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212 lines
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212 lines
8.2 KiB
10 months ago
#pragma once
#include <numeric>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <cstddef>
#include "Geometry.h"
struct TriangleSegmentIntersectRes {
bool hit;
float t;
TriangleSegmentIntersectRes(bool h,float tt):hit(h),t(tt){}//VS2008
triangleSegmentIntersection(const LineSegment &segment, const Vec3f &a, const Vec3f &b, const Vec3f &c) {
Vec3f e1 = b - a;
Vec3f e2 = c - a;
Vec3f s = segment.start - a;
Vec3f s1 = segment.getDir().cross(e2);
Vec3f s2 = s.cross(e1);
float s1_dot_e1 =;
float b1 = / s1_dot_e1;
float b2 = / s1_dot_e1;
if (b1 >= 0. && b2 >= 0. && b1 + b2 <= 1.) {
// hit
// return {true, / s1_dot_e1};
return TriangleSegmentIntersectRes(true, / s1_dot_e1);//VS2008
// return {false, 0.};
return TriangleSegmentIntersectRes(false, 0.f);//VS2008
class BVHNode {
size_t left;
size_t right;
size_t parent;
AABB boundingBox;
BVHNode(size_t l, size_t r, size_t p, const AABB &aabb) : left(l), right(r), parent(p), boundingBox(aabb) {}
BVHNode() : left(0), right(0), parent(0), boundingBox() {}
class BVH_intersection {
const Mesh &mesh;
std::vector<Vec3f> faceCenters;
std::vector<BVHNode> nodes;
BVH_intersection(const Mesh &mesh_) : mesh(mesh_) {
// for (const Vec3u &face: mesh.indices) {
// Vec3f center = (mesh.vertices[face[0]] + mesh.vertices[face[1]] + mesh.vertices[face[2]]) / 3.0f;
// faceCenters.push_back(center);
// }
for (std::vector<Vec3u>::const_iterator it = mesh.indices.begin();it!=mesh.indices.end();++it) {
const Vec3u& face = *it;
Vec3f center = (mesh.vertices[face[0]] + mesh.vertices[face[1]] + mesh.vertices[face[2]]) / 3.0f;
std::vector<size_t> indicesList(mesh.indices.size());
// std::iota(indicesList.begin(), indicesList.end(), 0);
for(size_t i=0;i<indicesList.size();++i){
nodes.resize(2 * mesh.indices.size() - 1);
}catch(const std::length_error& e){
std::cout<<"vector.length:"<<nodes.size()<<" resize_pa:"<<(2 * mesh.indices.size() - 1)<<std::endl;
std::cerr<<"Caught a length_error: "<<e.what()<<std::endl;
//nodes.resize(2 * mesh.indices.size() - 1);
size_t nowIdx = 0;
dfsBuild(indicesList, computeAABB(indicesList), nowIdx);
dfsBuild(std::vector<size_t> &indicesList, AABB aabb, size_t &nowIdx) {
const size_t nodeIdx = nowIdx;
if (indicesList.size() == 1) {
// leaf
// nodes[nodeIdx] = {0, indicesList[0], 0, aabb};
nodes[nodeIdx] = BVHNode(0, indicesList[0], 0, aabb);//VS2008
return nodeIdx;
// longest axis
int longAxis = -1;
float longAxisLen = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
const float axisLen = aabb.max[i] - aabb.min[i];
if (axisLen > longAxisLen) {
longAxisLen = axisLen;
longAxis = i;
// split indices list
const size_t k = indicesList.size() / 2;
// std::nth_element(indicesList.begin(), indicesList.begin() + k - 1, indicesList.end(),
// [&](const size_t &a, const size_t &b) {
// return faceCenters[a][longAxis] < faceCenters[b][longAxis];
// });
nth(indicesList, k - 1, longAxis);
std::vector<size_t> leftIndices(indicesList.begin(), indicesList.begin() + k);
std::vector<size_t> rightIndices(indicesList.begin() + k, indicesList.end());
const AABB leftAABB = computeAABB(leftIndices);
const AABB rightAABB = computeAABB(rightIndices);
const size_t leftIdx = dfsBuild(leftIndices, leftAABB, nowIdx);
const size_t rightIdx = dfsBuild(rightIndices, rightAABB, nowIdx);
// nodes[nodeIdx] = {leftIdx, rightIdx, 0, aabb};
nodes[nodeIdx] = BVHNode(leftIdx, rightIdx, 0, aabb);//VS2008
nodes[leftIdx].parent = nodeIdx;
nodes[rightIdx].parent = nodeIdx;
return nodeIdx;
bool intersectWithLineSegment(const LineSegment &lineSegment) const {
return recursiveLineSegIntersection(lineSegment, 0);
// AABB computeAABB(const std::vector<size_t> &indices) {
// AABB aabb;
// for (const size_t &idx: indices) {
// const Vec3u &face = mesh.indices[idx];
// for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
// const Vec3f &vertex = mesh.vertices[face[i]];
// for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
// aabb.min[j] = std::min(aabb.min[j], vertex[j]);
// aabb.max[j] = std::max(aabb.max[j], vertex[j]);
// }
// }
// }
// return {aabb.min, aabb.max};
// }
AABB computeAABB(const std::vector<size_t> &indices) {
AABB aabb;
for (std::vector<size_t>::const_iterator it = indices.begin();it!=indices.end();++it) {
const Vec3u &face = mesh.indices[*it];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
const Vec3f &vertex = mesh.vertices[face[i]];
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
aabb.min[j] = min(aabb.min[j], vertex[j]);
aabb.max[j] = max(aabb.max[j], vertex[j]);
return aabb;
bool recursiveLineSegIntersection(const LineSegment &lineSegment, size_t nodeIdx) const {
// segment-box intersection test
const AABB &aabb = nodes[nodeIdx].boundingBox;
const Vec3f &dir = lineSegment.getDir();
bool hit = false;
for (int i = 0; !hit && i < 3; ++i) {
float t_min = (aabb.min[i] - lineSegment.start[i]) / dir[i];
float t_max = (aabb.max[i] - lineSegment.start[i]) / dir[i];
if (t_min > t_max) {
std::swap(t_min, t_max);
if (t_min > lineSegment.getLength() || t_max < 0) return false;
Vec3f hitPt = lineSegment.start + dir * t_min;
int otherPlane1 = (i + 1) % 3, otherPlane2 = (i + 2) % 3;
if (hitPt[otherPlane1] >= aabb.min[otherPlane1] && hitPt[otherPlane1] <= aabb.max[otherPlane1] &&
hitPt[otherPlane2] >= aabb.min[otherPlane2] && hitPt[otherPlane2] <= aabb.max[otherPlane2]) {
hit = true;
if (hit) {
if (nodes[nodeIdx].left == 0) {
// leaf
Vec3u face = mesh.indices[nodes[nodeIdx].right];
TriangleSegmentIntersectRes res = triangleSegmentIntersection(lineSegment, mesh.vertices[face[0]], mesh.vertices[face[1]],
if (!res.hit || res.t < 0 || res.t > lineSegment.getLength()) return false;
return true;
} else {
// check children
return recursiveLineSegIntersection(lineSegment, nodes[nodeIdx].left) ||
recursiveLineSegIntersection(lineSegment, nodes[nodeIdx].right);
return false;
// implement nth, without std::nth_element
// kth is 0-based
void nth(std::vector<size_t> &indicesList, size_t kth, int longAxis) {
recursiveChoose(indicesList, 0, indicesList.size() - 1, kth, longAxis);
void recursiveChoose(std::vector<size_t> &indicesList, size_t begin, size_t end, size_t kth, int longAxis) {
if (begin >= end) return;
int i = begin, j = end;
while (i < j) {
while (i < j && faceCenters[indicesList[j]][longAxis] >= faceCenters[indicesList[begin]][longAxis]) j--;
while (i < j && faceCenters[indicesList[i]][longAxis] <= faceCenters[indicesList[begin]][longAxis]) i++;
std::swap(indicesList[i], indicesList[j]);
std::swap(indicesList[begin], indicesList[i]);
if (i == kth) return;
if (i < kth) recursiveChoose(indicesList, i + 1, end, kth, longAxis);
else recursiveChoose(indicesList, begin, i - 1, kth, longAxis);