extract explicit mesh with topology information from implicit surfaces with boolean operations, and do surface/volume integrating on them.
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#pragma once
4 months ago
#include <tbb/tbb.h>
#include <macros.h>
#include <utils/eigen_alias.hpp>
4 months ago
#include "blobtree.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#include <map>
#include <queue>
void output_blobtree(virtual_node_t node);
BPE_API double evaluate(const constant_descriptor_t& desc, const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>& point);
BPE_API double evaluate(const plane_descriptor_t& desc, const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>& point);
BPE_API double evaluate(const sphere_descriptor_t& desc, const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>& point);
BPE_API double evaluate(const cylinder_descriptor_t& desc, const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>& point);
BPE_API double evaluate(const cone_descriptor_t& desc, const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>& point);
BPE_API double evaluate(const box_descriptor_t& desc, const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>& point);
BPE_API double evaluate(const mesh_descriptor_t& desc, const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>& point);
BPE_API double evaluate(const extrude_descriptor_t& desc, const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>& point);
BPE_API double evaluate(const primitive_node_t& node, const raw_vector3d_t& point);
4 months ago
// Basic Operations
* @brief Get all primitive nodes
* @return Primitive array
BPE_API std::vector<primitive_node_t, tbb::tbb_allocator<primitive_node_t>>& get_primitives() noexcept;
BPE_API void free_sub_blobtree(uint32_t index) noexcept;
// Geometry Generation
* @brief Create a new empty body
* @param[in] desc The empty descriptor
* @return The virtual node
BPE_API virtual_node_t blobtree_new_virtual_node(const constant_descriptor_t& desc);
* @brief Create a new plane body
* @param[in] desc The plane descriptor
* @return The virtual node
BPE_API virtual_node_t blobtree_new_virtual_node(const plane_descriptor_t& desc);
* @brief Create a new sphere body
* @param[in] desc The sphere descriptor
* @return The virtual node
BPE_API virtual_node_t blobtree_new_virtual_node(const sphere_descriptor_t& desc);
* @brief Create a new cylinder body
* @param[in] desc The cylinder descriptor
* @return The virtual node
BPE_API virtual_node_t blobtree_new_virtual_node(const cylinder_descriptor_t& desc);
* @brief Create a new cone body
* @param[in] desc The cone descriptor
* @return The virtual node
BPE_API virtual_node_t blobtree_new_virtual_node(const cone_descriptor_t& desc);
* @brief Create a new box body
* @param[in] desc The box descriptor
* @return The virtual node
BPE_API virtual_node_t blobtree_new_virtual_node(const box_descriptor_t& desc);
* @brief Create a new mesh body
* @param[in] desc The mesh descriptor
* @return The virtual node
BPE_API virtual_node_t blobtree_new_virtual_node(const mesh_descriptor_t& desc);
* @brief Create a new extrude body
* @param[in] desc The extrude descriptor
* @return The virtual node
BPE_API virtual_node_t blobtree_new_virtual_node(const extrude_descriptor_t& desc);
* @brief Free a virtual node
* @param[in] node The virtual node to be released
BPE_API void blobtree_free_virtual_node(virtual_node_t* node);
// Geometry Operations
* @brief Union two virtual node, result will be writen to first node
* @param[in] node1 The first virtual node
* @param[in] node2 The second virtual node
BPE_API void virtual_node_boolean_union(virtual_node_t* node1, virtual_node_t* node2);
* @brief Intersect two virtual node, result will be writen to first node
* @param[in] node1 The first virtual node
* @param[in] node2 The second virtual node
BPE_API void virtual_node_boolean_intersect(virtual_node_t* node1, virtual_node_t* node2);
* @brief Difference two virtual node, result will be writen to first node
* @param[in] node1 The first virtual node
* @param[in] node2 The second virtual node
BPE_API void virtual_node_boolean_difference(virtual_node_t* node1, virtual_node_t* node2);
* @brief Offset a body
* @param[in] node The virtual node
* @param[in] directrion The offset direction
* @param[in] length The offset length
BPE_API void virtual_node_offset(virtual_node_t* node, const raw_vector3d_t& direction, const double length);
* @brief Offset a body
* @param[in] node The virtual node
* @param[in] offset The offset direction and length
BPE_API void virtual_node_offset(virtual_node_t* node, const raw_vector3d_t& offset);
* @brief Split a body
* @param[in] node The virtual node
* @param[in] basePoint The base point of the split face
* @param[in] normal The normal of the split face
BPE_API void virtual_node_split(virtual_node_t* node, raw_vector3d_t base_point, raw_vector3d_t normal);
// Tree Node Operations
* @brief Sets the parent of a virtual node, a validity check will be performed
* @param[in] node The virtual node whose parent is waiting to be set
* @param[in] parent The parent virtual node
* @return True if the operation is successful
BPE_API bool virtual_node_set_parent(virtual_node_t* node, virtual_node_t* parent);
* @brief Sets the left node of a virtual node, a validity check will be performed
* @param[in] node The virtual node whose left child is waiting to be set
* @param[in] child The child virtual node
* @return True if the operation is successful
BPE_API bool virtual_node_set_left_child(virtual_node_t* node, virtual_node_t* child);
* @brief Sets the right node of a virtual node, a validity check will be performed
* @param[in] node The virtual node whose right child is waiting to be set
* @param[in] child The child virtual node
* @return True if the operation is successful
BPE_API bool virtual_node_set_right_child(virtual_node_t* node, virtual_node_t* child);
* @brief Add a child node of given virtual node, a validity check will be performed
* @param[in] node The virtual node whose child is waiting to be added
* @param[in] child The child virtual node
* @return True if the operation is successful
BPE_API bool virtual_node_add_child(virtual_node_t* node, virtual_node_t* child);
* @brief Remove a child node of given virtual node, a validity check will be performed
* @param[in] node The virtual node whose child is waiting to be removed
* @param[in] child The child virtual node
* @return True if the operation is successful
BPE_API bool virtual_node_remove_child(virtual_node_t* node, virtual_node_t* child);
// Node Replacement Operation
* @brief Replace a primitive node to constant, a validity check will be performed
* @param[in] node The virtual node which points to primitive node
* @param[in] desc The new descriptor
* @return True if the operation is successful
BPE_API bool virtual_node_replace_primitive(virtual_node_t* node, const constant_descriptor_t& desc);
* @brief Replace a primitive node to plane, a validity check will be performed
* @param[in] node The virtual node which points to primitive node
* @param[in] desc The new descriptor
* @return True if the operation is successful
BPE_API bool virtual_node_replace_primitive(virtual_node_t* node, const plane_descriptor_t& desc);
* @brief Replace a primitive node to sphere, a validity check will be performed
* @param[in] node The virtual node which points to primitive node
* @param[in] desc The new descriptor
* @return True if the operation is successful
BPE_API bool virtual_node_replace_primitive(virtual_node_t* node, const sphere_descriptor_t& desc);
* @brief Replace a primitive node to cylinder, a validity check will be performed
* @param[in] node The virtual node which points to primitive node
* @param[in] desc The new descriptor
* @return True if the operation is successful
BPE_API bool virtual_node_replace_primitive(virtual_node_t* node, const cylinder_descriptor_t& desc);
* @brief Replace a primitive node to cone, a validity check will be performed
* @param[in] node The virtual node which points to primitive node
* @param[in] desc The new descriptor
* @return True if the operation is successful
BPE_API bool virtual_node_replace_primitive(virtual_node_t* node, const cone_descriptor_t& desc);
* @brief Replace a primitive node to box, a validity check will be performed
* @param[in] node The virtual node which points to primitive node
* @param[in] desc The new descriptor
* @return True if the operation is successful
BPE_API bool virtual_node_replace_primitive(virtual_node_t* node, const box_descriptor_t& desc);
* @brief Replace a primitive node to mesh, a validity check will be performed
* @param[in] node The virtual node which points to primitive node
* @param[in] desc The new descriptor
* @return True if the operation is successful
BPE_API bool virtual_node_replace_primitive(virtual_node_t* node, const mesh_descriptor_t& desc);
* @brief Replace a primitive node to extrude, a validity check will be performed
* @param[in] node The virtual node which points to primitive node
* @param[in] desc The new descriptor
* @return True if the operation is successful
BPE_API bool virtual_node_replace_primitive(virtual_node_t* node, const extrude_descriptor_t& desc);