import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.switch_backend('agg') def annealing_linear(start, end, pct): return start + pct * (end-start) def annealing_cos(start, end, pct): "Cosine anneal from `start` to `end` as pct goes from 0.0 to 1.0." cos_out = np.cos(np.pi * pct) + 1 return end + (start-end)/2 * cos_out class OneCycleScheduler(object): """ (0, pct_start) -- linearly increase lr (pct_start, 1) -- cos annealing """ def __init__(self, lr_max, div_factor=25., pct_start=0.3): super(OneCycleScheduler, self).__init__() self.lr_max = lr_max self.div_factor = div_factor self.pct_start = pct_start self.lr_low = self.lr_max / self.div_factor def step(self, pct): # pct: [0, 1] if pct <= self.pct_start: return annealing_linear(self.lr_low, self.lr_max, pct / self.pct_start) else: return annealing_cos(self.lr_max, self.lr_low / 1e4, ( pct - self.pct_start) / (1 - self.pct_start)) def adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, lr): for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr return lr def find_lr(net, trn_loader, optimizer, loss_fn, weight_bound, init_value=1e-8, final_value=10., beta=0.98, device='cuda:1'): # num = len(trn_loader) - 1 mult = (final_value / init_value) ** (1 / num) lr = init_value optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] = lr avg_loss = 0. best_loss = 0. batch_num = 0 losses = [] log_lrs = [] for (input,)in trn_loader: batch_num += 1 #As before, get the loss for this mini-batch of inputs/outputs input = optimizer.zero_grad() output = net(input) loss = loss_fn(input, output, weight_bound) # loss = criterion(outputs, labels) #Compute the smoothed loss avg_loss = beta * avg_loss + (1-beta) *loss.item() smoothed_loss = avg_loss / (1 - beta**batch_num) #Stop if the loss is exploding if batch_num > 1 and smoothed_loss > 4 * best_loss: return log_lrs, losses #Record the best loss if smoothed_loss < best_loss or batch_num==1: best_loss = smoothed_loss #Store the values losses.append(smoothed_loss) log_lrs.append(math.log10(lr)) #Do the SGD step loss.backward() optimizer.step() #Update the lr for the next step lr *= mult optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] = lr print('finished find lr') return log_lrs, losses if __name__ == '__main__': scheduler = OneCycleScheduler(lr_max=0.0005, div_factor=25., pct_start=0.3) max_iters = 200 * (5000 // 16) pcts = np.arange(max_iters) / max_iters lrs = [scheduler.step(pct) for pct in pcts] plt.plot(np.arange(max_iters), lrs) plt.savefig('one_cycle.png') plt.close()