs(TBN_handle.col(2).topRows<3>().dot(TBN_handle.col(3).topRows<3>())); if
// (dist_start_plane < dist) { dist = dist_start_plane;
// profile_closest_param.point = } else {
// }
// dist = -fmin(dist, );
// } else {
// // outside
// dist = TBN_handle.col(2).topRows<3>().dot(TBN_handle.col(3).topRows<3>());
// }
// } else {
// // outside, nothing to do
// }
const auto local_p_3d = local_p.topRows<3>() / local_p[3];
auto profile_p = inv_TBN * local_p_3d;
if (!desc.axis.isEnd(axis_closest_param.t) || axis_closest_param.is_peak_value) {
// when the point is two sides away, and pmc is always true
bool pmc = desc.profile.pmc((inv_TBN * local_p_3d).topRows<2>(), profile_closest_param);
dist *= pmc * 2 - 1;
// max() with two planes
profile_closest_param.point = TBN * profile_closest_param.point;
Eigen::Vector2d start_tangent = desc.axis.calculate_tangent(0);
auto sdf_start_plane =<2>());
if (sdf_start_plane > dist) {
dist = sdf_start_plane;
profile_closest_param.point = local_p_3d + Eigen::Vector3d(start_tangent[0], start_tangent[1], 0) * dist;
} else {
Eigen::Vector2d final_v = desc.axis.vertices.back();
Eigen::Vector2d final_tangent = desc.axis.calculate_tangent(desc.axis.thetas.size());
auto sdf_end_plane =<2>() - final_v);
if (sdf_end_plane > dist) {
dist = sdf_end_plane;
profile_closest_param.point = local_p_3d - Eigen::Vector3d(final_tangent[0], final_tangent[1], 0) * dist;
bool isOut = desc.profile.pmc((inv_TBN * local_p).topRows<2>(), profile_closest_param);
const auto tmp = inv_TBN * local_p;
profile_closest_param.point = TBN * profile_closest_param.point;
if (!isOut) {
// inside or projected point inside
const auto local_p_3d = local_p.topRows<3>() / local_p[3];
if (!desc.axis.isEnd(axis_closest_param.t) || axis_closest_param.is_peak_value) {
// inside
// max() with two planes
dist = -dist;
Eigen::Vector2d start_tangent = desc.axis.calculate_tangent(0);
auto sdf_start_plane =<2>());
if (sdf_start_plane > dist) {
dist = sdf_start_plane;
profile_closest_param.point = local_p_3d + Eigen::Vector3d(start_tangent[0], start_tangent[1], 0) * dist;
} else {
Eigen::Vector2d final_v = desc.axis.vertices.back();
Eigen::Vector2d final_tangent = desc.axis.calculate_tangent(desc.axis.thetas.size());
auto sdf_end_plane =<2>() - final_v);
if (sdf_end_plane > dist) {
dist = sdf_end_plane;
profile_closest_param.point = local_p_3d - Eigen::Vector3d(final_tangent[0], final_tangent[1], 0) * dist;
} else {
// outside, must closer to the plane
if (axis_closest_param.t < EPSILON) {
Eigen::Vector2d start_tangent = desc.axis.calculate_tangent(0);
auto sdf_start_plane =<2>());
dist = sdf_start_plane;
profile_closest_param.point = local_p_3d + Eigen::Vector3d(start_tangent[0], start_tangent[1], 0) * dist;
} else {
Eigen::Vector2d final_v = desc.axis.vertices.back();
Eigen::Vector2d final_tangent = desc.axis.calculate_tangent(desc.axis.thetas.size());
auto sdf_end_plane =<2>() - final_v);
dist = sdf_end_plane;
profile_closest_param.point = local_p_3d - Eigen::Vector3d(final_tangent[0], final_tangent[1], 0) * dist;
} else {
// outside, nothing to do
// const auto profile_p = inv_TBN * local_p_3d;
// if (!desc.axis.isEnd(axis_closest_param.t) || axis_closest_param.is_peak_value) {
// // when the point is two sides away, and pmc is always true
// bool pmc = desc.profile.pmc((inv_TBN * local_p_3d).topRows<2>(), profile_closest_param);
// dist *= pmc * 2 - 1;
// }
// // max() with two planes
// profile_closest_param.point = TBN * profile_closest_param.point;
// Eigen::Vector2d start_tangent = desc.axis.calculate_tangent(0);
// auto sdf_start_plane =<2>());
// if (sdf_start_plane > dist) {
// dist = sdf_start_plane;
// profile_closest_param.point = local_p_3d + Eigen::Vector3d(start_tangent[0], start_tangent[1], 0) * dist;
// } else {
// Eigen::Vector2d final_v = desc.axis.vertices.back();
// Eigen::Vector2d final_tangent = desc.axis.calculate_tangent(desc.axis.thetas.size());
// auto sdf_end_plane =<2>() - final_v);
// if (sdf_end_plane > dist) {
// dist = sdf_end_plane;
// profile_closest_param.point = local_p_3d - Eigen::Vector3d(final_tangent[0], final_tangent[1], 0) * dist;
// }
// }
// transform closest point to world space
// the distance should be unchanged during transformation, since no scaling is involved
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Routine, evaluation_routine_tag>)


@ -75,6 +75,13 @@ helixline::helixline(helixline_descriptor_t
return {-std::cos(t * this->total_theta), -std::sin(t * this->total_theta), 0.};
[[nodiscard]] Eigen::Vector3d helixline::evaluate(double t) const
assert(t >= 0 && t <= 1);
double theta = t * total_theta;
return {radius * std::cos(theta), radius * std::sin(theta), t * height};
[[nodiscard]] line_closest_param_t helixline::calculate_closest_param(const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d> &p) const
const auto h_p = p.z();


@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ void polyline::build_as_axis(const polyline_descriptor_t
aabb_t<2> profile_aabb;
Eigen::Vector3d proj_origin;
vec3d_conversion(desc.points[0], proj_origin);
build_as_profile(std::move(desc), matrix_handle.col(0), matrix_handle.col(1), proj_origin, profile_aabb);
build_as_profile(std::move(desc), matrix_handle.col(0), matrix_handle.col(1), matrix_handle.col(3), profile_aabb);
const auto &profile_aabb_min = profile_aabb.min();
const auto &profile_aabb_max = profile_aabb.max();
aabb = {
@ -68,13 +68,13 @@ void polyline::build_as_axis(polyline_descriptor_t
vec3d_conversion(std::move(desc.reference_normal), matrix_handle.col(2));
matrix_handle.col(1) = matrix_handle.col(2).cross(matrix_handle.col(0));
// vec3d_conversion(desc.points[0], matrix_handle.col(3));
vec3d_conversion(anchor_point, matrix_handle.col(3));
vec3d_conversion(desc.points[0], matrix_handle.col(3));
// vec3d_conversion(anchor_point, matrix_handle.col(3));
aabb_t<2> profile_aabb;
Eigen::Vector3d proj_origin;
vec3d_conversion(desc.points[0], proj_origin);
build_as_profile(std::move(desc), matrix_handle.col(0), matrix_handle.col(1), proj_origin, profile_aabb);
build_as_profile(std::move(desc), matrix_handle.col(0), matrix_handle.col(1), matrix_handle.col(3), profile_aabb);
const auto &profile_aabb_min = profile_aabb.min();
const auto &profile_aabb_max = profile_aabb.max();
aabb = {
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ void polyline::build_as_profile(const polyline_descriptor_t &desc,
const auto &theta = this->thetas[index];
const auto &a = this->vertices[start_index];
const auto &b = this->vertices[start_index + 3];
const auto &b = this->vertices[start_index + 2];
auto &c = this->vertices[start_index + 1];
const auto center_vec_ab = 0.5 * (a + b);
Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 1> temp = center_vec_ab; // for debug
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ void polyline::build_as_profile(const polyline_descriptor_t &desc,
// since all direction info is already included in the sign & magnitude of bulge
const auto inv_tan_half_theta = (1 - bulge * bulge) / (2 * bulge);
const auto half_vec_ab = center_vec_ab - a;
c = center_vec_ab + inv_tan_half_theta * Eigen::Vector2d{-half_vec_ab[1], half_vec_ab[0]};
c = center_vec_ab + inv_tan_half_theta * Eigen::Vector2d{half_vec_ab[1], -half_vec_ab[0]};
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ void polyline::build_as_profile(polyline_descriptor_t &&desc,
const auto &theta = this->thetas[index];
const auto &a = this->vertices[start_index];
const auto &b = this->vertices[start_index + 3];
const auto &b = this->vertices[start_index + 2];
auto &c = this->vertices[start_index + 1];
const auto center_vec_ab = 0.5 * (a + b);
Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 1> temp = center_vec_ab; // for debug
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ void polyline::build_as_profile(polyline_descriptor_t &&desc,
// since all direction info is already included in the sign & magnitude of bulge
const auto inv_tan_half_theta = (1 - bulge * bulge) / (2 * bulge);
const auto half_vec_ab = center_vec_ab - a;
c = center_vec_ab + inv_tan_half_theta * Eigen::Vector2d{-half_vec_ab[1], half_vec_ab[0]};
c = center_vec_ab + inv_tan_half_theta * Eigen::Vector2d{half_vec_ab[1], -half_vec_ab[0]};
@ -254,8 +254,15 @@ void polyline::build_as_profile(polyline_descriptor_t &&desc,
assert(t >= 0 && t <= this->start_indices.size());
double frac;
const auto n = static_cast<uint32_t>(std::modf(t, &frac));
double int_part;
double frac;
if (t == static_cast<double>(this->start_indices.size()) && *vertices.begin() != *vertices.rbegin()) {
frac = 1;
int_part = t - 1;
} else {
frac = std::modf(t, &int_part);
const auto n = static_cast<uint32_t>(int_part);
const auto iter = this->vertices.begin() + this->start_indices[n];
const auto &theta = this->thetas[n];
@ -268,7 +275,7 @@ void polyline::build_as_profile(polyline_descriptor_t &&desc,
// so it's tangent can be simply calculated as M_R' * vec{CA}
// and M_R' can be simply obtained by adding a PI/2 rotation to the rotation matrix
// CAUTION: we do not need normalize here anymore
Eigen::Rotation2Dd rotation_matrix_deriv{t * this->thetas[n] + PI2};
Eigen::Rotation2Dd rotation_matrix_deriv{t * this->thetas[n] + PI2 * sign(theta)};
return rotation_matrix_deriv.toRotationMatrix() * -line_vec;
@ -278,8 +285,15 @@ void polyline::build_as_profile(polyline_descriptor_t &&desc,
assert(t >= 0 && t <= this->start_indices.size());
double frac;
const auto n = static_cast<uint32_t>(std::modf(t, &frac));
double int_part;
double frac;
if (t == static_cast<double>(this->start_indices.size()) && *vertices.begin() != *vertices.rbegin()) {
frac = 1;
int_part = t - 1;
} else {
frac = std::modf(t, &int_part);
const auto n = static_cast<uint32_t>(int_part);
const auto iter = this->vertices.begin() + this->start_indices[n];
const auto &theta = this->thetas[n];
@ -291,8 +305,8 @@ void polyline::build_as_profile(polyline_descriptor_t &&desc,
// as mentioned above, the matrix M_R'' can be obtained by adding a PI rotation to the rotation matrix
// caution: raw direction always points to the inside of the circle
// but we want it to point the inside of the polyline, so we need to reverse the direction when theta < 0
Eigen::Rotation2Dd rotation_matrix_deriv{t * this->thetas[n] + PI};
return sign(theta) * rotation_matrix_deriv.toRotationMatrix() * -line_vec;
Eigen::Rotation2Dd rotation_matrix_deriv{t * this->thetas[n] + PI * sign(theta)};
return -sign(theta) * rotation_matrix_deriv.toRotationMatrix() * -line_vec;
@ -334,6 +348,8 @@ void polyline::build_as_profile(polyline_descriptor_t &&desc,
const auto base_vec2 = Eigen::Vector2d{-base_vec1[1], base_vec1[0]};
const auto p_vec = p.topRows<2>() - *(iter + 1);
const Eigen::Vector2d p_vec_tmp = p_vec; // for debugging
const auto local_x =;
const auto local_y =;
const auto phi = std::atan2(local_y, local_x);
@ -403,12 +419,67 @@ void polyline::build_as_profile(polyline_descriptor_t &&desc,
[[nodiscard]] bool polyline::pmc(const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector2d> &p, const line_closest_param_t &closest_param) const
if (closest_param.is_peak_value) {
return (p - closest_param.point.topRows<2>()).dot(this->calculate_normal(closest_param.t)) < 0;
// straight polyline pmc
const auto ptInPolygon = [&](const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector2d> &p) {
int intersectionCount = 0;
// int onSegIdx = -1;
constexpr int numRays = 3;
int majorityIn = 0;
for (int rayIdx = 0; rayIdx < numRays; ++rayIdx) {
double angle = (PI2 * rayIdx) / numRays;
Eigen::Vector2d rayDir(cos(angle), sin(angle));
int crossings = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < start_indices.size(); ++i) {
const Eigen::Vector2d &a = vertices[start_indices[i]];
const Eigen::Vector2d &b = -EPSILON <= thetas[i] && thetas[i] <= EPSILON ? vertices[start_indices[i] + 1]
: vertices[start_indices[i] + 2];
double dx1 = b[0] - a[0];
double dy1 = b[1] - a[1];
double dx2 = rayDir[0];
double dy2 = rayDir[1];
double determinant = dx1 * dy2 - dy1 * dx2;
// if determinant is 0,line is parallel with the ray,no intersections
if (determinant == 0) continue;
double t1 = ((p[0] - a[0]) * dy2 - (p[1] - a[1]) * dx2) / determinant;
double t2 = ((p[0] - a[0]) * dy1 - (p[1] - a[1]) * dx1) / determinant;
if (t1 >= 0 && t1 <= 1 && t2 >= 0) { crossings++; }
if (crossings % 2 != 0) { majorityIn++; }
return majorityIn > numRays / 2;
bool inFan = false;
int onLinesegButHasBugle = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < start_indices.size(); ++i) {
const Eigen::Vector2d &a = vertices[start_indices[i]];
const auto theta = thetas[i];
if (-EPSILON <= thetas[i] && thetas[i] <= EPSILON) continue;
const Eigen::Vector2d &b = vertices[start_indices[i] + 2];
const auto &c = vertices[start_indices[i] + 1];
const auto ca = a - c;
if ((p - c).norm() < ca.norm()) {
const auto theta_2 = theta / 2;
const auto cos_theta_2 = std::cos(theta_2), sin_theta_2 = std::sin(theta_2);
const Eigen::Vector2d ab_arc_mid{a[0] + ca[0] * cos_theta_2 - ca[1] * sin_theta_2,
a[1] + ca[0] * sin_theta_2 + ca[1] * cos_theta_2};
const auto in_circle_dir = Eigen::Vector2d{ab_arc_mid - c}.normalized();
if ((p - a).dot(in_circle_dir) > 0) {
inFan = true;
// the closest point is the vertex of the line
// todo: may not be robust for rare cases
return (p - closest_param.point.topRows<2>()).dot(this->calculate_normal(closest_param.t)) < 0;
// if (closest_param.is_peak_value) {
// return (p - closest_param.point.topRows<2>()).dot(this->calculate_normal(closest_param.t)) > 0;
// }
auto isInPolygon = ptInPolygon(p);
return !(ptInPolygon(p) ^ inFan);
[[nodiscard]] bool polyline::isEnd(const double t) const { return t >= thetas.size() - EPSILON || t < EPSILON; }
