import os import as sio from gui_viewer import * from ConstrainedOpt import ConstrainedOpt from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from PyQt5.QtCore import * from PyQt5.QtGui import * import sys import qdarkstyle class MySubWindow(QMdiSubWindow): signal_save_image = pyqtSignal(str) class MainWindow(QMainWindow): signal_save_images = pyqtSignal(str) signal_setCamera = pyqtSignal(float, float, float) def __init__(self, width, height, parent=None): QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent) self.width = width self.height = height self.resize(width, height) self.mdi_Area = QMdiArea() self.mdi_Area.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded) self.mdi_Area.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded) self.camerax = 0 self.cameray = 0 self.cameraz = 0 self.files = list() self.models = list() self.models_count = 0 self.setCentralWidget(self.mdi_Area) self.mdi_Win = list() self.frame = list() self.viewerWidget = list() self.banch = 8 self.current_index = -1 self.file_ind = 0 # create openAction openAction = QAction("&Open", self) openAction.setShortcut(QKeySequence.Open) openAction.setToolTip("Open files") openAction.setStatusTip("Open files") openAction.triggered.connect(self.open_file) openoneAction = QAction("&Openone", self) openoneAction.setShortcut(QKeySequence.Open) openoneAction.setToolTip("Open a file") openoneAction.setStatusTip("Open a file") openoneAction.triggered.connect(self.open_one_file) # preAction = QAction("&PreGroup", self) # preAction.setShortcut(QKeySequence.Open) # preAction.setToolTip("Show pre group model") # preAction.setStatusTip("Show pre group model") # preAction.triggered.connect(self.pre_group) # # self.connect(preAction, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.pre_group) nextAction = QAction("&NextGroup", self) nextAction.setShortcut(QKeySequence.Open) nextAction.setToolTip("Show next group model") nextAction.setStatusTip("Show next group model") nextAction.triggered.connect(self.next_group) saveAction = QAction("&SaveAll", self) saveAction.setShortcut(QKeySequence.Open) saveAction.setToolTip("Save all models as Image") saveAction.setStatusTip("Save all models as Image") saveAction.triggered.connect(self.save_group) saveOneAction = QAction("&SaveCurrent", self) saveOneAction.setShortcut(QKeySequence.Open) saveOneAction.setToolTip("Save current model") saveOneAction.setStatusTip("Save current model") saveOneAction.triggered.connect(self.save_one) # create toolbar toolbar = self.addToolBar("tool") toolbar.setMovable(False) toolbar.setObjectName("ToolBar") toolbar.addAction(openAction) toolbar.addAction(openoneAction) toolbar.addAction(nextAction) toolbar.addAction(saveAction) toolbar.addAction(saveOneAction) # toolbar.addAction(preAction) def closeEvent(self, event): for i in range(len(self.mdi_Win)): self.mdi_Win[i].opt_engine.quit() def open_all_file_for_model(self, file_name): mat_list = [] dir_name = "" for i in range (5): file_path = dir_name + file_name + "_" + str(i) + ".mat" data = sio.loadmat(file_path) mat_list.append(data) def get_object_model(self, dir_path): mat_file_list = [] transform_file_list = [] for file_name in os.listdir(dir_path): if file_name.endswith('.mat'): mat_file_list.append(file_name) elif file_name.endswith('.txt'): transform_file_list.append(file_name) if len(mat_file_list) != len(transform_file_list): raise KeyError("The number of mat files don't match the number of transform files") label_list = [] for mat_file in mat_file_list: cur_label = mat_file[-5: -4] label_list.append(cur_label) if len(mat_file_list[0]) == 5 and mat_file_list[0][0].isdigit(): testing_samples = True else: testing_samples = False models = [] cur_file_name = mat_file_list[0][0:-6] for cur_label in label_list: c_label = int(cur_label) if testing_samples: current_mat_file_name = "%d.mat" % (c_label) current_transform_file_name = "%d_transform_info.txt" % (c_label) else: current_transform_file_name = "%s_%d_transform_info.txt" % (cur_file_name, c_label) current_mat_file_name = "%s_%d.mat" % (cur_file_name, c_label) part_name = "%s_%d" % (cur_file_name, c_label) current_mat_file_path = "%s/%s" % (dir_path, current_mat_file_name) current_transform_file_path = "%s/%s" % (dir_path, current_transform_file_name) file = open(current_transform_file_path, 'r') is_bbox_vector = False is_min_max_value = False file_lines = file.readlines() for line in file_lines: if line == "\r\n": is_bbox_vector = False is_min_max_value = False continue if line.find("vector for representation") != -1: is_min_max_value = True is_bbox_vector = False continue if line.find("Min_Max Value") != -1: is_bbox_vector = False is_min_max_value = True continue if is_bbox_vector: value_list = line.split(' ') if is_min_max_value: line = line.strip() line = line.strip(' \t\n\r') value_list = line.split(' ') break translate_vector = [float(value_list[0]), float(value_list[1]), float(value_list[2])] value_list[3] = abs(float(value_list[3])) value_list[4] = abs(float(value_list[4])) value_list[5] = abs(float(value_list[5])) min_max_value_list = [(float(value_list[0]) - float(value_list[3]) / 2), (float(value_list[1]) - float(value_list[4]) / 2), (float(value_list[2]) - float(value_list[5]) / 2), (float(value_list[0]) + float(value_list[3]) / 2), (float(value_list[1]) + float(value_list[4]) / 2), (float(value_list[2]) + float(value_list[5]) / 2)] # These three values represent the length, width, height of a bounding box dim_list = [float(value_list[3]), float(value_list[4]), float(value_list[5])] mat_data = sio.loadmat(current_mat_file_path) array = mat_data['voxels3D'] model = {'name': part_name, 'model': array, 'translate_vector': translate_vector, 'dim_vecetor': dim_list, 'min_max_value': min_max_value_list} models.append(model) model_dict = {'name': cur_file_name, 'model': models} # self.models.append(model_dict) return model_dict def open_one_file(self): self.models_count = 0 dir_ = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(None, 'Select a folder:', '.', QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly) self.files.append(dir_) model_dict = self.get_object_model(dir_) self.models.append(model_dict) self.models_count = 1 self.current_index = self.current_index + 1 self.banch = 1 self.view_model() def open_file(self): self.banch = 8 self.models_count = 0 dir_ = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(None, 'Select a folder:', '.', QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly) for filename in os.listdir(dir_): self.files.append(dir_ + '/' + filename) obj_names = [f_path for f_path in os.listdir(dir_) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dir_, f_path))] obj_names.sort() # fileList contains all the file pathes beyond a certain category obj_file_pathes = [os.path.join(dir_, f_path) for f_path in obj_names if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dir_, f_path))] self.files = obj_file_pathes if obj_names[0].find('iter_') != -1: def key_word(item): return int(item.split('_')[-1]) self.files.sort(key=key_word) for idx in range(0, self.banch): if (len(self.files) > 0): obj_file_path = self.files.pop() obj_file_path = obj_file_path.strip(' \t\n\r') print( 'current path: ' + obj_file_path) model_dict = self.get_object_model(obj_file_path) self.models.append(model_dict) self.models_count = self.models_count + 1 self.current_index = 0 self.banch = self.models_count self.view_model() # TODO This function is important def view_model(self): start = self.current_index banch = self.banch end = start + banch width = (self.width * 2 / 8) * 0.95 height = (self.height / 2) * 0.95 mainWidth = width + 10 mainHeight = height + 10 self.setWindowTitle("model_view models_count:" + str(len(self.files))) for index in range(start, end): if (len(self.models) <= 0): break # Obtain one new model to display model = self.models.pop() # Update the number of models to show self.models_count = self.models_count - 1 # Add one more sub-frame to the main window self.frame.append(QFrame()) self.mdi_Win.append(MySubWindow()) self.mdi_Win[index].opt_engine = ConstrainedOpt(model, index) self.mdi_Win[index].setWindowTitle("model_" + model['name']) self.mdi_Win[index].setGeometry(0, 0, mainWidth, mainHeight) self.viewerWidget.append( GUIViewer(self.frame[index], self.mdi_Win[index].opt_engine)) self.viewerWidget[index].resize(width, height) viewerBox = QVBoxLayout() viewerBox.addWidget(self.viewerWidget[index]) self.frame[index].setLayout(viewerBox) self.mdi_Win[index].setWidget(self.frame[index]) self.viewerWidget[index].interactor.Initialize() self.mdi_Win[index].opt_engine.signal_update_voxels.connect(self.viewerWidget[index].update_actor) self.mdi_Win[index].signal_save_image.connect(self.viewerWidget[index].save_image2) self.signal_save_images.connect(self.viewerWidget[index].save_image1) self.mdi_Win[index].opt_engine.start() self.mdi_Area.addSubWindow(self.mdi_Win[index]) self.mdi_Win[index].show() print('success') # def pre_group(self): # self.current_index = self.current_index - self.banch # if self.current_index < 0: # self.current_index = 0 # for i in range(len(self.mdi_Win)): # self.mdi_Win[i].close() # self.mdi_Win[:] = [] # self.frame[:] = [] # self.viewerWidget[:] = [] # self.view_model() # # self.models_count = 0 def next_group(self): self.banch = 8 for i in range(len(self.mdi_Win)): self.mdi_Win[i].close() self.mdi_Win[:] = [] self.frame[:] = [] self.viewerWidget[:] = [] self.models[:] = [] for idx in range(0, self.banch): if (len(self.files) > 0): file_path = self.files.pop() print( 'current path: ' + file_path) file_path = file_path.strip(' \t\n\r') model_dict = self.get_object_model(file_path) self.models.append(model_dict) self.models_count = 1 + self.models_count self.current_index = 0 self.banch = self.models_count self.view_model() def save_group(self): file_path = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, "Open a folder", ".", QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly) self.signal_save_images.emit(file_path) def save_one(self): self.mdi_Area.currentSubWindow().signal_save_image.emit('save_image') def setCamera(self): self.camerax = float(unicode(self.valuex.text())) self.cameray = float(unicode(self.valuey.text())) self.cameraz = float(unicode(self.valuez.text())) valuex = self.camerax valuey = self.cameray valuez = self.cameraz self.signal_setCamera.emit(valuex, valuey, valuez) if __name__ == "__main__": app = QApplication(sys.argv) desktopWidget = QApplication.desktop() screenRect = desktopWidget.screenGeometry() app.setStyleSheet(qdarkstyle.load_stylesheet_pyqt5()) window = MainWindow(screenRect.width(),screenRect.height()) window.setWindowTitle("model_view") sys.exit(app.exec_())