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198 lines
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#include "pch.h" // use stdafx.h in Visual Studio 2017 and earlier
#include "BranchPoint.h"
BranchPointSet branchPointSet;
void BranchPoint::init()
l = 0;
r = 1;
pc1 = pc2 = NULL;
pb1 = pb2 = NULL;
t = 0.5;
Dis = 0;
fixed = false;
position = 0;
id = 0;
bundleNodeID = 0;
used = 0;
// 初始化
// 按两个卡箍初始化
BranchPoint::BranchPoint(Clip *c1, Clip *c2)
pc1 = c1;
pc2 = c2;
Dis = distan1(c1->coord, c2->coord);
double ratio = MinClipToBranchPointDistance / Dis;
l = max(l, ratio);
r = min(r, 1 - ratio);
t = (l + r) / 2;
////cout<<"BranchPoint2: ratio:"<<ratio<<" l:"<<l<<" r:"<<r<<" t:"<<t<<endl;
coord = (c1->coord) * (1 - t) + (c2->coord) * t;
// 按卡箍和范围初始化
BranchPoint::BranchPoint(Clip *c1, Clip *c2, double L, double R)
pc1 = c1;
pc2 = c2;
Dis = distan1(c1->coord, c2->coord);
double ratio = MinClipToBranchPointDistance / Dis;
l = max(L, ratio);
r = min(R, 1 - ratio);
t = (l + r) / 2;
cout << "BranchPoint L+R: ratio:" << ratio << " l:" << l << " r:" << r << " t:" << t << endl;
coord = (c1->coord) * (1 - t) + (c2->coord) * t;
// 添加左边的分支点
void BranchPoint::addL(BranchPoint b)
pb1 = &b;
// 添加右边的分支点
void BranchPoint::addR(BranchPoint b)
pb2 = &b;
// 把左边界向右边推d距离
void BranchPoint::pushL(double d)
if (d <= 0)
l += d / Dis;
// 把右边界向左边推d距离
void BranchPoint::pushR(double d)
if (d <= 0)
r -= d / Dis;
// 固定分支点位置
void BranchPoint::fix()
if (fixed == true)
fixed = true;
t = tempt[mode];
cout << "***********";
if (!Equal(t, l) && !Equal(t, r))
cout << "-------";
cout << endl;
referClip = pc1->name;
position = t * Dis;
assert(position <= Dis);
// 通道方向反向,分支点也改变其表示形式
void BranchPoint::reverse()
referClip = pc2->name;
position = Dis - position;
// 返回分支点在分支上可以连接到的下一个点
// offSet代表分支点坐标的偏差值
vector<int> BranchPoint::getNext(int offSet)
vector<int> rc = branchPointsInSameSegment;
for (int i = 0; i < rc.size(); i++)
rc[i] += offSet;
return rc;
double BranchPoint::computeWeight(P &p, int inOut, bool reverse)
if (l >= r)
return 1e9;
if (fixed == false)
double X1 = pc1->coord.x, Y1 = pc1->coord.y, Z1 = pc1->coord.z;
double X2 = pc2->coord.x, Y2 = pc2->coord.y, Z2 = pc2->coord.z;
double X0 = p.x, Y0 = p.y, Z0 = p.z;
double FZ = (X1 - X0) * (X1 - X2) + (Y1 - Y0) * (Y1 - Y2) + (Z1 - Z0) * (Z1 - Z2);
double FM = 2 * Dis * Dis;
t = FZ / FM; // 公式法求t极小值点
t = max(t, l);
t = min(t, r);
// if(!Equal(t,l)&&!Equal(t,r))cout<<"-------"<<endl;
coord = pc1->coord * (1 - t) + pc2->coord * t;
coord.type = 1;
if (reverse)
return distan(p, coord, inOut, 0);
return distan(coord, p, 0, inOut);
// 记录分支点最优位置
void BranchPoint::recordPos(int mode)
// if(!Equal(t,l)&&!Equal(t,r))cout<<"-------"<<endl;
// else t=(l+r)/2;
tempt[mode] = t;
void BranchPoint::check(int i)
// if(!Equal(t,l)&&!Equal(t,r))cout<<"--"<<i<<"--"<<endl;
branchPointNum = 0;
// 添加一个分支点,并返回指向它的指针
BranchPoint* BranchPointSet::addBranchPoint(Clip* pc1, Clip* pc2, int bundleNodeID)
b[branchPointNum] = BranchPoint(pc1, pc2);
b[branchPointNum].bundleNodeID = bundleNodeID;
b[branchPointNum].id = branchPointNum;
b[branchPointNum].coord.type = 1;
b[branchPointNum].coord.ref = branchPointNum;
return &b[branchPointNum];
// 获取指向编号为id的分支点的指针
BranchPoint* BranchPointSet::getBranchPointPointer(int id)
assert(id >= 1 && id <= branchPointNum);
return &b[id];