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import torch
# import torch.autograd as ag
# import torch.nn as nn
# import torch.nn.functional as F
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# loss = Loss3DgeneralMesh(data, ref, device, K, b, free, edofMat)
def Loss3DgeneralMesh(input, output, device, K, b, free, edofMat):
# eleNum = 792
nodNum = 1035
# input [bs,eleNum]
# K [eleNum,24,24]
KK = K.repeat((input.shape[0], 1, 1, 1))
# print(input.shape)
rho = input.repeat((24, 24, 1, 1)).permute([2, 3, 0, 1])
# rho*K: [bs,eleNum,24,24]
KK = KK * rho
# print(KK[idata,iele]-K[iele]*input[idata,iele])
u = torch.zeros((input.shape[0], nodNum * 3)).to(device)
u[:, free] = output # [bs,dofs]
# [bs,eleNum,24,1]
U = torch.zeros((input.shape[0], input.shape[1], 24, 1)).to(device)
U[:, :, :, 0] = u[:, edofMat]
# U[id,iele,:,0] = u[id,edofMat[iele,:]]
UT = U.permute([0, 1, 3, 2])
losst1 = torch.matmul(torch.matmul(UT, KK), U).sum()
# b = torch.from_numpy(b)
bb = b.repeat((input.shape[0], 1, 1))
bb = bb.squeeze(2)
FU = (output * bb).sum()
# print(losst1)
# print(FU)
return losst1 / 2 - FU
def shapeFunction():
gp = 0.577350269189626
gausspoint = np.zeros((8, 3), dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(2):
for j in range(2):
for k in range(2):
gausspoint[i * 4 + j * 2 + k, :] = [(-1) ** i * gp, (-1) ** j * gp, (-1) ** k * gp]
wt = np.ones((8, 1), dtype=np.float32)
r = gausspoint[:, 0]
s = gausspoint[:, 1]
t = gausspoint[:, 2]
# shape functions, [N1,N2,N3,N4;] for every gauss point
shape = np.zeros((8, 8), dtype=np.float32)
shape[:, 0] = (1 + r) * (1 + s) * (1 - t) / 8
shape[:, 1] = (1 - r) * (1 + s) * (1 - t) / 8
shape[:, 2] = (1 - r) * (1 - s) * (1 - t) / 8
shape[:, 3] = (1 + r) * (1 - s) * (1 - t) / 8
shape[:, 4] = (1 + r) * (1 + s) * (1 + t) / 8
shape[:, 5] = (1 - r) * (1 + s) * (1 + t) / 8
shape[:, 6] = (1 - r) * (1 - s) * (1 + t) / 8
shape[:, 7] = (1 + r) * (1 - s) * (1 + t) / 8
# derivatives, [dN1dxi,dN2dxi,dN3dxi,dN4dxi;] for every gauss point
dshapedr = np.zeros((8, 8), dtype=np.float32)
dshapedr[:, 0] = (1 + s) * (1 - t) / 8
dshapedr[:, 1] = -(1 + s) * (1 - t) / 8
dshapedr[:, 2] = -(1 - s) * (1 - t) / 8
dshapedr[:, 3] = (1 - s) * (1 - t) / 8
dshapedr[:, 4] = (1 + s) * (1 + t) / 8
dshapedr[:, 5] = -(1 + s) * (1 + t) / 8
dshapedr[:, 6] = -(1 - s) * (1 + t) / 8
dshapedr[:, 7] = (1 - s) * (1 + t) / 8
# [dN1deta,dN2deta,dN3deta,dN4deta;] for every gauss point
dshapeds = np.zeros((8, 8), dtype=np.float32)
dshapeds[:, 0] = (1 + r) * (1 - t) / 8
dshapeds[:, 1] = (1 - r) * (1 - t) / 8
dshapeds[:, 2] = -(1 - r) * (1 - t) / 8
dshapeds[:, 3] = -(1 + r) * (1 - t) / 8
dshapeds[:, 4] = (1 + r) * (1 + t) / 8
dshapeds[:, 5] = (1 - r) * (1 + t) / 8
dshapeds[:, 6] = -(1 - r) * (1 + t) / 8
dshapeds[:, 7] = -(1 + r) * (1 + t) / 8
dshapedt = np.zeros((8, 8), dtype=np.float32)
dshapedt[:, 0] = -(1 + r) * (1 + s) / 8
dshapedt[:, 1] = -(1 - r) * (1 + s) / 8
dshapedt[:, 2] = -(1 - r) * (1 - s) / 8
dshapedt[:, 3] = -(1 + r) * (1 - s) / 8
dshapedt[:, 4] = (1 + r) * (1 + s) / 8
dshapedt[:, 5] = (1 - r) * (1 + s) / 8
dshapedt[:, 6] = (1 - r) * (1 - s) / 8
dshapedt[:, 7] = (1 + r) * (1 - s) / 8
return wt, shape, dshapedr, dshapeds, dshapedt
def Jacobian(nodes, eles, dshapedr, dshapeds, dshapedt, eleNum):
detjacob = np.zeros((eleNum, 8), dtype=np.float32) # area
invjacob = np.zeros((eleNum, 72), dtype=np.float32);
for i in range(eleNum):
node = eles[i, :]
coord = nodes[node, :] # 8 x 3
for j in range(8): # for 8 gauss points
dNdr = dshapedr[j, :]
dNds = dshapeds[j, :]
dNdt = dshapedt[j, :]
jacob = np.array([[dNdr @ coord[:, 0], dNdr @ coord[:, 1], dNdr @ coord[:, 2]],
[dNds @ coord[:, 0], dNds @ coord[:, 1], dNds @ coord[:, 2]],
[dNdt @ coord[:, 0], dNdt @ coord[:, 1], dNdt @ coord[:, 2]]])
detjacob[i, j] = np.linalg.det(jacob)
invjacob[i, j * 9:(j + 1) * 9] = np.linalg.inv(jacob).flatten() # !!!!!!!!
# if i==0 and j==0:
# print(jacob)
# print(np.linalg.inv(jacob))
return detjacob, invjacob # eleNum x (3*3*8)
def dNdx_dNdy_dNdz_G(invjacob, dshapedr, dshapeds, dshapedt, eleNum):
dshapedx = np.zeros((eleNum, 8 * 8), dtype=np.float32)
dshapedy = np.zeros((eleNum, 8 * 8), dtype=np.float32)
dshapedz = np.zeros((eleNum, 8 * 8), dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(eleNum):
for j in range(8):
temp = invjacob[i, j * 9:(j + 1) * 9]
invJ = np.reshape(temp, (3, 3)) # check !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# if i == 0 and j == 0:
# print(invJ)
# dNdr = dshapedr[j,:]
# dNds = dshapeds[j,:]
# dNdt = dshapedt[j,:]
dNdrst = np.zeros((3, 8), dtype=np.float32)
dNdrst[0, :] = dshapedr[j, :]
dNdrst[1, :] = dshapeds[j, :]
dNdrst[2, :] = dshapedt[j, :]
temp = invJ @ dNdrst; # 3 x 8
dNdx = temp[0, :]
dNdy = temp[1, :]
dNdz = temp[2, :]
G1 = np.zeros((9, 24), dtype=np.float32)
G1[0, ::3] = dNdx
G1[1, ::3] = dNdx
G1[2, ::3] = dNdx
dshapedx[i, j * 8:(j + 1) * 8] = dNdx;
dshapedy[i, j * 8:(j + 1) * 8] = dNdy;
dshapedz[i, j * 8:(j + 1) * 8] = dNdz;
return dshapedx, dshapedy, dshapedz # ,G
def kinematicStiffnessLinear(dshapedx, dshapedy, dshapedz,eleNum):
B0 = np.zeros((eleNum, 6 * 24 * 8), dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(eleNum):
for j in range(8):
dNdx = dshapedx[i, j * 8:(j + 1) * 8]
dNdy = dshapedy[i, j * 8:(j + 1) * 8]
dNdz = dshapedz[i, j * 8:(j + 1) * 8]
B0i = np.zeros((6, 24), dtype=np.float32)
B0i[0, ::3] = dNdx;
B0i[1, 1::3] = dNdy;
B0i[2, 2::3] = dNdz;
B0i[3, ::3] = dNdy;
B0i[3, 1::3] = dNdx;
B0i[4, 1::3] = dNdz;
B0i[4, 2::3] = dNdy;
B0i[5, ::3] = dNdz;
B0i[5, 2::3] = dNdx;
# if i == 0 and j == 0:
# print(B0i[0, :])
B0[i, j * 6 * 24:(j + 1) * 6 * 24] = B0i.flatten()
return B0
def LocalStiffnessMatrix(B0, detjacob, wt, eleNum):
E = 1
nu = 0.3
D = np.zeros((6, 6), dtype=np.float32)
D[0, 0] = 1 - nu
D[1, 1] = 1 - nu
D[2, 2] = 1 - nu
D[0, 1] = nu
D[0, 2] = nu
D[1, 0] = nu
D[1, 2] = nu
D[2, 0] = nu
D[2, 1] = nu
D[3, 3] = (1 - 2 * nu) / 2
D[4, 4] = (1 - 2 * nu) / 2
D[5, 5] = (1 - 2 * nu) / 2
D = D * E / ((1 + nu) * (1 - 2 * nu))
# print(D)
K = np.zeros((eleNum, 24, 24), dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(eleNum):
Ke = np.zeros((24, 24), dtype=np.float32)
for j in range(8):
B0i = B0[i, j * 6 * 24:(j + 1) * 6 * 24]
B0i = np.reshape(B0i, (6, 24))
detJ = detjacob[i, j]
B0iT = B0i.transpose()
Ke += B0iT @ D @ B0i * detJ * wt[j]
K[i, :, :] = Ke
return K
def LocalLoad(eleNum, eles, nodes, NeumannBC):
gp = 0.577350269189626
gausspoint = np.zeros((4, 3), dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(2):
for j in range(2):
gausspoint[i * 2 + j, :] = [(-1) ** i * gp, (-1) ** j * gp, 1]
wt = np.ones((4, 1), dtype=np.float32)
r = gausspoint[:, 0]
s = gausspoint[:, 1]
t = gausspoint[:, 2]
# shape functions, [N1,N2,N3,N4;] for every gauss point
shape = np.zeros((4, 8), dtype=np.float32)
shape[:, 0] = (1 + r) * (1 + s) * (1 - t) / 8
shape[:, 1] = (1 - r) * (1 + s) * (1 - t) / 8
shape[:, 2] = (1 - r) * (1 - s) * (1 - t) / 8
shape[:, 3] = (1 + r) * (1 - s) * (1 - t) / 8
shape[:, 4] = (1 + r) * (1 + s) * (1 + t) / 8
shape[:, 5] = (1 - r) * (1 + s) * (1 + t) / 8
shape[:, 6] = (1 - r) * (1 - s) * (1 + t) / 8
shape[:, 7] = (1 + r) * (1 - s) * (1 + t) / 8
# derivatives, [dN1dxi,dN2dxi,dN3dxi,dN4dxi;] for every gauss point
dshapedr = np.zeros((4, 8), dtype=np.float32)
dshapedr[:, 0] = (1 + s) * (1 - t) / 8
dshapedr[:, 1] = -(1 + s) * (1 - t) / 8
dshapedr[:, 2] = -(1 - s) * (1 - t) / 8
dshapedr[:, 3] = (1 - s) * (1 - t) / 8
dshapedr[:, 4] = (1 + s) * (1 + t) / 8
dshapedr[:, 5] = -(1 + s) * (1 + t) / 8
dshapedr[:, 6] = -(1 - s) * (1 + t) / 8
dshapedr[:, 7] = (1 - s) * (1 + t) / 8
# [dN1deta,dN2deta,dN3deta,dN4deta;] for every gauss point
dshapeds = np.zeros((4, 8), dtype=np.float32)
dshapeds[:, 0] = (1 + r) * (1 - t) / 8
dshapeds[:, 1] = (1 - r) * (1 - t) / 8
dshapeds[:, 2] = -(1 - r) * (1 - t) / 8
dshapeds[:, 3] = -(1 + r) * (1 - t) / 8
dshapeds[:, 4] = (1 + r) * (1 + t) / 8
dshapeds[:, 5] = (1 - r) * (1 + t) / 8
dshapeds[:, 6] = -(1 - r) * (1 + t) / 8
dshapeds[:, 7] = -(1 + r) * (1 + t) / 8
dshapedt = np.zeros((4, 8), dtype=np.float32)
dshapedt[:, 0] = -(1 + r) * (1 + s) / 8
dshapedt[:, 1] = -(1 - r) * (1 + s) / 8
dshapedt[:, 2] = -(1 - r) * (1 - s) / 8
dshapedt[:, 3] = -(1 + r) * (1 - s) / 8
dshapedt[:, 4] = (1 + r) * (1 + s) / 8
dshapedt[:, 5] = (1 - r) * (1 + s) / 8
dshapedt[:, 6] = (1 - r) * (1 - s) / 8
dshapedt[:, 7] = (1 + r) * (1 - s) / 8
R = np.zeros((eleNum, 24, 1), dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(eleNum):
Rl = np.zeros((24, 1), dtype=np.float32)
if NeumannBC[i, 5] == 1:
node = eles[i, :]
coord = nodes[node, :] # 8 x 3
for j in range(4):
N = np.zeros((3, 24), dtype=np.float32)
N[0, ::3] = shape[j, :]
N[1, 1::3] = shape[j, :]
N[2, 2::3] = shape[j, :]
dN = np.zeros((3, 8), dtype=np.float32)
dN[0, :] = dshapedr[j, :]
dN[1, :] = dshapeds[j, :]
dN[2, :] = dshapedt[j, :]
J = dN @ coord
ss = J[0, :]
tt = J[1, :]
X1 = ss[0];
Y1 = ss[1];
Z1 = ss[2];
X2 = tt[0];
Y2 = tt[1];
Z2 = tt[2];
nn = np.array([Y1 * Z2 - Y2 * Z1, Z1 * X2 - Z2 * X1, X1 * Y2 - X2 * Y1])
nn_norm = (nn[0] ** 2 + nn[1] ** 2 + nn[2] ** 2) ** 0.5;
f = np.array([[0], [0], [1]])
Rl += N.transpose() @ f * nn_norm;
R[i, :, :] = Rl
return R
def dofMat(eleNum, eles):
edofMat = np.zeros((eleNum, 24), dtype=int)
for i in range(eleNum):
ele = eles[i, :]
edofMat[i, ::3] = ele * 3
edofMat[i, 1::3] = ele * 3 + 1
edofMat[i, 2::3] = ele * 3 + 2
return edofMat
def freedof(nodNum, fixednodes):
fixnodeNum = fixednodes.shape[0]
fixeddofs = np.zeros((fixnodeNum * 3, 1), dtype=int)
fixednodes = fixednodes - 1
fixeddofs[::3, 0] = fixednodes * 3
fixeddofs[1::3, 0] = fixednodes * 3 + 1
fixeddofs[2::3, 0] = fixednodes * 3 + 2
dofs = np.arange(3 * nodNum)
free = np.setdiff1d(dofs, fixeddofs)
return free
def GlobalLoad_free(eleNum,nodNum, R, edofMat, free):
b = np.zeros((nodNum * 3, 1), dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(eleNum):
dof = edofMat[i, :].tolist()
b[dof, 0] += R[i, :, 0]
return b[free]