Integration of gauss map, osculating toroidal patches, loop detection and C2 judgement to figure out the singular or loop intersection.
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// Created by 14727 on 2022/12/7.
#ifndef C2C4_C2C4_H
#define C2C4_C2C4_H
#include "../include/Range.h"
#include "glm/glm.hpp"
#include "srf_mesh.h"
#include "tinynurbs/tinynurbs.h"
#include "vector"
using namespace tinynurbs;
using namespace std;
class C2C4 {
// 雅可比矩阵【行】【列】<左界,右界>
vector<vector<Range>> jacobian;
* 求range去掉某一列的三阶子行列式是否含零
* @return 若去掉某些列,三阶子行列式含零,输出去掉的列号
Range determinant3(int c0, int c1, int c2);
Range determinant2(int l0, int l1, int c0, int c1);
C2C4(const SrfMesh &mesh1_, const SrfMesh &mesh2_,
RationalSurface<real> srf1_, RationalSurface<real> srf2_);
const SrfMesh &mesh1;
const SrfMesh &mesh2;
// 在给定的mesh的最小网格上重新细分的采样数目
int reSampleCnt_u = 17;
int reSampleCnt_v = 17;
RationalSurface<real> srf1;
RationalSurface<real> srf2;
pair<bool, bool> c2OrC4(int patchIdx_u1, int patchIdx_v1, int patchIdx_u2,
int patchIdx_v2);
vector<int> c4ExcludeCols;
#endif // C2C4_C2C4_H