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10 months ago
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Point.h"
#include "Geometry.h"
#include "Intersection.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
10 months ago
using namespace std;
// ���ļ�����һЩ����������ͨ�ú���
const int M = 10010; // ����������
const int N = 5010; // ��������
const int MaxSTL = 210000; // STL�ļ�������Ƭ��
const double MAXDia = 50; // ���������ɵ�����ֱ��
const int maxCap = 50; // ���������ɵ�����������
const double pi = acos(-1.0); // ��
const double minAngle = pi / 144; // �ж�ƽ�кʹ�ֱ��ƫ����ֵ
const double minDis = 30; //
const double R = 2000; // �ɻ��������Ľ��ư뾶
const double MARGIN = 1000; // ���ߵĿռ䷶Χ����STLģ�����������ij���
10 months ago
const int MAXBranchPointNumOnSegment = 2; // ��֧�ϵ�������֧����
const int MAXPointNum = N + MAXBranchPointNumOnSegment * N; // ������֧���������󿨹���
double segmentLength = 0.01; //*����������֮��������룬default��0.8
const double MinClipToBranchPointDistance = 55; // ��������֧�������̾��룬default��55
const double MinBranchPointDistance = 55; // ��֧�㵽��֧�������̾��룬default��55
P DX = P(1, 0, 0);
P DY = P(0, 1, 0);
P DZ = P(0, 0, 1);
// X��Y��Z��������
double Ycenter, Zcenter; // �ɻ���Y��Z����������
double MAXX = -1e9, MINX = 1e9, MAXY = -1e9, MINY = 1e9, MAXZ = -1e9, MINZ = 1e9; // ���������귶Χ
vector<Vec3f> vertices; // VS2008
vector<Vec3u> indices; // VS2008
10 months ago
Mesh mesh;
const double intersection_distance = 1;
int intersection_model = 0;
10 months ago
typedef P Point3;
typedef P Vector3;
// �ж�y�Ƿ���[x-margin,z+margin]�ķ�Χ��
inline bool inmid(double x, double y, double z, double margin = MARGIN)
return y >= x - margin && y <= z + margin;
10 months ago
inline bool inbox(P &p)
return inmid(MINX, p.x, MAXX) && inmid(MINY, p.y, MAXY) && inmid(MINZ, p.z, MAXZ);
10 months ago
// ��d��0�Ƚϣ���������
inline int dcmp(double d)
if (d < -eps)
return -1;
else if (d > eps)
return 1;
10 months ago
return 0;
// �����ľ��뺯��
10 months ago
inline double distan1(P &p1, P &p2)
double x = p1.x - p2.x, y = p1.y - p2.y, z = p1.z - p2.z;
return sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
10 months ago
inline double distan2(P &p1,P &p2){
static double penalty_par=1;
LineSegment lineSegment(Vec3f(p1.x, p1.y, p1.z),Vec3f(p2.x, p2.y, p2.z));
static BVH_intersection bvh(mesh);
bool hit = bvh.intersectWithLineSegment(lineSegment);
10 months ago
double x=p1.x-p2.x,y=p1.y-p2.y,z=p1.z-p2.z;
return sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z)*penalty_par;
inline double Dot(Vector3 &A, Vector3 &B) { return A.x * B.x + A.y * B.y + A.z * B.z; }
inline double Length(Vector3 &A) { return sqrt(Dot(A, A)); }
inline double Angle(Vector3 &A, Vector3 &B) { return acos(Dot(A, B) / Length(A) / Length(B)); }
inline double DistanceToPlane(Point3 &p, Point3 &p0, Vector3 &n)
return fabs(Dot(p - p0, n)); // ������ȡ����ֵ���õ�������������
inline int ParallelorVertical(P &p1, P &p2)
10 months ago
double angel = Angle(p1, p2);
if (angel <= minAngle || angel >= pi - minAngle)
return 1;
else if (angel >= pi / 2 - minAngle && angel <= pi / 2 + minAngle)
return 2;
10 months ago
return 0;
inline Point3 GetPlaneProjection(Point3 &p, Point3 &p0, Vector3 &n)
10 months ago
return p - n * Dot(p - p0, n);
10 months ago
inline Point3 LinePlaneIntersection(Point3 &p1, Point3 &p2, Point3 &p0, Vector3 &n)
10 months ago
Vector3 v = p2 - p1;
double t = (Dot(n, p0 - p1) / Dot(n, p2 - p1)); // �жϷ�ĸ�Ƿ�Ϊ 0
return p1 + v * t; // �������߶Σ��ж� t �Dz����� 0 �� 1 ֮��
10 months ago
inline Vector3 Cross(Vector3 A, Vector3 B)
10 months ago
return Vector3(A.y * B.z - A.z * B.y, A.z * B.x - A.x * B.z, A.x * B.y - A.y * B.x);
10 months ago
inline double Area2(Point3 &A, Point3 &B, Point3 &C) { return Length(Cross(B - A, C - A)); }
10 months ago
AB type!=0ʱDzǿӦinOutû
inline double distan(P A, P B, int inOut1, int inOut2)
// static int out1;
// cout<<"out:"<<out1++<<endl;
static double penalty_par_intersection = 1;
static double penalty_par_distance = 1;
// cout<<"out1"<<endl;
double angel = Angle(A - B, DX);
if (angel > pi / 2)
angel = pi - angel;
angel = min(angel, pi / 2 - angel);
double len = distan1(A, B);
if (intersection_model == 1)
10 months ago
LineSegment lineSegment(Vec3f(A.x, A.y, A.z), Vec3f(B.x, B.y, B.z));
10 months ago
static BVH_intersection bvh(mesh);
bool hit = bvh.intersectWithLineSegment(lineSegment);
if (hit == 0)
penalty_par_intersection = 1;
10 months ago
penalty_par_intersection = 400;
// ע��Ч����
// if(len>intersection_distance)
// penalty_par_distance=8;
// else
// penalty_par_distance=1;
10 months ago
double len1 = sqrt((A.y - Ycenter) * (A.y - Ycenter) + (A.z - Zcenter) * (A.z - Zcenter));
double len2 = sqrt((B.y - Ycenter) * (B.y - Ycenter) + (B.z - Zcenter) * (B.z - Zcenter));
if (len1 < R || len2 < R)
double angel1 = Angle(A - B, DX);
if (angel1 > pi / 2)
angel1 = pi - angel1;
10 months ago
double angel2 = Angle(A - B, DY);
if (angel2 > pi / 2)
angel2 = pi - angel2;
10 months ago
double angel3 = Angle(A - B, DZ);
if (angel3 > pi / 2)
angel3 = pi - angel3;
angel = min(angel1, min(angel2, angel3));
10 months ago
10 months ago
P C;
if (inOut1)
C.x = A.dx;
C.y = A.dy;
C.z =;
double angel2 = Angle(B - A, C);
if (A.isend == 1 || A.type != 0)
angel2 = 0;
if (inOut2)
C.x = B.dx;
C.y = B.dy;
C.z =;
double angel3 = Angle(B - A, C);
if (B.isend == 1 || B.type != 0)
angel3 = 0;
// return pow(len,angel*3+1);
double orign_distance = len * (angel * 4 + 1) + 300 * 600 * (angel2 + angel3) / len;
// cout<<"dir:"<<orign_distance<<" "<<"patch_par"<<patch_par<<endl;
// return len*(angel*4+1)+300*600*(angel2+angel3)/len;
return orign_distance * penalty_par_intersection * penalty_par_distance;
10 months ago
inline double distan(P A, P B)
// static int without1;
// cout<<"without:"<<without1++<<endl;
static double penalty_par_intersection = 1;
static double penalty_par_distance = 1;
double angel = Angle(A - B, DX);
if (angel > pi / 2)
angel = pi - angel;
angel = min(angel, pi / 2 - angel);
double len = distan1(A, B);
if (intersection_model == 1)
10 months ago
LineSegment lineSegment(Vec3f(A.x, A.y, A.z), Vec3f(B.x, B.y, B.z));
10 months ago
static BVH_intersection bvh(mesh);
bool hit = bvh.intersectWithLineSegment(lineSegment);
if (hit == 0)
penalty_par_intersection = 1;
10 months ago
penalty_par_intersection = 400;
if (len > intersection_distance)
penalty_par_distance = 8;
penalty_par_distance = 1;
10 months ago
double len1 = sqrt((A.y - Ycenter) * (A.y - Ycenter) + (A.z - Zcenter) * (A.z - Zcenter));
double len2 = sqrt((B.y - Ycenter) * (B.y - Ycenter) + (B.z - Zcenter) * (B.z - Zcenter));
if (len1 < R || len2 < R)
double angel1 = Angle(A - B, DX);
if (angel1 > pi / 2)
angel1 = pi - angel1;
double angel2 = Angle(A - B, DY);
if (angel2 > pi / 2)
angel2 = pi - angel2;
10 months ago
double angel3 = Angle(A - B, DZ);
if (angel3 > pi / 2)
angel3 = pi - angel3;
10 months ago
angel = min(angel1, min(angel2, angel3));
10 months ago
P C;
C.x = A.dx;
C.y = A.dy;
C.z =;
double angel2 = Angle(B - A, C);
angel2 = min(angel2, pi - angel2);
if (A.isend == 1 || A.type != 0)
angel2 = 0;
C.x = B.dx;
C.y = B.dy;
C.z =;
double angel3 = Angle(B - A, C);
angel3 = min(angel3, pi - angel3);
if (B.isend == 1 || B.type != 0)
angel3 = 0;
// return pow(len,angel*3+1);
double orign_distance = len * (angel * 4 + 1) + 300 * 600 * (angel2 + angel3) / len;
return orign_distance * penalty_par_intersection;
10 months ago
// ��ӡ·����Ϣ
void printPath(vector<P> vecp)
for (int j = 0; j < vecp.size(); j++)
P pp = vecp[j];
cout << setprecision(10) << "(" << pp.x << "," << pp.y << "," << pp.z << ")";
if (j != vecp.size() - 1)
cout << "->";
10 months ago
cout << endl;
10 months ago