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#include <torch/extension.h>
#include <cuda.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <vector>
template <typename scalar_t>
__global__ void feconv_cuda_forward_kernel2(
const torch::PackedTensorAccessor<scalar_t,5,torch::RestrictPtrTraits,size_t> U,
const torch::PackedTensorAccessor<int,5,torch::RestrictPtrTraits,size_t> H8types,
const torch::PackedTensorAccessor<int,5,torch::RestrictPtrTraits,size_t> nodIdx,
const torch::PackedTensorAccessor<scalar_t,3,torch::RestrictPtrTraits,size_t> filters,
torch::PackedTensorAccessor<scalar_t,5,torch::RestrictPtrTraits,size_t> KU)
const int outidx = blockIdx.x / 41; // 0 - 17
const int Idxx = blockIdx.x % 41; // 0 - 40
//const int Idxx = threadIdx.x % 41;
//const int Idxy = threadIdx.x / 41;
// const int Idxx = blockIdx.x;
const int Idxy = blockIdx.y;
const int Idxz = blockIdx.z;
const int h8type = H8types[threadIdx.x][0][Idxx][Idxy][Idxz];
//const auto fkernels = filters[h8type];
scalar_t convresult = 0.0;
int direction = outidx % 3;
for (int ix= 0; ix < 3; ix++)
for (int j = 0; j < 27; j++)
int uidx1 = nodIdx[Idxx][Idxy][Idxz][j][0];
int uidx2 = nodIdx[Idxx][Idxy][Idxz][j][1];
int uidx3 = nodIdx[Idxx][Idxy][Idxz][j][2];
if ((uidx1+1)*(uidx2+1)*(uidx3+1)!=0)
convresult += U[threadIdx.x][outidx - direction + ix][uidx1][uidx2][uidx3] * filters[h8type][3 * direction + ix][j];
KU[threadIdx.x][outidx][Idxx][Idxy][Idxz] = convresult;
template <typename scalar_t>
__global__ void feconv_cuda_forward_kernel(
const torch::PackedTensorAccessor<scalar_t,5,torch::RestrictPtrTraits,size_t> U,
const torch::PackedTensorAccessor<int,5,torch::RestrictPtrTraits,size_t> H8types,
const torch::PackedTensorAccessor<int,5,torch::RestrictPtrTraits,size_t> nodIdx,
const torch::PackedTensorAccessor<scalar_t,3,torch::RestrictPtrTraits,size_t> filters,
torch::PackedTensorAccessor<scalar_t,5,torch::RestrictPtrTraits,size_t> KU)
//const int Idxx = threadIdx.x % 41;
//const int Idxy = threadIdx.x / 41;
const int Idxx = blockIdx.x;
const int Idxy = blockIdx.y;
const int Idxz = blockIdx.z;
const int h8type = H8types[threadIdx.y][0][Idxx][Idxy][Idxz];
const auto fkernels = filters[h8type];
scalar_t convresult = 0.0;
int direction = threadIdx.x % 3;
for (int ix= 0; ix < 3; ix++)
for (int j = 0; j < 27; j++)
int uidx1 = nodIdx[Idxx][Idxy][Idxz][j][0];
int uidx2 = nodIdx[Idxx][Idxy][Idxz][j][1];
int uidx3 = nodIdx[Idxx][Idxy][Idxz][j][2];
if ((uidx1+1)*(uidx2+1)*(uidx3+1)!=0)
convresult += U[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x - direction + ix][uidx1][uidx2][uidx3] * filters[h8type][3 * direction + ix][j];
// convresult += U[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x - direction + ix][uidx1][uidx2][uidx3] * filters[255][3 * direction + ix][j];
// convresult += filters[h8type][3 * direction + ix][j];
//KU[blockIdx.x][blockIdx.y][threadIdx.x][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.z] = 1.0;
KU[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x][Idxx][Idxy][Idxz] = convresult;
const int h8type = H8types[blockIdx.y][blockIdx.x][threadIdx.x][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.z];
const auto fkernels = filters[h8type];
scalar_t convresult = 0.0;
//blockIdx.y % 3 == 0: filters[0:3]
//blockIdx.y % 3 == 1: filters[3:6]
//blockIdx.y % 3 == 2: filters[6:9]
int direction = blockIdx.x % 3;
for (int ix= 0; ix < 3; ix++)
for (int j = 0; j < 27; j++)
int uidx1 = nodIdx[threadIdx.x][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.z][j][0];
int uidx2 = nodIdx[threadIdx.x][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.z][j][1];
int uidx3 = nodIdx[threadIdx.x][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.z][j][2];
convresult += 1.0;//U[blockIdx.x][blockIdx.y - direction + ix][uidx1][uidx2][uidx3] * filters[h8type][3 * direction + ix][j];
// scalar_t convresult = h8type*1.0;
//KU[blockIdx.x][blockIdx.y][threadIdx.x][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.z] = 1.0;
KU[blockIdx.y][blockIdx.x][threadIdx.x][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.z] = convresult;*/
torch::Tensor U,
torch::Tensor H8types,
torch::Tensor nodIdx,
torch::Tensor filters)
const auto batch_size = U.size(0);
auto KU = torch::zeros_like(U);
// const dim3 blocks(41,41,41);
// const dim3 threads(18,batch_size);
const dim3 blocks(18*41,41,41);
const dim3 threads(batch_size);
//const dim3 blocks(18,batch_size);
//const dim3 threads(41,41,41);
// const dim3 blocks(batch_size,3);
// const dim3 threads(11,11,11);
AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES(U.type(), "feconv_forward_cuda", ([&] {
feconv_cuda_forward_kernel2<scalar_t><<<blocks, threads>>>(
return {KU};
//return {U};
// torch::Tensor
torch::Tensor gradU)
auto dU = torch::zeros_like(gradU);
return {dU};