import vtk from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * # import PyQt5 from vtk.qt.QVTKRenderWindowInteractor import QVTKRenderWindowInteractor class Color: def __init__(self, r, g, b, alpha): self.r = r self.g = g self.b = b self.a = alpha class GUIViewer(QVTKRenderWindowInteractor): def __init__(self, parent, engine): QVTKRenderWindowInteractor.__init__(self, parent) self.part_num = 0 self.part_list = [] self.point_list = [] self.color_list = [] self.glyph3D_list = [] self.engine = engine self.resetCamera = True self.renderer = vtk.vtkRenderer() self.GetRenderWindow().AddRenderer(self.renderer) self.interactor = self.GetRenderWindow().GetInteractor() self.create_actor() self.renderer.SetBackground(255, 255, 255) camera = self.renderer.GetActiveCamera() camera.SetViewUp(0.5, 0, 0) camera.SetPosition(0.1245, 0.1139, 0.2932) self.renderer.SetActiveCamera(camera) transform = vtk.vtkTransform() transform.Translate(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) axes = vtk.vtkAxesActor() # The axes are positioned with a user transform axes.SetUserTransform(transform) def create_voxel(self): numberOfVertices = 8 points = vtk.vtkPoints() points.InsertNextPoint(0, 0, 0) points.InsertNextPoint(1, 0, 0) points.InsertNextPoint(0, 1, 0) points.InsertNextPoint(1, 1, 0) points.InsertNextPoint(0, 0, 1) points.InsertNextPoint(1, 0, 1) points.InsertNextPoint(0, 1, 1) points.InsertNextPoint(1, 1, 1) voxel = vtk.vtkVoxel() for i in range(0, numberOfVertices): voxel.GetPointIds().SetId(i, i) ugrid = vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid() ugrid.SetPoints(points) ugrid.InsertNextCell(voxel.GetCellType(), voxel.GetPointIds()) gfilter = vtk.vtkGeometryFilter() gfilter.SetInputData(ugrid) gfilter.Update() return gfilter def create_actor(self): self.part_num = len(self.engine.model) for i in range(self.part_num): # Set up point_list and color_list self.point_list.append(vtk.vtkPoints()) self.color_list.append(vtk.vtkUnsignedCharArray()) self.color_list[i].SetName("colors") self.color_list[i].SetNumberOfComponents(4) # Create polydata by setting up points information and color information polydata = vtk.vtkPolyData() polydata.SetPoints(self.point_list[i]) polydata.GetPointData().SetScalars(self.color_list[i]) # create cell voxel = self.create_voxel() # Set up Glyph3D data representation: color, data representation form, input data and et. self.glyph3D_list.append(vtk.vtkGlyph3D()) self.glyph3D_list[i].SetColorModeToColorByScalar() # self.glyph3D_list[i].SetSource(voxel.GetOutput()) # Set up data representation form self.glyph3D_list[i].SetSourceConnection(voxel.GetOutputPort()) # Set up data representation form # self.glyph3D_list[i].SetInput(polydata) # Set input data self.glyph3D_list[i].SetInputData(polydata) # Set input data self.glyph3D_list[i].ScalingOff() self.glyph3D_list[i].Update() # mapper mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() # mapper.SetInput(self.glyph3D_list[i].GetOutput()) mapper.SetInputConnection(self.glyph3D_list[i].GetOutputPort()) # actor actor = vtk.vtkActor() actor.SetMapper(mapper) actor.GetProperty() self.renderer.AddActor(actor) self.part_list.append(actor) transform = vtk.vtkTransform() transform.Translate(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) axes = vtk.vtkAxesActor() # The axes are positioned with a user transform axes.SetUserTransform(transform) # the actual text of the axis label can be changed: axes.SetXAxisLabelText("") axes.SetYAxisLabelText("") axes.SetZAxisLabelText("") # self.renderer.AddActor(axes) def set_bb_color(self, model, ind, n, x_zero_index, y_zero_index, z_zero_index, r, g, b): # alpha = 255 alpha = 173 for i in range(len(model[0])): self.point_list[ind].InsertNextPoint(0 - x_zero_index, 0 - y_zero_index, i - z_zero_index) self.color_list[ind].InsertTuple4(n, r, g, b, alpha) n = n + 1 self.point_list[ind].InsertNextPoint(0 - x_zero_index, len(model[0]) - y_zero_index, i - z_zero_index) self.color_list[ind].InsertTuple4(n, r, g, b, alpha) n = n + 1 self.point_list[ind].InsertNextPoint(len(model[0]) - x_zero_index, 0 - y_zero_index, i - z_zero_index) self.color_list[ind].InsertTuple4(n, r, g, b, alpha) n = n + 1 self.point_list[ind].InsertNextPoint(len(model[0]) - x_zero_index, len(model[0]) - y_zero_index, i - z_zero_index) self.color_list[ind].InsertTuple4(n, r, g, b, alpha) n = n + 1 self.point_list[ind].InsertNextPoint(0 - x_zero_index, i - y_zero_index, 0 - z_zero_index) self.color_list[ind].InsertTuple4(n, r, g, b, alpha) n = n + 1 self.point_list[ind].InsertNextPoint(0 - x_zero_index, i - y_zero_index, len(model[0]) - z_zero_index) self.color_list[ind].InsertTuple4(n, r, g, b, alpha) n = n + 1 self.point_list[ind].InsertNextPoint(len(model[0]) - x_zero_index, i - y_zero_index, 0 - z_zero_index) self.color_list[ind].InsertTuple4(n, r, g, b, alpha) n = n + 1 self.point_list[ind].InsertNextPoint(len(model[0]) - x_zero_index, i - y_zero_index, len(model[0]) - z_zero_index) self.color_list[ind].InsertTuple4(n, r, g, b, alpha) n = n + 1 self.point_list[ind].InsertNextPoint(i - x_zero_index, 0 - y_zero_index, 0 - z_zero_index) self.color_list[ind].InsertTuple4(n, r, g, b, alpha) n = n + 1 self.point_list[ind].InsertNextPoint(i - x_zero_index, 0 - y_zero_index, len(model[0]) - z_zero_index) self.color_list[ind].InsertTuple4(n, r, g, b, 173) n = n + 1 self.point_list[ind].InsertNextPoint(i - x_zero_index, len(model[0]) - y_zero_index, 0 - z_zero_index) self.color_list[ind].InsertTuple4(n, r, g, b, 173) n = n + 1 self.point_list[ind].InsertNextPoint(i - x_zero_index, len(model[0]) - y_zero_index, len(model[0]) - z_zero_index) self.color_list[ind].InsertTuple4(n, r, g, b, 173) n = n + 1 def update_actor(self): models = self.engine.model colors = [] colors.append(Color(241, 95, 45, 255)) # 0 # colors.append(Color(246, 102, 39, 255)) # .........if(chair_2_legs),open this.......... # colors.append(Color(0, 202, 122, 255)) # 1 colors.append(Color(0, 141, 237, 255)) # 2 colors.append(Color(36, 160, 191, 255)) # 3 colors.append(Color(255, 130, 58, 255)) # 4 colors.append(Color(140, 255, 128, 255)) # 5 for ind in range(len(models)): self.point_list[ind].Reset() self.color_list[ind].Reset() model = models[ind]['model'] part_name = models[ind]['name'] part_label = int(part_name[-1]) translate_vector = models[ind]['translate_vector'] dims_vector = models[ind]['dim_vecetor'] x_zero_index = 0 y_zero_index = 0 z_zero_index = 0 print( len(model[0]), len(model[0]), len(model[0])) n = 0 for i in range(len(model[0])): for j in range(len(model[1])): for k in range(len(model[2])): c = model[i, j, k] if c > 0.5: if part_label == 0: self.point_list[ind].InsertNextPoint(i - x_zero_index, j - y_zero_index, k - z_zero_index) self.color_list[ind].InsertTuple4(n, 241, 95, 45, 200) if part_label == 1: self.point_list[ind].InsertNextPoint(i - x_zero_index, j - y_zero_index, k - z_zero_index) self.color_list[ind].InsertTuple4(n, 0, 202, 122, 200) if part_label == 2: self.point_list[ind].InsertNextPoint(i - x_zero_index, j - y_zero_index, k - z_zero_index) self.color_list[ind].InsertTuple4(n, 0, 141, 237, 200) if part_label == 3: self.point_list[ind].InsertNextPoint(i - x_zero_index, j - y_zero_index, k - z_zero_index) self.color_list[ind].InsertTuple4(n, 36, 160, 191, 200) if part_label == 4: self.point_list[ind].InsertNextPoint(i - x_zero_index, j - y_zero_index, k - z_zero_index) self.color_list[ind].InsertTuple4(n, 255, 130, 58, 200) if part_label == 5: self.point_list[ind].InsertNextPoint(i - x_zero_index, j - y_zero_index, k - z_zero_index) self.color_list[ind].InsertTuple4(n, 140, 255, 128, 200) if part_label == 6: self.point_list[ind].InsertNextPoint(i - x_zero_index, j - y_zero_index, k - z_zero_index) self.color_list[ind].InsertTuple4(n, 200, 240, 255, 200) n = n + 1 pass self.set_bb_color(model, ind, n, x_zero_index, y_zero_index, z_zero_index, colors[part_label].r, colors[part_label].g, colors[part_label].b) trans = vtk.vtkTransform() transformMatrix = vtk.vtkMatrix4x4() for i in range(0, 4): for j in range(0, 4): if i == j and (i == 1 or i == 2 or i == 0): transformMatrix.SetElement(i, j, float(dims_vector[i]) / 32.0) elif j == 3 and i <= 2: transformMatrix.SetElement(i, j, float(translate_vector[i]) - float(dims_vector[i]) / 2) elif i == 3 and j == 3: transformMatrix.SetElement(i, j, 1) elif i == 3 and j <= 2: transformMatrix.SetElement(i, j, 0) trans.SetMatrix(transformMatrix) self.part_list[ind].SetUserTransform(trans) print( translate_vector[0], translate_vector[1], translate_vector[2]) print( "part index: %r center: %r" % (ind, self.part_list[ind].GetCenter())) print( "part index: %r position: %r" % (ind, self.part_list[ind].GetPosition())) print( "part index: %r xRange: %r" % (ind, self.part_list[ind].GetXRange())) print( "part index: %r length: %r" % (ind, self.part_list[ind].GetLength())) print( "part index: %r translate_vector: %r" % (ind, translate_vector)) print( "part index: %r dims_vector: %r" % (ind, dims_vector)) # self.glyph3D.Modified() for i in range(len(self.glyph3D_list)): self.glyph3D_list[i].Modified() if self.resetCamera: self.renderer.ResetCamera() self.resetCamera = False self.update() QApplication.processEvents() for i in range(len(self.part_list)): print( self.part_list[i].GetPosition()) def save_image2(self): file_path = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "saveFlle", str( + ".png", filter="png (*.png *.)") current_file_path = file_path[0] window_to_image_filter = vtk.vtkWindowToImageFilter() # window_to_image_filter.SetInput(self.GetRenderWindow()) window_to_image_filter.SetInput(self.GetRenderWindow()) window_to_image_filter.Update() writer = vtk.vtkPNGWriter() # # writer.SetFileName(unicode(current_file_path)) writer.SetFileName(str(current_file_path)) writer.SetInputConnection(window_to_image_filter.GetOutputPort()) writer.Write() def save_image1(self, file_path): window_to_image_filter = vtk.vtkWindowToImageFilter() # window_to_image_filter.SetInput(self.GetRenderWindow()) window_to_image_filter.SetInput(self.GetRenderWindow()) window_to_image_filter.Update() writer = vtk.vtkPNGWriter() # writer.SetFileName(unicode(file_path) + '/image_' + str(self.engine.index) + '.png') writer.SetFileName(str(file_path) + '/image_' + str(self.engine.index) + '.png') writer.SetInputConnection(window_to_image_filter.GetOutputPort()) writer.Write() def set_camera(self, x, y, z): camera = self.renderer.GetActiveCamera() camera.SetViewUp(x, y, z) self.renderer.SetActiveCamera(camera)