Integration of gauss map, osculating toroidal patches, loop detection and C2 judgement to figure out the singular or loop intersection.
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#include "tinynurbs/tinynurbs.h"
#include "vector"
#include "srf_mesh.h"
#include "gauss_map.h"
#include "tinynurbs/tinynurbs.h"
#include "loop_detector.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace tinynurbs;
class SingularityJudger {
SingularityJudger(RationalSurface<float> &srf1_, RationalSurface<float> &srf2_, SrfMesh &mesh1_, SrfMesh &mesh2_);
double gaussMapTimeCost;
SrfMesh &mesh1;
SrfMesh &mesh2;
// 调用各个工具直接传入mesh信息,避免nurbs曲面的重复采样
// 但曲面参数信息仍然需要传入,因为C2C4在最小的网格的基础上还需要进一步细分采样
RationalSurface<float> &srf1;
RationalSurface<float> &srf2;
void init();
// 关注mesh的采样网格中的哪个范围
// 假设mesh.sampleLevel = 5, 则sampleRange 属于[0, 15];
bool judge(pair<int, int> focusRange_u1, pair<int, int> focusRange_v1,
pair<int, int> focusRange_u2, pair<int, int> focusRange_v2);
// 没有loop detection的版本
void judge2(pair<int, int> focusRange_u1, pair<int, int> focusRange_v1,
pair<int, int> focusRange_u2, pair<int, int> focusRange_v2);
void judge(const vector<pair<pair<int, int>, pair<int, int>>> &intersectBoxPairs,
pair<int, int> focusRange_u1, pair<int, int> focusRange_v1,
pair<int, int> focusRange_u2, pair<int, int> focusRange_v2);
vector<vector<char>> judgeRes;
constexpr static int dirs[4][2] = {{-1, 0},
{0, 1},
{1, 0},
{0, -1}};
GaussMap gaussMap1;
GaussMap gaussMap2;
dfs(set<pair<int, int>> &book, vector<vector<pair<int, int>>> &cellGroups, const LoopDetector &loopDetector, int i,
int x, int y);