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from torch import nn
from torch.autograd import Function
import torch
import numpy as np
import time
#import feconv_cuda
def KUperEleComputation():
resolution = 2
from mesh3D import mesh3D,edofMatrix
eleidx,MESH,V = mesh3D(resolution)
edofMat = edofMatrix(MESH)
idofidx = 39
nele = edofMat.shape[0]
for iele in range(nele):
edof = edofMat[iele,:]
for j in range(24):
if edof[j]==idofidx:
for k in range(24):
print(f"Ke[{j},{k}]*U[{edof[k]}] + ",end = ' ')
# Ke[j,:]*U[edof]
print(' ')
def Utensor2vec(U):
if len(U.shape)==5:#[bs,18,resolution,resolution,resolution]
size = U.shape[0]
U = U.permute((0,1,4,3,2))
if U.shape[1]==18:
ref18 = U.contiguous().view(size,18,-1) #[bs,18,40**3]
permuteList = (0,2,1)
map0 = ref18[:,0:3].permute(permuteList).contiguous().view(size,-1,1)
map1 = ref18[:,3:6].permute(permuteList).contiguous().view(size,-1,1)
map2 = ref18[:,6:9].permute(permuteList).contiguous().view(size,-1,1)
map3 = ref18[:,9:12].permute(permuteList).contiguous().view(size,-1,1)
map4 = ref18[:,12:15].permute(permuteList).contiguous().view(size,-1,1)
map5 = ref18[:,15:18].permute(permuteList).contiguous().view(size,-1,1)
ref_map =[map0,map1,map2,map3,map4,map5], 2)# [bs,3*40**3,6]
if U.shape[1]==3:#[bs,3,resolution,resolution,resolution]
ref3 = U.contiguous().view(size,3,-1) #[bs,18,40**3]
ref_map = ref3.permute((0,2,1)).contiguous().view(size,-1,1)# [bs,3*40**3,1]
if len(U.shape)==4:#[3,resolution,resolution,resolution]
size = 1
ref3 = U.contiguous().view(size,3,-1) #[bs,18,40**3]
ref_map = ref3.permute((0,2,1)).contiguous().view(size,-1,1)# [bs,3*40**3,1]
return ref_map
def AssembleGlobalK(x,Ke,edofMat,ndof,nele):
from scipy import sparse
penal = 1;
rho = x.flatten()#[:nele]
Emin = 0#1e-9;
rho = np.maximum(rho,Emin)
iK = np.kron(edofMat,np.ones((24,1))).flatten()
jK = np.kron(edofMat,np.ones((1,24))).flatten()
sK = ((Ke.flatten()[np.newaxis]).T*(rho**penal)).flatten(order='F')
K = sparse.coo_matrix((sK, (iK, jK)), shape=(ndof, ndof)).tocsc()
return K
def AssembleGlobalKF(x,Ke,Fe,edofMat,ndof,nele):
from scipy import sparse
penal = 1;
rho = x.flatten()#[:nele]
Emin = 0#1e-9;
rho = np.maximum(rho,Emin)
iK = np.kron(edofMat,np.ones((24,1))).flatten()
jK = np.kron(edofMat,np.ones((1,24))).flatten()
sK = ((Ke.flatten()[np.newaxis]).T*(rho**penal)).flatten(order='F')
K = sparse.coo_matrix((sK, (iK, jK)), shape=(ndof, ndof)).tocsc()
iF = np.kron(edofMat,np.ones((6,1))).flatten()
jF = np.kron(np.repeat(np.array(range(6))[np.newaxis],nele,axis = 0),np.ones((1,24))).flatten()
sF = ((Fe.flatten(order='F')[np.newaxis]).T*(rho**penal)).flatten(order='F')
F = sparse.coo_matrix((sF, (iF, jF)), shape=(ndof, 6)).tocsc()
return K,F
def data_pre_dtype(batchsize = 1,resolution = 40,isFloat64=False):
U,rho,Ke,Fe,edofMat = data_pre(batchsize,resolution)
if isFloat64:
U = U.double()
rho = rho.double()
Ke = Ke.astype(np.float64)
Fe = Fe.astype(np.float64)
return U,rho,Ke,Fe,edofMat
def data_pre(batchsize = 1,resolution = 40):
# resolution = 40
print(f'**** batchsize = {batchsize}, resolution = {resolution} ****')
U = torch.rand((batchsize,18,resolution,resolution,resolution),dtype = torch.float)
# U = torch.ones((batchsize,18,resolution,resolution,resolution),dtype = torch.float)
rho = torch.rand((batchsize,1,40,40,40),dtype = torch.float)
# rho = torch.ones((batchsize,1,resolution,resolution,resolution),dtype = torch.float)
rho[rho<=0.5] = 0
rho[rho >0.5] = 1
print('discret rho:', torch.abs((rho-1)*rho).max())
# resolution = 40
E = 1e6; nu = 0.3
from ConstMatricesForHomogenization import ISOelasticitytensor,LocalKeFe
D0 = ISOelasticitytensor(E, nu)
Ke,Fe,intB = LocalKeFe(resolution,D0)
h = 1.0/resolution
nele = resolution**3
I = np.eye(6)
datashape = resolution
# Ke = torch.from_numpy(Ke).to(device)
# Fe = torch.from_numpy(Fe).to(device)
from PeriodicMesh3D import PeriodicMesh3D,edofMatrix
eleidx,MESH,V = PeriodicMesh3D(resolution)
# from mesh3D import mesh3D,edofMatrix
# eleidx,MESH,V = mesh3D(resolution)
edofMat = edofMatrix(MESH)
print('====================== data prepared for homogenization')
# Ke = np.ones(Ke.shape,dtype = Ke.dtype)
# Ke = np.eye(24,dtype = Ke.dtype)
# Ke[0,1] = 1
return U,rho,Ke,Fe,edofMat
def originalMethod_check(output_img,input,Ke, edofMat):
size = input.shape[0]
# 3d rho的顺序?
pp = input.view(size, -1, 1, 1)
K = pp * Ke # [bs, 8000, 24, 24]
# F = pp * Fe # [bs, 8000, 24, 6]
ref18 = output_img.contiguous().view(size,18,-1) #[bs,18,40**3]
map0 = ref18[:,0:3].permute((0,2,1)).contiguous().view(size,-1,1)
map1 = ref18[:,3:6].permute((0,2,1)).contiguous().view(size,-1,1)
map2 = ref18[:,6:9].permute((0,2,1)).contiguous().view(size,-1,1)
map3 = ref18[:,9:12].permute((0,2,1)).contiguous().view(size,-1,1)
map4 = ref18[:,12:15].permute((0,2,1)).contiguous().view(size,-1,1)
map5 = ref18[:,15:18].permute((0,2,1)).contiguous().view(size,-1,1)
ref_map =[map0,map1,map2,map3,map4,map5], 2)# [bs,3*40**3,6]
# ref_map[:,0:3,:] = 0
U = ref_map[:, edofMat, :]#[bs,40^3,24,6]
UT = U.permute([0, 1, 3, 2])
# losst1 = torch.matmul(torch.matmul(UT, K), U).sum()
# print(losst1)
# FU = (U * F).sum()
# losst1 =
UKU = torch.matmul(torch.matmul(UT, K), U)
UKU0 = UKU[:,:,0,0].sum()
UKU1 = UKU[:,:,1,1].sum()
UKU2 = UKU[:,:,2,2].sum()
UKU3 = UKU[:,:,3,3].sum()
UKU4 = UKU[:,:,4,4].sum()
UKU5 = UKU[:,:,5,5].sum()
losst1 = UKU0+UKU1+UKU2+UKU3+UKU4+UKU5
return losst1
def datapre_feconv(U,rho,Ke):
from periodicU import periodicU
U = periodicU(U)
from getTypeH8 import typeH8
H8types = typeH8(rho)
H8types =
from arrangeIndex import arrangeIndex
nodIdx = arrangeIndex()
nodIdx = nodIdx.astype(np.int32)
from symbolicExec_vec2 import getFilters
filters = getFilters(Ke)
# filters = filters.astype(np.float32)
nodIdx = torch.from_numpy(nodIdx)
filters = torch.from_numpy(filters)
print('====================== data prepared for FEconv')
print('* U:', U.shape, U.dtype)
print('* H8types:',H8types.shape, H8types.dtype)
print('* nodIdx:', nodIdx.shape, nodIdx.dtype)
print('* filters:',filters.shape, filters.dtype)
return U,H8types,nodIdx,filters
def feconv_check(U,rho,Ke,ibatch,outidx,Idxx,Idxy,Idxz):
U,H8types,nodIdx,filters = datapre_feconv(U,rho,Ke)
from feconv import FECONV
from feconv import FEconvFunction
print('FECONV imported')
device = torch.device(f"cuda:{0}" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
print("DEVICE : ", device)
U =
H8types =
nodIdx =
filters =
# print("INPUT info.:----------------------------------")
# print('* U :',U.cpu().numpy().shape,U.dtype,U.sum().cpu().numpy())
# print('* H8types :',H8types.cpu().numpy().shape,H8types.dtype,H8types.sum().cpu().numpy(),H8types.min().cpu().numpy(),H8types.max().cpu().numpy())
# print('* nodIdx :',nodIdx.cpu().numpy().shape,nodIdx.dtype,nodIdx.sum().cpu().numpy(),nodIdx.min().cpu().numpy(),nodIdx.max().cpu().numpy())
# print('* filters :',filters.cpu().numpy().shape,filters.dtype,abs(filters).sum().cpu().numpy())
steps = 10
convOP = FECONV().to(device)
start = time.perf_counter()
# for i in range(steps):
KU = convOP(U,H8types,nodIdx,filters)
# KU = FEconvFunction.apply(U,H8types,nodIdx,filters)
uku = (KU*U).sum((2,3,4))
uku1 = uku.view(-1,6,3).sum((2))
elapsed = time.perf_counter() - start
print(f"elapsed in {elapsed} s")
print("OUTPUT info.:---------------------------------")
print('* KU :',KU.shape,KU.dtype,KU.device)
print('* U :',U.shape,U.dtype,U.device)
#uku2 = uku.view(-1,3,6).sum((1))
print('* UKU :',uku1.shape,uku1.dtype,uku1.device)
sum0 = uku[0,:3].sum()
print(uku1.shape, uku1[0,0]-sum0)
# ibatch = 0; outidx = 1; Idxx = 1; Idxy = 2; Idxz =3;
print(f'KU[{ibatch},{outidx},{Idxx},{Idxy},{Idxz}] = ',KU[ibatch,outidx,Idxx,Idxy,Idxz])
def oricheck(U,rho,Ke,edofMat):
device = torch.device(f"cuda:{0}" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
print("DEVICE : ", device)
edofMat = torch.from_numpy(edofMat).to(device).long()
Ke = torch.from_numpy(Ke).to(device)
rho =
U =
print("INPUT info.:----------------------------------")
print('* U :',U.cpu().numpy().shape,U.dtype,U.sum().cpu().numpy())
print('* rho :',rho.cpu().numpy().shape,rho.dtype,rho.sum().cpu().numpy(),rho.min().cpu().numpy(),rho.max().cpu().numpy())
print('* edofMat :',edofMat.cpu().numpy().shape,edofMat.dtype,edofMat.sum().cpu().numpy(),edofMat.min().cpu().numpy(),edofMat.max().cpu().numpy())
print('* Ke :',Ke.cpu().numpy().shape,Ke.dtype,abs(Ke).sum().cpu().numpy())
start = time.perf_counter()
losst1 = originalMethod_check(U,rho,Ke, edofMat)
elapsed = time.perf_counter() - start
print(f"elapsed in {elapsed} s")
def assembleKU_check(rho,U,Ke,Fe,edofMat,ibatch,outidx,Idxx,Idxy,Idxz):
x = rho[0,0].cpu().numpy()
resolution = x.shape[0]
nele = resolution**3; ndof = nele#3*(resolution+1)**3
K,F = AssembleGlobalKF(x,Ke,Fe,edofMat,ndof,nele)
ref_map = Utensor2vec(U)
uku = np.zeros((6))
for i in range(6):
Uvec = ref_map[0,:,[i]].cpu().numpy()
uku[i] = Uvec.T @ (K@Uvec)
imap = outidx//3
Uvec = ref_map[0,:,[imap]].cpu().numpy()
KU = K@Uvec
inodidx = Idxx*resolution**2 + Idxy*resolution + Idxz
idofidx = inodidx*3 + outidx % 3
print('*** assembleKU_i = ',KU[idofidx])
# Uvec = np.ones((K.shape[0],1))
# print(Uvec[3:].T @ (K[3:,:][:,3:]@Uvec[3:]))
# Uvec[:3] = 0
# print(Uvec.T @ (K@Uvec))
def filtercheck(Ke):
from symbolicExec_vec2 import getFilters
filters = getFilters(Ke)
from symbolicExec_vec2 import symbolicExec
theta = symbolicExec(Ke,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)
for ix in range(3):
for iy in range(3):
idxx = list(np.arange(ix,24,3))
idxy = list(np.arange(iy,24,3))
print(f"ix={ix},iy={iy}: ",Ke[idxx,:][:,idxy].shape,
filters = torch.from_numpy(filters)
for ix in range(3):
for iy in range(3):
idxx = list(np.arange(ix,24,3))
idxy = list(np.arange(iy,24,3))
print(f"ix={ix},iy={iy}: ",Ke[idxx,:][:,idxy].shape,
filters = filters.float()
theta = theta.astype(np.float32)
Ke = Ke.astype(np.float32)
for ix in range(3):
for iy in range(3):
idxx = list(np.arange(ix,24,3))
idxy = list(np.arange(iy,24,3))
print(f"ix={ix},iy={iy}: ",Ke[idxx,:][:,idxy].shape,
def FEconv_Pycheck_varU(U,rho,Ke,ibatch,outidx,Idxx,Idxy,Idxz):
x = rho[0,0].cpu().numpy()
resolution = x.shape[0]
nele = resolution**3; ndof = 3*(resolution+1)**3
from mesh3D import mesh3D,edofMatrix
eleidx,MESH,V = mesh3D(resolution)
edofMat = edofMatrix(MESH)
K = AssembleGlobalK(x,Ke,edofMat,ndof,nele)
inodidx = Idxx*(resolution+1)**2 + Idxy*(resolution+1) + Idxz
idofidx = inodidx*3 + outidx % 3
print(f"outidx,Idxx,Idxy,Idxz,inodidx,idofidx = {outidx,Idxx,Idxy,Idxz,inodidx,idofidx}")
U,H8types,nodIdx,filters = datapre_feconv(U,rho,Ke)
for i in range(3):
for ix in range(2):
for iy in range(2):
for iz in range(2):
U2 = U
print(f"(i,ix,iy,iz) = {i,ix,iy,iz}")
ref_map = Utensor2vec(U2)
Uvec = ref_map[ibatch,:,outidx // 3]
Uvec = Uvec.numpy()
KU = K@Uvec
print(f', assembleKU_[{idofidx}] = ',KU[idofidx],end='')
convresult = FEconv_PyCheck_st(U2,H8types,filters,nodIdx,ibatch,outidx,Idxx,Idxy,Idxz)
def FEconv_PyCheck(U,rho,Ke,ibatch,outidx,Idxx,Idxy,Idxz):
U,H8types,nodIdx,filters = datapre_feconv(U,rho,Ke)
UKU = 0
for outidx in range(3):
for Idxx in range(40):
for Idxy in range(40):
for Idxz in range(40):
convresult = FEconv_PyCheck_st(U,H8types,filters,nodIdx,ibatch,outidx,Idxx,Idxy,Idxz)
UKU += convresult
print('ConvUKU = ',UKU)
convresult = FEconv_PyCheck_st(U,H8types,filters,nodIdx,ibatch,outidx,Idxx,Idxy,Idxz)
# for i in range(8):
# h8type = 2**i
# convresult = FEconv_PyCheck_st2(U,h8type,filters,nodIdx,ibatch,outidx,Idxx,Idxy,Idxz)
x = rho[0,0].cpu().numpy()
x = np.transpose(x,(2,1,0))
resolution = x.shape[0]
nele = resolution**3; ndof = 3*(resolution+1)**3
from mesh3D import mesh3D,edofMatrix
eleidx,MESH,V = mesh3D(resolution)
edofMat = edofMatrix(MESH)
K = AssembleGlobalK(x,Ke,edofMat,ndof,nele)
# print('global K: ',K.dtype,K.shape)
ref_map = Utensor2vec(U)
Uvec = ref_map[ibatch,:,outidx // 3]
Uvec = Uvec.numpy()
# Uvec = np.ones((K.shape[0]),dtype = K.dtype)
KU = K@Uvec
# inodidx = Idxx*(resolution+1)**2 + Idxy*(resolution+1) + Idxz
inodidx = Idxz*(resolution+1)**2 + Idxy*(resolution+1) + Idxx
idofidx = inodidx*3 + outidx % 3
print(f"outidx,Idxx,Idxy,Idxz,inodidx,idofidx = {outidx,Idxx,Idxy,Idxz,inodidx,idofidx}")
print(f'*** assembleKU_[{idofidx}] = ',KU[idofidx])
# print(KU.T)
# ndofs = K.shape[0]
# dofs=np.arange(ndofs)
# fixed = fixeddofs(resolution)
# fixed = np.array(fixed)
# free=np.setdiff1d(dofs,fixed)
for i in range(ndofs):
if K[idofidx,i] != 0:
print(f" Uvec[{i}] * K[{idofidx},{i}] = {Uvec[i]} * {K[idofidx,i]}")
# print(f"UKU = {np.ones((1,K.shape[0]),dtype = K.dtype)[:, free]@KU[free]}")
def FEconv_PyCheck_st(U,H8types,filters,nodIdx,ibatch,outidx,Idxx,Idxy,Idxz):
convresult = 0
h8type = H8types[ibatch,0,Idxx,Idxy,Idxz]
direction = outidx % 3
print(f"h8type = {h8type}, direction = {direction}")
for j in range(27):
# uidx1 = nodIdx[Idxz][Idxy][Idxx][j][0];
# uidx2 = nodIdx[Idxz][Idxy][Idxx][j][1];
# uidx3 = nodIdx[Idxz][Idxy][Idxx][j][2];
uidx1 = nodIdx[Idxx][Idxy][Idxz][j][0];
uidx2 = nodIdx[Idxx][Idxy][Idxz][j][1];
uidx3 = nodIdx[Idxx][Idxy][Idxz][j][2];
if ((uidx1+1)*(uidx2+1)*(uidx3+1)!=0):
# print(f' j={j}, uidx1={uidx1}, uidx2={uidx2}, uidx3={uidx3}')
for ix in range(3):
# print(f'ix={ix}, j={j}, uidx1={uidx1}, uidx2={uidx2}, uidx3={uidx3}')
# convresult += U[ibatch][outidx - direction + ix][uidx1][uidx2][uidx3] * filters[h8type][ix][direction][j];
# convresult += U[ibatch][outidx - direction + ix][uidx1][uidx2][uidx3] * filters[h8type][direction][ix][j];
convresult += U[ibatch][outidx - direction + ix][uidx1][uidx2][uidx3] * filters[h8type][direction][ix][j];
# ix=0
# print(f"U[{outidx - direction + ix}][{uidx1}][{uidx2}][{uidx3}] * filters[{direction}][{ix}][{j}] = {U[ibatch][outidx - direction + ix][uidx1][uidx2][uidx3]} * {filters[h8type][direction][ix][j]}")
print('convresult = ',convresult.numpy())
# tmp = filters[10,:,2,:]
# print(tmp.sum(),tmp[:,[1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11,13,14,16,17]].sum())
return convresult
def fixeddofs(resolution):
node = []
for i in [0,resolution]:
for j in [0,resolution]:
for k in [0,resolution]:
nodeidx = i*resolution**2 + j*resolution + k
fixed = []
for i in node:
for j in range(3):
return fixed
if __name__ == "__main__":
# KUperEleComputation()
print('modify mark 1')
resolution = 40
U,rho,Ke,Fe,edofMat = data_pre_dtype(batchsize = 1,resolution = resolution, isFloat64=True)
# import h5py
# matFile = "G:\FangCloudV2\个人文件\WorkFiles\MMC_DNN\morphology\Kematlab.mat"
# matData = h5py.File(matFile,'r')
# Ke = np.transpose( matData['Ke'][()])
# Ke = np.random.rand(24,24)
# for i in range(24):
# for j in range(i,24):
# Ke[i,j] = Ke[j,i]
# print('* Ke :',Ke.shape,Ke.dtype,abs(Ke).sum())
# filtercheck(Ke.astype(np.float64))
ibatch = 0; outidx = 2; Idxx = 40; Idxy = 1; Idxz = 0;
# FEconv_Pycheck_varU(U,rho,Ke,ibatch,outidx,Idxx,Idxy,Idxz)
# feconv_check(U,rho,Ke,ibatch,outidx,Idxx,Idxy,Idxz)
# ix = outidx % 3
# idxx = list(np.arange(ix,24,3))
# idxy = list(np.arange(24))
# # idxy = list(np.arange(iy,24,3))
# print(Ke[idxx,:][:,idxy].sum(),Ke[idxy,:][:,idxx].sum())
# device = torch.device(f"cuda:{0}" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
# from periodicU import periodicU
# U = periodicU(U)
# U =
# tmp = U*U
# print('tmp: ',tmp.shape,tmp.device)
# print((U*U).sum())
# oricheck(U,rho,Ke,edofMat)
# assembleKU_check(rho,U,Ke,Fe,edofMat,ibatch,outidx,Idxx,Idxy,Idxz)
# FEconv_PyCheck(U,rho,Ke)
''' '''