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#include "pch.h" // use stdafx.h in Visual Studio 2017 and earlier
#include "Astar.h"
Astar astar;
void DSU::init(int cnt)
for (int i = 1; i <= cnt; i++)
f[i] = i;
int DSU::getrt(int x)
if (x != f[x])
return f[x] = getrt(f[x]);
return x;
void DSU::merge(int x, int y)
if (x != f[x])
x = getrt(x);
if (y != f[y])
y = getrt(y);
f[x] = y;
bool Node::operator<(Node B) const
// if(turncnt!=B.turncnt)return turncnt>B.turncnt;
return dis > B.dis;
xs = 0;
dis = 0;
turncnt = 0;
Node::Node(int xs1, int turnc, double dis1)
xs = xs1;
dis = dis1;
turncnt = turnc;
pnum = 0;
l = bend_r = 0;
tnum = 0;
pclipSet = &clipSet;
void Astar::addBranchTree(BranchTree *pbranchTree)
this->pbranchTree = pbranchTree;
// 初始化
void Astar::init()
pnum += 2;
// 添加一个卡箍点
void Astar::add_clip(P &p, P &d)
points[pnum] = p;
points[pnum].ref = pnum;
P dir = p - d;
points[pnum].dx = dir.x;
points[pnum].dy = dir.y;
points[pnum].dz = dir.z;
block[pnum] = 0;
void Astar::add_clip(Clip &cp)
points[pnum] = cp.coord;
block[pnum] = 0;
// 添加一个分支点
void Astar::add_branchPoint(BranchPoint &bp)
tnum = max(tnum, clipSet.clipnum + 2);
points[tnum] = bp.coord;
block[tnum] = 0;
Path Astar::search_pair(P &start, P &goal, P &start_dir, P &goal_dir, double dia)
this->start = start;
this->goal = goal;
this->start_dir = start_dir;
this->goal_dir = goal_dir;
path.dia = dia;
pnum -= 2;
path.dia = dia;
return path;
Path Astar::search_pair(P &start, P &goal, double dia)
this->start = start;
this->goal = goal;
path.dia = dia;
pnum -= 2;
path.dia = dia;
return path;
Path Astar::search_pair(Bund &bd)
this->start = bd.start;
this->goal = bd.goal;
pnum -= 2;
path.wirelist = bd.wirenamelist;
path.dia = bd.dia;
tnum = max(tnum, clipSet.clipnum + 2);
return path;
void Astar::searchForPreProcess()
while (!pq.empty())
points[++pnum] = start;
points[++pnum] = goal;
S = pnum - 1;
T = pnum;
for (int i = 1; i <= 2 * tnum + 2; i++)
vis[i] = 0, dis[i] = Node(i, 1000, 1e9), pre[i] = 0;
dis[S * 2] = Node(S * 2, 0, 0);
assert(pre[2 * S] == 0);
pq.push(dis[S * 2]);
vector<pair<int, int>> tempvec = basicEdge.getEXTNextPoint(points[T], pnum, 1);
vector<pair<int, int>> pointsConnectedToGoal;
for (int i = 0; i < tempvec.size(); i++)
int xs = tempvec[i].first;
if (!bvh.iscollect(points[xs], points[T]))
bool testflag = true;
while (!pq.empty())
Node node =;
// cout<<<<endl;
while (vis[node.xs] && !pq.empty())
node =, pq.pop();
vis[node.xs] = 1;
int xs = node.xs;
int inOut = xs % 2;
xs /= 2;
pair<int, int> currentNode = make_pair(xs, inOut);
if (xs == T)
vector<pair<int, int>> vec;
if (xs != S)
vec = basicEdge.getNextPoint(xs, inOut, pnum);
else if (xs == S && nearClip[points[xs]] != make_pair(0, 0))
vec = basicEdge.getEXTNextPoint(points[S], pnum, 0);
// cout<<vec.size()<<endl;
if (nearClip[points[T]] == make_pair(0, 0))
for (int i = 0; i < pointsConnectedToGoal.size(); i++)
if (pointsConnectedToGoal[i] == currentNode)
vec.push_back(make_pair(T, 0));
else if (nearClip[points[T]] == currentNode)
vec.push_back(make_pair(T, 0));
for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++)
int v = vec[i].first;
int mode = vec[i].second;
if (v < pnum - 1)
// if(!(pclipSet->transitable(v,0,path.dia)))continue;
// if(block[v])continue;
// cout<<v<<endl;
if (v == xs)
cout << "v==xs " << v << endl;
cout<<xs<<" "<<v<<endl;
cout<<points[xs].x<<" "<<points[xs].y<<" "<<points[xs].z<<endl;
if (points[xs] == points[v])
assert(xs != v);
assert(points[xs] != points[v]);
assert(v != pnum - 1);
// assert(pnum==2833);
assert(pre[2 * (pnum - 1)] == 0);
assert(pre[2 * (pnum - 1) + 1] == 0);
double cst = distan(points[xs], points[v], inOut, mode);
if (points[xs].type == 1 || points[xs].type == 2)
int bid = points[xs].ref;
BranchPoint *pb = branchPointSet.getBranchPointPointer(bid);
cst = pb->computeWeight(points[v], mode, 0);
if (points[v].type == 1 || points[v].type == 2)
int bid = points[v].ref;
BranchPoint *pb = branchPointSet.getBranchPointPointer(bid);
cst = pb->computeWeight(points[xs], inOut, 1);
cst += +dis[xs * 2 + inOut].dis;
if (dis[2 * v + mode] < Node(2 * v + mode, 0, cst))
dis[2 * v + mode] = Node(2 * v + mode, 0, cst);
assert(v != pnum - 1);
pre[2 * v + mode] = xs * 2 + inOut;
pq.push(dis[2 * v + mode]);
int top = 0;
int tag = T * 2;
while (pre[tag])
st[++top] = tag;
tag = pre[tag];
if (testflag)
cout << "nodeid " << tag << endl;
if (top)
st[++top] = S * 2;
for (int i = top; i > 0; i--)
int id = st[i];
if (top > 2)
if (id / 2 != S && id / 2 != T)
if (i == top - 1)
nearClip[points[S]] = make_pair(id / 2, id % 2);
if (i == 2)
nearClip[points[T]] = make_pair(id / 2, id % 2);
// if(i!=top&&i!=1)pclipSet->addwire(id,dia);
path.points.push_back(points[id / 2]);
if (i != top && i != 1 && id / 2 < pnum)
path.inOut.push_back(id % 2);
path.inOut.push_back(-1 - id % 2);
void Astar::search()
cout << "searchNum " << searchNum << endl;
while (!pq.empty())
points[++pnum] = start;
points[++pnum] = goal;
S = pnum - 1;
T = pnum;
for (int i = 1; i <= 2 * tnum + 2; i++)
vis[i] = 0, dis[i] = Node(i, 1000, 1e9), pre[i] = 0;
dis[S * 2] = Node(S * 2, 0, 0);
assert(pre[2 * S] == 0);
pq.push(dis[S * 2]);
vector<pair<int, int>> tempvec = basicEdge.getEXTNextPoint(points[T], pnum, 1);
vector<pair<int, int>> pointsConnectedToGoal;
for (int i = 0; i < tempvec.size(); i++)
int xs = tempvec[i].first;
if (!bvh.iscollect(points[xs], points[T]))
bool testflag = true;
int whilenum = 0;
while (!pq.empty())
Node node =;
// cout<<<<endl;
if (searchNum == 105)
cout << "whilenum " << whilenum << endl;
while (vis[node.xs] && !pq.empty())
node =, pq.pop();
vis[node.xs] = 1;
int xs = node.xs;
int inOut = xs % 2;
xs /= 2;
pair<int, int> currentNode = make_pair(xs, inOut);
if (xs == T)
vector<pair<int, int>> vec;
if (xs != S)
vec = basicEdge.getNextPoint(xs, inOut, pnum);
else if (xs == S && nearClip[points[xs]] != make_pair(0, 0))
vec = basicEdge.getEXTNextPoint(points[S], pnum, 0);
// cout<<vec.size()<<endl;
if (nearClip[points[T]] == make_pair(0, 0))
for (int i = 0; i < pointsConnectedToGoal.size(); i++)
if (pointsConnectedToGoal[i] == currentNode)
vec.push_back(make_pair(T, 0));
else if (nearClip[points[T]] == currentNode)
vec.push_back(make_pair(T, 0));
for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++)
int v = vec[i].first;
int mode = vec[i].second;
if (v < pnum - 1)
// if(!(pclipSet->transitable(v,0,path.dia)))continue;
// if(block[v])continue;
// cout<<v<<endl;
if (v == xs)
cout << "v==xs " << v << " " << points[v].type << endl;
if (vis[v * 2 + mode])
cout<<xs<<" "<<v<<endl;
cout<<points[xs].x<<" "<<points[xs].y<<" "<<points[xs].z<<endl;
if (points[xs] == points[v])
assert(xs != v);
assert(points[xs] != points[v]);
assert(v != pnum - 1);
// assert(pnum==2833);
assert(pre[2 * (pnum - 1)] == 0);
assert(pre[2 * (pnum - 1) + 1] == 0);
double cst = distan(points[xs], points[v], inOut, mode);
bool updatePreBranchPoint = false;
bool updateNextBranchPoint = false;
double tempPos1 = 0, tempPos2 = 0;
9 months ago
// 特殊处理分支点
if (points[xs].type == 1 || points[xs].type == 2)
int bid = points[xs].ref;
if (inOut == 0)
BranchPoint *pb = branchPointSet.getBranchPointPointer(bid);
cst = (pb->Dis) / 2;
BranchPoint *pb = branchPointSet.getBranchPointPointer(bid);
cst = pb->computeWeight(points[v], mode, 0);
updatePreBranchPoint = true;
tempPos1 = pb->t;
if (points[v].type == 1 || points[v].type == 2)
int bid = points[v].ref;
BranchPoint *pb = branchPointSet.getBranchPointPointer(bid);
if (mode == 1)
cst = (pb->Dis) / 2;
cst = pb->computeWeight(points[xs], inOut, 1);
updateNextBranchPoint = true;
tempPos2 = pb->t;
cst += dis[xs * 2 + inOut].dis;
if (dis[2 * v + mode] < Node(2 * v + mode, 0, cst))
if (updatePreBranchPoint)
this->preBranchPointPos[2 * v + mode] = tempPos1;
if (updateNextBranchPoint)
int bid = points[v].ref;
BranchPoint *pb = branchPointSet.getBranchPointPointer(bid);
dis[2 * v + mode] = Node(2 * v + mode, 0, cst);
assert(v != pnum - 1);
pre[2 * v + mode] = xs * 2 + inOut;
pq.push(dis[2 * v + mode]);
int top = 0;
int tag = T * 2;
9 months ago
while (pre[tag]) // pre[tag] 值为0导致无结果,
st[++top] = tag;
tag = pre[tag];
if (testflag)
cout << "nodeid " << tag << " ";
if (tag < (pnum - 1) * 2)
cout << basicChannel.clipType(tag / 2) << endl;
cout << -1 << endl;
if (top)
st[++top] = S * 2;
vector<double> prePos;
for (int i = top; i > 0; i--)
int id = st[i];
if (top > 2)
if (id / 2 != S && id / 2 != T)
if (i == top - 1)
nearClip[points[S]] = make_pair(id / 2, id % 2);
if (i == 2)
nearClip[points[T]] = make_pair(id / 2, id % 2);
// if(i!=top&&i!=1)pclipSet->addwire(id,dia);
path.points.push_back(points[id / 2]);
if (i != top && i != 1 && id / 2 < pnum)
path.inOut.push_back(id % 2);
path.inOut.push_back(-1 - id % 2);
for (int i = 0; i < path.points.size(); i++)
P &p = path.points[i];
if (p.type == 1 || p.type == 2)
int mode = -1 - path.inOut[i];
int bid = p.ref;
BranchPoint *pb = branchPointSet.getBranchPointPointer(bid);
pb->mode = mode;
if (mode == 1)
pb->t = prePos[i + 1];