#pragma once
#include <bitset>
#include <utils/eigen_alias.hpp>
// ======================================================================
// ======================================================================
struct aabb_t {
Eigen::Vector3d min{std::numeric_limits<double>::max(),
Eigen::Vector3d max{std::numeric_limits<double>::min(),
void extend(const Eigen::Vector3d& point)
min = min.cwiseMin(point);
max = max.cwiseMax(point);
void extend(const aabb_t& aabb)
min = min.cwiseMin(aabb.min);
max = max.cwiseMax(aabb.max);
void offset(const Eigen::Vector3d& offset)
min = min + offset;
max = max + offset;
bool contains(const Eigen::Vector3d& point) const
return (point.array() >= min.array()).all() && (point.array() <= max.array()).all();
void clear()
min = Eigen::Vector3d{std::numeric_limits<double>::max(),
max = Eigen::Vector3d{std::numeric_limits<double>::min(),
// ======================================================================
// Node
// ======================================================================
using node_t = std::bitset<128>;
static const node_t standard_new_node = [] {
node_t node{};
return node.flip();
enum class eNodeLocation : uint32_t { in = 0, out = 1, edge = 2, unset = 3 };
enum class eNodeOperation : uint32_t { unionOp = 0, intersectionOp = 1, differenceOp = 2, unsetOp = 3 };
/* getter/setter for node_t */
template <typename _Tp>
struct node_proxy {
constexpr node_proxy() = default;
constexpr node_proxy(node_t& _data, uint32_t _offset, uint32_t _mask_bits)
: data(_data), offset(_offset), mask((1ull << _mask_bits) - 1ull)
void reinit(node_t& _data, uint32_t _offset, uint32_t _mask_bits)
data = _data;
offset = _offset;
mask = (1ull << _mask_bits) - 1ull;
void reinit(node_proxy&& other)
data = std::move(other.data);
offset = std::move(other.offset);
mask = std::move(other.mask);
node_proxy(const node_proxy&) = delete;
node_proxy(node_proxy&&) = delete;
constexpr node_proxy& operator=(const node_proxy& other)
const auto _mask = mask << offset;
data = (data & ~_mask) | (other.data & _mask);
return *this;
constexpr node_proxy& operator=(node_proxy&& other)
const auto _mask = mask << offset;
data = (data & ~_mask) | (std::forward(other.data) & _mask);
return *this;
template <typename _Fp, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<_Fp, node_proxy>>>
constexpr node_proxy& operator=(_Fp&& other)
const auto _mask = mask << offset;
const auto offset_value = node_t{static_cast<uint64_t>(std::forward<_Fp>(other))} << offset;
data = (data & ~_mask) | (offset_value & _mask);
return *this;
template <typename _Fp,
typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<_Fp, node_proxy> && //
!std::is_enum_v<_Fp> && //
!std::is_same_v<_Fp, bool>>>
constexpr node_proxy& operator+=(_Fp&& other)
const auto _mask = mask << offset;
const auto low_data = ((data & _mask) >> offset).to_ullong();
const auto low_result = static_cast<uint64_t>(std::forward<_Fp>(other)) + low_data;
data = (data & ~_mask) | ((node_t{low_result} << offset) & _mask);
return *this;
constexpr operator _Tp() const { return static_cast<_Tp>((((data) >> offset) & mask).to_ulong()); }
node_t& data;
uint32_t offset{};
node_t mask{};
template <typename _Tp>
struct const_node_proxy {
constexpr const_node_proxy(const node_t& _data, uint32_t _offset, uint32_t _mask_bits)
: data(_data), offset(_offset), mask((1ull << _mask_bits) - 1ull)
const_node_proxy(const const_node_proxy&) = delete;
const_node_proxy(const_node_proxy&&) = delete;
constexpr operator _Tp() const { return static_cast<_Tp>((((data) >> offset) & mask).to_ulong()); }
const node_t& data;
uint32_t offset{};
node_t mask{};
// 0 for internal node, 1 for primitive node
static constexpr inline auto node_fetch_is_primitive(node_t& node) { return node_proxy<bool>(node, 127u, 1); }
// 0 for union, 1 for intersection, 2 for difference, 3 for unset
static constexpr inline auto node_fetch_operation(node_t& node) { return node_proxy<eNodeOperation>(node, 125u, 2); }
// 0 for in, 1 for out, 2 for on edge, 3 for unset
static constexpr inline auto node_fetch_in_out(node_t& node) { return node_proxy<eNodeLocation>(node, 123u, 2); }
// If primitive node, the index to the primitive information
static constexpr inline auto node_fetch_primitive_index(node_t& node) { return node_proxy<uint32_t>(node, 102u, 21); }
// If primitive node, the index to the transform information
static constexpr inline auto node_fetch_transform_index(node_t& node) { return node_proxy<uint32_t>(node, 81u, 21); }
static constexpr inline auto node_is_transform_null(const node_t& node)
return const_node_proxy<uint32_t>(node, 81u, 21) == 0x1FFFFFu;
// Parent node index
static constexpr inline auto node_fetch_parent_index(node_t& node) { return node_proxy<uint32_t>(node, 54u, 27); }
static constexpr inline auto node_is_parent_null(const node_t& node)
return const_node_proxy<uint32_t>(node, 54u, 27) == 0x7FFFFFFu;
// Left child node index
static constexpr inline auto node_fetch_left_child_index(node_t& node) { return node_proxy<uint32_t>(node, 27u, 27); }
static constexpr inline auto node_is_left_child_null(const node_t& node)
return const_node_proxy<uint32_t>(node, 27u, 27) == 0x7FFFFFFu;
// Right child node index
static constexpr inline auto node_fetch_right_child_index(node_t& node) { return node_proxy<uint32_t>(node, 0u, 27); }
static constexpr inline auto node_is_right_child_null(const node_t& node)
return const_node_proxy<uint32_t>(node, 0u, 27) == 0x7FFFFFFu;