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#include "stdafx.h"
#include "KDtree.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
// 卡箍信息
struct Clip
string name; // 名字
P coord, dir; // 坐标和方向,dir的方向视为正面
int emc; // 卡箍类型,未确定为0
double dia; // 通过卡箍的线束捆直径
double maxDia; // 卡箍允许通过的最大线束捆直径
int id; // 卡箍标号
int bundleNodeID; // 卡箍暂时属于哪个Bundle
vector<double> diaset; // 已经通过卡箍的线缆半径集合
vector<int> channelEdge; // 在近似通道中连接到的卡箍标号
bool used; // 卡箍是否被使用
emc = 0;
bundleNodeID = 0;
maxDia = MAXDia;
id = 0;
used = 0;
// 清除所有通过卡箍的线和通道信息
void clear()
bundleNodeID = 0;
used = 0;
// 在卡箍里加入直径为d的线缆
inline void addwire(double d)
dia = sqrt(dia * dia + d * d);
// 返回通过卡箍的线束捆直径
inline double getDia()
double dia1 = 1.154 * dia;
if (dia1 >= 10)
dia1 *= 1.235 / 1.154;
return dia1;
// 判断直径为d的线缆能否通过
inline bool transitable(double d)
double dia1 = sqrt(d * d + dia * dia);
dia1 = 1.154 * dia;
if (dia1 >= 10)
dia1 *= 1.235 / 1.154;
if (dia1 <= maxDia)
return true;
return false;
// 判断从p点到卡箍,应该从哪一面进入,正面为0,反面为1
inline int inDir(P p)
double angle = Angle(coord - p, dir);
if (angle > pi / 2)
return 1;
return 0;
// 卡箍集,保存所有的卡箍信息
struct ClipSet
Clip c[N]; // 卡箍集合,下标从1~clipnum
int clipnum; // 卡箍总和,卡箍标号范围1`clipnum
map<P, int> clipid; // 根据点坐标找到卡箍标号
clipnum = 0;
// 清除通过卡箍的线缆信息
void clearWire()
for (int i = 1; i <= clipnum; i++)
// 新加入一个卡箍
inline void addclip(P p, P d, string name, int emc)
c[clipnum].coord = p;
c[clipnum].coord.ref = clipnum;
c[clipnum].coord.type = 0;
c[clipnum].coord.setDir(p - d);
c[clipnum].id = clipnum;
c[clipnum].dir = p - d;
c[clipnum].name = name;
c[clipnum].emc = emc;
clipid[p] = clipnum;
// 添加通过卡箍的导线
inline void addwire(int id, double d)
inline void addwire(P &p, double d)
int id = clipid[p];
// 获取指向编号为id的卡箍的指针
Clip *getClipPointer(int id, int bundleNodeID)
if (bundleNodeID != -1)
c[id].bundleNodeID = bundleNodeID;
return &c[id];
// 判断两个卡箍是否互相为最近(已知i最近的卡箍是j)
inline bool bothConnect(int i, int j)
if (c[j].channelEdge.empty())
return false;
if (c[j].channelEdge[0] == i)
return true;
if (c[j].channelEdge.size() == 2 &&
c[j].channelEdge[1] == i)
return true;
return false;
// 判断卡箍能否通过
inline bool transitable(int id, int emc, double d)
if (c[id].emc != emc)
return false;
return c[id].transitable(d);
// 根据卡箍位置估计飞机的近似中心线
inline void computeCenter()
Ycenter = 0;
Zcenter = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= clipnum; i++)
Clip clip = c[i];
P tp = c[i].coord;
Ycenter += tp.y;
Zcenter += tp.z;
MAXX = max(MAXX, tp.x);
MINX = min(MINX, tp.x);
MAXY = max(MAXY, tp.y);
MINY = min(MINY, tp.y);
MAXZ = max(MAXZ, tp.z);
MINZ = min(MINZ, tp.z);
Ycenter /= clipnum;
Zcenter /= clipnum;
// 打印卡箍距离近似中心线的距离
inline void printDis()
for (int i = 1; i <= clipnum; i++)
Clip clip = c[i];
P tp = c[i].coord;
double dis = (Ycenter - tp.y) * (Ycenter - tp.y) + (Zcenter - tp.z) * (Zcenter - tp.z);
cout << sqrt(dis) << endl;
// 根据卡箍位置先创建一个近似的通道,每个卡箍连到距离最近的两个卡箍
inline void buildChannel()
vector<int> pointSet;
bool flag = false; // flag=true时代表这个卡箍需要重新计算
double sumDis = 300;
int sum = 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= clipnum; i++)
if (pointSet.empty() || flag)
pointSet = kdtree.search_by_dis(c[i].coord, segmentLength);
vector<pair<double, int>> vp;
for (int j = 0; j < pointSet.size(); j++)
int cid = pointSet[j];
if (cid == i)
if (c[i].coord == c[cid].coord)
double dis = distan(c[i].coord, c[cid].coord);
vp.push_back(make_pair(dis, cid));
sort(vp.begin(), vp.end());
P dir;
for (int j = 0; j < vp.size(); j++)
int cid = vp[j].second;
if (vp[j].first > 2 * sumDis / sum)
if (j == 0)
dir = c[cid].coord - c[i].coord;
sumDis += vp[j].first;
P dir2 = c[cid].coord - c[i].coord;
if (Angle(dir, dir2) >= pi / 2 - minAngle)
sumDis += vp[j].first;
if (c[i].channelEdge.size() < 2 && !flag)
flag = true, i--;
flag = false;
// 打印所有卡箍信息到clipDir文件,卡箍坐标后面会加上卡箍类型
inline void print()
ofstream ofs;"clipDir.txt", ios::out);
for (int i = 1; i <= clipnum; i++)
Clip clip = c[i];
P tp = c[i].coord;
P dirtp = c[i].dir;
ofs << tp.x << " " << tp.y << " " << tp.z;
double angel = Angle(dirtp, DX);
// if(angel>pi/2)angel=pi-angel;
// angel=min(angel,pi/2-angel);
if (angel <= minAngle || angel >= pi - minAngle)
ofs << 0 << endl;
else if (angel >= pi / 2 - minAngle && angel <= pi / 2 + minAngle)
ofs << 1 << endl;
ofs << 2 << endl;
} clipSet;