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fine tune, mark old version functions

Dtouch 2 years ago
  1. 3
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  3. 3
  4. 251
  5. 45
  6. 11


@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
P1 := Matrix(6, 6, {(1, 1) = [0, 0, .2], (1, 2) = [0, .2, .3], (1, 3) = [0, .4, .25], (1, 4) = [0, .6, .12], (1, 5) = [0, .8, .22], (1, 6) = [0, 1, .12], (2, 1) = [.2, 0, .22], (2, 2) = [.2, .2, -.3], (2, 3) = [.2, .4, .4], (2, 4) = [.2, .6, -.1], (2, 5) = [.2, .8, -.1], (2, 6) = [.2, 1, .2], (3, 1) = [.4, 0, .18], (3, 2) = [.4, .2, -.3], (3, 3) = [.4, .4, .4], (3, 4) = [.4, .6, -.1], (3, 5) = [.4, .8, -.1], (3, 6) = [.4, 1, .23], (4, 1) = [.6, 0, .2], (4, 2) = [.6, .2, .4], (4, 3) = [.6, .4, .4], (4, 4) = [.6, .6, .4], (4, 5) = [.6, .8, .4], (4, 6) = [.6, 1, .2], (5, 1) = [.8, 0, .19], (5, 2) = [.8, .2, -.4], (5, 3) = [.8, .4, .4], (5, 4) = [.8, .6, -.27], (5, 5) = [.8, .8, -.27], (5, 6) = [.8, 1, .2], (6, 1) = [1, 0, .2], (6, 2) = [1, .2, .12], (6, 3) = [1, .4, .22], (6, 4) = [1, .6, .32], (6, 5) = [1, .8, .22], (6, 6) = [1, 1, .12]});
P2 := Matrix(6, 6, {(1, 1) = [0, 0, 0.1], (1, 2) = [0, .2, -0.1], (1, 3) = [0, .4, 0], (1, 4) = [0, .6, 0.1], (1, 5) = [0, .8, 0], (1, 6) = [0, 0.9, 0], (2, 1) = [.2, 0, 0], (2, 2) = [.2, .2, .42], (2, 3) = [.2, .4, .42], (2, 4) = [.2, .6, -.2], (2, 5) = [.2, .8, .6], (2, 6) = [.2, 1, 0], (3, 1) = [.4, 0, 0], (3, 2) = [.4, .2, -.2], (3, 3) = [.4, .4, -.2], (3, 4) = [.4, .6, .4], (3, 5) = [.4, .8, -.2], (3, 6) = [.4, 1, 0], (4, 1) = [.6, 0, 0], (4, 2) = [.6, .2, .4], (4, 3) = [.6, .4, .4], (4, 4) = [.6, .6, -.2], (4, 5) = [.6, .8, .41], (4, 6) = [.6, 1, 0], (5, 1) = [.8, 0, 0], (5, 2) = [.8, .2, .4], (5, 3) = [.8, .4, .4], (5, 4) = [.8, .6, -.2], (5, 5) = [.8, .8, .41], (5, 6) = [.8, 1, 0], (6, 1) = [1.1, 0, 0], (6, 2) = [1, .2, 0], (6, 3) = [1, .4, 0], (6, 4) = [1, .6, 0], (6, 5) = [1, .8, 0], (6, 6) = [1, 1, 0.075]});



@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
W:= Matrix([[1,1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1,1]]);
P1 := Matrix(5, 5, {(1, 1) = [0., 0., 1.], (1, 2) = [0., .2500000000, 1.], (1, 3) = [0., .5000000000, 1.], (1, 4) = [0., .7500000000, 1.], (1, 5) = [0., 1., 1.],(2, 1) = [.2500000000, 0., 1.], (2, 2) = [.2500000000, .2500000000, -5.607324097], (2, 3) = [.2500000000, .5000000000, 1.], (2, 4) = [.2500000000, .7500000000, -5.607324097], (2, 5) = [.2500000000, 1., 1.],(3, 1) = [.5000000000, 0., 1.], (3, 2) = [.5000000000, .2500000000, 1.], (3, 3) = [.5000000000, .5000000000, 12.], (3, 4) = [.5000000000, .7500000000, 1.], (3, 5) = [.5000000000, 1., 1.],(4, 1) = [.7500000000, 0., 1.], (4, 2) = [.7500000000, .2500000000, -5.607324097], (4, 3) = [.7500000000, .5000000000, 1.], (4, 4) = [.7500000000, .7500000000, -5.607324097], (4, 5) = [.7500000000, 1., 1.],(5, 1) = [1., 0., 1.], (5, 2) = [1., .2500000000, 1.], (5, 3) = [1., .5000000000, 1.], (5, 4) = [1., .7500000000, 1.], (5, 5) = [1., 1., 1.]});
P2 := Matrix(5, 5, {(1, 1) = [0., 0., -1.], (1, 2) = [0., .2500000000, -1.], (1, 3) = [0., .5000000000, -1.], (1, 4) = [0., .7500000000, -1.], (1, 5) = [0., 1., -1.],(2, 1) = [.2500000000, 0., -1.], (2, 2) = [.2500000000, .2500000000, 5.607324097], (2, 3) = [.2500000000, .5000000000, -1.], (2, 4) = [.2500000000, .7500000000, 5.607324097], (2, 5) = [.2500000000, 1., -1.],(3, 1) = [.5000000000, 0., -1.], (3, 2) = [.5000000000, .2500000000, -1.], (3, 3) = [.5000000000, .5000000000, -12.], (3, 4) = [.5000000000, .7500000000, -1.], (3, 5) = [.5000000000, 1., -1.],(4, 1) = [.7500000000, 0., -1.], (4, 2) = [.7500000000, .2500000000, 5.607324097], (4, 3) = [.7500000000, .5000000000, -1.], (4, 4) = [.7500000000, .7500000000, 5.607324097], (4, 5) = [.7500000000, 1., -1.],(5, 1) = [1., 0., -1.], (5, 2) = [1., .2500000000, -1.], (5, 3) = [1., .5000000000, -1.], (5, 4) = [1., .7500000000, -1.], (5, 5) = [1., 1., -1.]});


@ -7,11 +7,165 @@
#include "gauss_map.h"
#include "bvh.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "unordered_set"
#include "unordered_map"
array2<glm::vec3> getPtsFromStr(QString srfData);
void printCtrPtsAsQuadruples(const RationalSurface<float> &s);
void printCtrPtsAsQuadruples(const Surface<double> &s);
void sampleTimeTest(const RationalSurface<float> &s_, int sampleLevel) {
// 由于ParaSolid那边曲面参数为double类型,这里也要保证是double类型(控制变量)
RationalSurface<double> s;
vector<double> knots_u(s_.knots_u.size());
vector<double> knots_v(s_.knots_v.size());
array2<double> weights(s_.weights.rows(), s_.weights.cols());
array2<glm::vec<3, double>> control_points(s_.control_points.rows(), s_.control_points.cols());
for(int i = 0; i < s_.knots_u.size(); i++) knots_u[i] = (double)s_.knots_u[i];
for(int i = 0; i < s_.knots_v.size(); i++) knots_v[i] = (double)s_.knots_v[i];
for(int i = 0; i < s_.weights.rows(); i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < s_.weights.cols(); j++) {
weights(i, j) = (double)s_.weights(i, j);
for(int i = 0; i < s_.control_points.rows(); i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < s_.control_points.cols(); j++) {
control_points(i, j).x = (double)s_.control_points(i, j).x;
control_points(i, j).y = (double)s_.control_points(i, j).y;
control_points(i, j).z = (double)s_.control_points(i, j).z;
s.knots_u = knots_u;
s.knots_v = knots_v;
s.weights = weights;
s.control_points = control_points;
s.degree_u = s_.degree_u;
s.degree_v = s_.degree_v;
auto sampleCnt = int(pow(2, sampleLevel - 1) + 1);
auto s_first_u = *(s.knots_u.begin());
auto s_first_v = *(s.knots_v.begin());
auto s_step_u = (*(s.knots_u.end() - 1) - s_first_u) / double (sampleCnt - 1);
auto s_step_v = (*(s.knots_v.end() - 1) - s_first_v) / double (sampleCnt - 1);
// 为了分别测试赋值和求梯度的时间,这里把它们分开写了
auto startMomEval = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
for (int i = 0; i < sampleCnt; i++) {
auto u = s_first_u + s_step_u * float(i);
for (int j = 0; j < sampleCnt; j++) {
auto v = s_first_v + s_step_v * float(j);
auto eval = tinynurbs::surfacePoint(s, u, v);
// printf("(%d, %d) --> (%g, %g, %g)\n", i, j, eval.x, eval.y, eval.z);
auto endMomEval = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
printf("time cost of evaluation: %lf ms\n", std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli>(endMomEval - startMomEval).count());
auto startMomDer = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
for (int i = 0; i < sampleCnt; i++) {
auto u = s_first_u + s_step_u * float(i);
for (int j = 0; j < sampleCnt; j++) {
auto v = s_first_v + s_step_v * float(j);
auto der = tinynurbs::surfaceDerivatives(s, 1, u, v);
// if(der(0, 0) == res.evaluation[i][j]) cout<<"amazing"<<endl;
// else cout<<"what??? ("<<res.evaluation[i][j].x<<" "<<res.evaluation[i][j].y<<" "<<res.evaluation[i][j].z<<") | ("<<der(0, 0).x<<" "<<der(0, 0).y<<" "<<der(0, 0).z<<")"<<endl;
// res.tangent_u[i][j] = der(1, 0);
// res.tangent_v[i][j] = der(0, 1);
auto endMomDer = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
printf("time cost of derivatives: %lf ms\n", std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli>(endMomDer - startMomDer).count());
auto startMomScdDer = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
for (int i = 0; i < sampleCnt; i++) {
auto u = s_first_u + s_step_u * float(i);
for (int j = 0; j < sampleCnt; j++) {
auto v = s_first_v + s_step_v * float(j);
auto der = tinynurbs::surfaceDerivatives(s, 2, u, v);
auto endMomScdDer = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
printf("time cost of second derivatives: %lf ms\n", std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli>(endMomScdDer - startMomScdDer).count());
void sampleTimeTestNonRational(const RationalSurface<float> &s_, int sampleLevel) {
// 由于ParaSolid那边曲面参数为double类型,这里也要保证是double类型(控制变量)
Surface<double> s;
vector<double> knots_u(s_.knots_u.size());
vector<double> knots_v(s_.knots_v.size());
array2<glm::vec<3, double>> control_points(s_.control_points.rows(), s_.control_points.cols());
for(int i = 0; i < s_.knots_u.size(); i++) knots_u[i] = (double)s_.knots_u[i];
for(int i = 0; i < s_.knots_v.size(); i++) knots_v[i] = (double)s_.knots_v[i];
for(int i = 0; i < s_.control_points.rows(); i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < s_.control_points.cols(); j++) {
control_points(i, j).x = (double)s_.control_points(i, j).x;
control_points(i, j).y = (double)s_.control_points(i, j).y;
control_points(i, j).z = (double)s_.control_points(i, j).z;
s.knots_u = knots_u;
s.knots_v = knots_v;
s.control_points = control_points;
s.degree_u = s_.degree_u;
s.degree_v = s_.degree_v;
auto sampleCnt = int(pow(2, sampleLevel - 1) + 1);
auto s_first_u = *(s.knots_u.begin());
auto s_first_v = *(s.knots_v.begin());
auto s_step_u = (*(s.knots_u.end() - 1) - s_first_u) / double (sampleCnt - 1);
auto s_step_v = (*(s.knots_v.end() - 1) - s_first_v) / double (sampleCnt - 1);
// 为了分别测试赋值和求梯度的时间,这里把它们分开写了
auto startMomEval = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
for (int i = 0; i < sampleCnt; i++) {
auto u = s_first_u + s_step_u * float(i);
for (int j = 0; j < sampleCnt; j++) {
auto v = s_first_v + s_step_v * float(j);
auto eval = tinynurbs::surfacePoint(s, u, v);
// res.evaluation[i][j] = tinynurbs::surfacePoint(s, u, v);
auto endMomEval = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
printf("time cost of evaluation: %lf ms\n", std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli>(endMomEval - startMomEval).count());
auto startMomDer = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
for (int i = 0; i < sampleCnt; i++) {
auto u = s_first_u + s_step_u * float(i);
for (int j = 0; j < sampleCnt; j++) {
auto v = s_first_v + s_step_v * float(j);
auto der = tinynurbs::surfaceDerivatives(s, 1, u, v);
// if(der(0, 0) == res.evaluation[i][j]) cout<<"amazing"<<endl;
// else cout<<"what??? ("<<res.evaluation[i][j].x<<" "<<res.evaluation[i][j].y<<" "<<res.evaluation[i][j].z<<") | ("<<der(0, 0).x<<" "<<der(0, 0).y<<" "<<der(0, 0).z<<")"<<endl;
// res.tangent_u[i][j] = der(1, 0);
// res.tangent_v[i][j] = der(0, 1);
auto endMomDer = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
printf("time cost of derivatives: %lf ms\n", std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli>(endMomDer - startMomDer).count());
auto startMomScdDer = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
for (int i = 0; i < sampleCnt; i++) {
auto u = s_first_u + s_step_u * float(i);
for (int j = 0; j < sampleCnt; j++) {
auto v = s_first_v + s_step_v * float(j);
auto der = tinynurbs::surfaceDerivatives(s, 2, u, v);
auto endMomScdDer = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
printf("time cost of second derivatives: %lf ms\n", std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli>(endMomScdDer - startMomScdDer).count());
SrfMesh getMesh(const RationalSurface<float> &s, int sampleLevel) {
SrfMesh res;
res.sampleLevel = sampleLevel;
res.sampleCntOnSingleDir = int(pow(2, sampleLevel - 1) + 1);
auto sampleCnt = res.sampleCntOnSingleDir = int(pow(2, sampleLevel - 1) + 1);
res.evaluation = vector<vector<glm::vec3>>(res.sampleCntOnSingleDir, vector<glm::vec3>(res.sampleCntOnSingleDir));
res.tangent_u = vector<vector<glm::vec3>>(res.sampleCntOnSingleDir, vector<glm::vec3>(res.sampleCntOnSingleDir));
res.tangent_v = vector<vector<glm::vec3>>(res.sampleCntOnSingleDir, vector<glm::vec3>(res.sampleCntOnSingleDir));
@ -22,26 +176,62 @@ SrfMesh getMesh(const RationalSurface<float> &s, int sampleLevel) {
auto s_step_u = (*(s.knots_u.end() - 1) - s_first_u) / float(res.sampleCntOnSingleDir - 1);
auto s_step_v = (*(s.knots_v.end() - 1) - s_first_v) / float(res.sampleCntOnSingleDir - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < res.sampleCntOnSingleDir; i++) {
// evaluation correction test
auto u = 0.35f;
auto v = 0.35f;
auto pt = tinynurbs::surfacePoint(s, u, v);
printf("pt on u = %g, v = %g is (%f, %f, %f)\n", u, v, pt.x, pt.y, pt.z);
auto der = tinynurbs::surfaceDerivatives(s, 1, u, v);
auto du = der(1, 0);
auto dv = der(0, 1);
printf("derivatives of u when u = %g, v = %g is (%f, %f, %f)\n", u, v, du.x, du.y, du.z);
printf("derivatives of v when u = %g, v = %g is (%f, %f, %f)\n", u, v, dv.x, dv.y, dv.z);
// end of correction test
for (int i = 0; i < sampleCnt; i++) {
auto u = s_first_u + s_step_u * float(i);
for (int j = 0; j < res.sampleCntOnSingleDir; j++) {
for (int j = 0; j < sampleCnt; j++) {
auto v = s_first_v + s_step_v * float(j);
res.evaluation[i][j] = tinynurbs::surfacePoint(s, u, v);
auto der = tinynurbs::surfaceDerivatives(s, 1, u, v);
// if(der(0, 0) == res.evaluation[i][j]) cout<<"amazing"<<endl;
// else cout<<"what??? ("<<res.evaluation[i][j].x<<" "<<res.evaluation[i][j].y<<" "<<res.evaluation[i][j].z<<") | ("<<der(0, 0).x<<" "<<der(0, 0).y<<" "<<der(0, 0).z<<")"<<endl;
res.tangent_u[i][j] = der(1, 0);
res.tangent_v[i][j] = der(0, 1);
res.normal[i][j] = glm::normalize(glm::cross(res.tangent_u[i][j], res.tangent_v[i][j]));
return res;
array2<glm::vec3> getPtsFromStr(QString srfData);
int dirs[4][2] = {{-1, 0},
{0, 1},
{1, 0},
{0, -1}};
void dfs(const map<pair<int, int>, set<pair<int, int>>>& pairMap,
// unordered_map<pair<int, int>, char> &book,
set<pair<int, int>>& book,
// vector<vector<pair<pair<int, int>, pair<int, int>>>> &boxGroups,
vector<vector<pair<int, int>>> &boxGroups,
int x, int y, int iOfGroup) {
// book[{x, y}] = 1;
// book.insert(pair<pair<int, int>, char>(pair<int, int>(x, y), 1));
boxGroups[iOfGroup].emplace_back(pair<int, int>(x, y));
for (auto dir: dirs) {
auto nx = x + dir[0], ny = y + dir[1];
if (book.find({nx, ny}) != book.end() || pairMap.find({nx, ny}) == pairMap.end())continue;
dfs(pairMap, book, boxGroups, nx, ny, iOfGroup);
int main() {
RationalSurface<float> s;
RationalSurface<float> f;
int level = 6;
printf("level: %d, sample cnt: %d * %d\n", level, int(pow(2, level - 1)), int(pow(2, level - 1)));
@ -101,6 +291,8 @@ int main() {
// ====================== 测试 =======================
vector<vector<glm::vec3>> s_evaluation;
vector<vector<glm::vec3>> f_evaluation;
@ -112,6 +304,9 @@ int main() {
const vector<vector<glm::vec3>> s_normal;
const vector<vector<glm::vec3>> f_normal;
// sampleTimeTestNonRational(s, level);
sampleTimeTest(s, level);
auto mesh1 = getMesh(s, level);
auto mesh2 = getMesh(f, level);
@ -121,6 +316,31 @@ int main() {;
auto intersectBoxPairs = getOverlapLeafNodes(bvh1, bvh2); // [{{u1, v1}, {u2, v2}}]
printf("box pairs size: %lld\n", intersectBoxPairs.size());
* bvh结果用dfs
// double timeClassify = utils::get_time();
// map<pair<int, int>, set<pair<int, int>>> pairMap;
// for (const auto &boxPair: intersectBoxPairs) {
// pairMap[boxPair.first].insert(boxPair.second);
// }
//// vector<vector<pair<pair<int, int>, pair<int, int>>>> groups;
// vector<vector<pair<int, int>>> groups;
//// unordered_map<pair<int, int>, char> book;
// set<pair<int, int>>book;
// int groupNum = 0;
// for(auto boxPair: intersectBoxPairs) {
// if(book.find(boxPair.first) != book.end())continue;
// groups.emplace_back();
// dfs(pairMap, book, groups, boxPair.first.first, boxPair.first.second, groupNum++);
// }
// timeClassify = utils::get_time() - timeClassify;
// printf("time cost to group boxes from BVH: %lf\n", timeClassify);
* end of test
double time_cost = utils::get_time();
SingularityJudger singularityJudger(s, f, mesh1, mesh2);
@ -177,4 +397,27 @@ array2<glm::vec3> getPtsFromStr(QString srfData) {
array2<glm::vec3> res = {(size_t) dimU, (size_t) dimV, points};
return res;
void printCtrPtsAsQuadruples(const RationalSurface<float> &s) {
for(int i = 0; i < s.control_points.rows(); i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < s.control_points.cols(); j++) {
auto pt = s.control_points(i, j);
auto w = s.weights(i, j);
cout<<pt.x * w<<", "<<pt.y * w<<", "<<pt.z * w<<", "<<s.weights(i, j)<<", "<<endl;
cout<<s.control_points.rows() * s.control_points.cols() * 4 << endl;
void printCtrPtsAsQuadruples(const Surface<double> &s) {
for(int i = 0; i < s.control_points.rows(); i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < s.control_points.cols(); j++) {
auto pt = s.control_points(i, j);
cout<<pt.x<<", "<<pt.y<<", "<<pt.z<<", "<<endl;
cout<<s.control_points.rows() * s.control_points.cols() * 4 << endl;


@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
#include "set"
#include "utils.h"
// old version
bool SingularityJudger::judge(pair<int, int> focusRange_u1, pair<int, int> focusRange_v1, pair<int, int> focusRange_u2,
pair<int, int> focusRange_v2) {
// TODO gauss map to exclude patch pair that must not make loop or singular intersection
@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ SingularityJudger(RationalSurface<float> &srf1_, RationalSurface<float> &srf2_,
gaussMapTimeCost = utils::get_time() - gaussMapTimeCost;
// old version
void SingularityJudger::judge2(pair<int, int> focusRange_u1, pair<int, int> focusRange_v1, pair<int, int> focusRange_u2,
pair<int, int> focusRange_v2) {
@ -137,28 +138,34 @@ judge(const vector<pair<pair<int, int>, pair<int, int>>> &intersectBoxPairs,
vector<vector<pair<int, int>>> cellGroups;
set<pair<int, int>> book;
int groupNum = 0;
for (auto targetCell: loopDetector.targetCells) {
if (book.find(targetCell) != book.end()) continue;
dfs(book, cellGroups, loopDetector, groupNum++, targetCell.first, targetCell.second);
for(const auto& cellGroup: cellGroups)
for(int i = 0; i < cellGroup.size(); i++) {
printf("{%d, %d}", cellGroup[i].first, cellGroup[i].second);
if(i != cellGroup.size()-1)printf(", ");
// double timeClassify = utils::get_time();
// vector<vector<pair<int, int>>> cellGroups;
// set<pair<int, int>> book;
// int groupNum = 0;
// for (auto targetCell: loopDetector.targetCells) {
// if (book.find(targetCell) != book.end()) continue;
// cellGroups.emplace_back();
// dfs(book, cellGroups, loopDetector, groupNum++, targetCell.first, targetCell.second);
// }
// timeClassify = utils::get_time() - timeClassify;
// printf("time cost to group boxes: %lf\n", timeClassify);
// /**
// * 输出盒子分组后结果
// */
// for(const auto& cellGroup: cellGroups)
// {
// printf("{");
// for(int i = 0; i < cellGroup.size(); i++) {
// printf("{%d, %d}", cellGroup[i].first, cellGroup[i].second);
// if(i != cellGroup.size()-1)printf(", ");
// }
// printf("},\n");
// }
// TODO c2 determination for tangency case
// C2C4 c2C4(mesh1, mesh2, srf1, srf2);
void SingularityJudger::dfs(set<pair<int, int>> &book, vector<vector<pair<int, int>>> &cellGroups,
void SingularityJudger:: dfs(set<pair<int, int>> &book, vector<vector<pair<int, int>>> &cellGroups,
const LoopDetector &loopDetector, int i, int x, int y) {
book.insert({x, y});
cellGroups[i].emplace_back(pair<int, int>(x, y));


@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ LoopDetector(const vector<vector<glm::vec3>> &s_evaluation_, const vector<vector
f_tangent_u(f_tangent_u_), f_tangent_v(f_tangent_v_),
s_normal(s_normal_), f_normal(f_normal_), s(s_) {}
// old version
void LoopDetector::initOrientedDistance() {
selectedPointsIdx = vector<vector<pair<int, int>>>(s_subPatchEdgeSampleCnt_u,
@ -47,8 +48,8 @@ void LoopDetector::initOrientedDistance() {
// old version
void LoopDetector::initOrientedDisAndVecFields(const vector<pair<pair<int, int>, pair<int, int>>> &intersectBoxPairs) {
selectedPointsIdx = vector<vector<pair<int, int>>>(s_subPatchEdgeSampleCnt_u,
vector<pair<int, int>>(s_subPatchEdgeSampleCnt_v, {-1, -1}));
vectorFields = vector<vector<glm::vec2>>(s_subPatchEdgeSampleCnt_u, vector<glm::vec2>(s_subPatchEdgeSampleCnt_v));
@ -156,7 +157,6 @@ void LoopDetector::initOrientedDisAndVecFields(const map<pair<int, int>, set<pai
selectedPointsIdx[idxI - s_subPatchIdxRange_u.first][idxJ - s_subPatchIdxRange_v.first]
= {minDisFIdx_u - f_subPatchIdxRange_u.first, minDisFIdx_v - f_subPatchIdxRange_v.first};
// 计算vector fields
auto n2 = f_normal[minDisFIdx_u][minDisFIdx_v];
auto ps_pu = s_tangent_u[idxI][idxJ];
auto ps_pv = s_tangent_v[idxI][idxJ];
@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ void LoopDetector::initOrientedDisAndVecFields(const map<pair<int, int>, set<pai
// Yawei Ma的文章中的做法
// old version
void LoopDetector::initVectorField0() {
vectorFields = vector<vector<glm::vec2>>(s_subPatchEdgeSampleCnt_u, vector<glm::vec2>(s_subPatchEdgeSampleCnt_v));
for (int i = 0; i < s_subPatchEdgeSampleCnt_u; i++) {
@ -220,6 +221,7 @@ void LoopDetector::initVectorField0() {
// G A Kriezis的文章中的做法
// old version
void LoopDetector::initVectorField() {
vectorFields = vector<vector<glm::vec2>>(s_subPatchEdgeSampleCnt_u, vector<glm::vec2>(s_subPatchEdgeSampleCnt_v));
for (int i = 0; i < s_subPatchEdgeSampleCnt_u; i++) {
@ -235,6 +237,7 @@ void LoopDetector::initVectorField() {
// old version
void LoopDetector::getRotationNumber() {
// vectorFields的参数域是与s(第一个曲面)一致的
auto edgeSampleCnt = s_evaluation.size();
@ -290,6 +293,7 @@ void LoopDetector::getRotationNumber() {
// int b = 1;
// old version
void LoopDetector::getRotationNumber(const vector<pair<pair<int, int>, pair<int, int>>> &intersectBoxPairs) {
// vectorFields的参数域是与s(第一个曲面)一致的
auto edgeSampleCnt = s_evaluation.size();
@ -382,13 +386,14 @@ void LoopDetector::getRotationNumber(const map<pair<int, int>, set<pair<int, int
(G[0][0] + G[0][1] - G[1][0] - G[1][1]) * vParamCellSize)) / 2.);
rotationNumbers[boxPair.first.first - s_subPatchIdxRange_u.first][boxPair.first.second -
s_subPatchIdxRange_v.first] = rotationNumber;
if(rotationNumber != 0) {
if (rotationNumber != 0) {
targetCells.emplace_back(boxPair.first.first, boxPair.first.second);
// old version
vector<pair<int, int>> LoopDetector::detect(pair<int, int> _s_subPatchIdxRange_u, pair<int, int> _s_subPatchIdxRange_v,
pair<int, int> _f_subPatchIdxRange_u,
pair<int, int> _f_subPatchIdxRange_v) {
