RNN_STATE_DIM: 512 # the feature dimension for RNNs RNN_CELL_DEPTH: 2 # the depth for RNNs EMBEDDING_VECOTR_SIZE: 200 # the size of embedding vector in the network LEAK_VALUE: 0.05 # the value of leak relu CUBE_LEN: 32 # used to describe the resolution of the voxelization map BOUNDING_BOX_SIZE: 6 # the size of feature vector of bounding box TRAIN: BATCH_SIZE: 10 # mini batch size GPU_ID: [0] # the gpus for training # Loss hyperparameters VOXEL_BBOX_LOSS_RATIO: 0.4 # The training loss weight GRAPH_REC_KL_LOSS_RATIO: 0.99 RECON_GEN_INITIAL_LOSS_RATIO: 1.0 # control the influence between reconstruction and generation loss RECON_GEN_RATIO_GAMMA: 0.9 RECON_GEN_DECAY_STEP: 1500 KL_ANNEAL_ITER: 72000 FINAL_KL_RATIO: 0.8 # Learning rate VERT_LEARNING_RATE: 0.6 # Learning rate decay VERT_GAMMA: 0.9 VERT_LR_DECAY_STEP: 2300 EDGE_LEARNING_RATE: 0.1 EDGE_GAMMA: 0.9 EDGE_LR_DECAY_STEP: 1850 GRAPH_GEN_LEARNING_RATE: 0.1 GRAPH_GEN_GAMMA: 0.9 GRAPH_GEN_LR_DECAY_STEP: 1600 ITER_NUM: 80000 SNAPSHOT_FREQ: 2000 # The frequency to save model snapshot and summary SUMMARY_FREQ: 20 EXCHANGE_NUM: 3 # The iteration number when exchange geometry and structure information DROPOUT_KEEP_PROB: 0.5 MAX_GRADIENT_NORM: 0.5 MOMENTUM_VALUE: 0.9 RANDOM_SEED: 20 OPTIMIZER_TYPE: "momentum" VOXEL_DEFAULT_VALUE: 0.1 DIR_PATH: '../../data/SAG/training_data/' RESULTS_DIRECTORY: 'nn_exp_results/reconstruction_results/' LOG_DIRECTORY: 'nn_exp_results/logs/' MODEL_DIRECTORY: 'nn_exp_results/models/' PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH: '' SHAPE_NAME: 'chair' TEST: GPU_ID: [0] # the gpus for testing SAMPLE_SIZE: 100 RESULTS_DIRECTORY: 'nn_exp_results/testing_results/' # PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH: 'nn_exp_results/models/motorbike_2019_08_18_01_25_33/motorbike_79999.ckpt' PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH: 'nn_exp_results/models/chair_2023_09_20_00_16_45/checkpoint'