Integration of gauss map, osculating toroidal patches, loop detection and C2 judgement to figure out the singular or loop intersection.
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2 years ago
# SingularityJudger
2 years ago
Integration of gauss map, osculating toroidal patches, loop detection and C2 judgement to figure out the singular or loop intersection.
## Usage
include_directories(E:/CLib/tinynurbs/include E:/CLib/glm)
### 直接运行
### 生成依赖库
1. CMakeLists.txt中注释以下代码
add_executable(SingularityJudger main.cpp ${DIR_SRCS} ${DIR_INCLUDE})
# 下面两个仅仅是main文件的依赖,用于对读取的曲面文本文件做字符串处理
find_package(QT NAMES Qt6 Qt5 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Widgets)
2. CMakeLists.txt中取消注释以下代码
#add_library(SingularityJudger ${DIR_SRCS})
3. CMake构建,make生成
### 具体使用
#include "bvh.h"
#include "singularityJudger.h"
// 创建两个曲面
1 year ago
tinynurbs::RationalSurface<float> s;
tinynurbs::RationalSurface<float> f;
2 years ago
// 曲面初始化
// 采样层数
int level = 6;
// 得到两个曲面level层的采样信息
// 如果已经采样过,这里用SrfMesh的无参构造,然后把采样的网格数据传入,避免重复采样
auto mesh1 = SrfMesh(s, level);
auto mesh2 = SrfMesh(f, level);
// 构建BVH
BVH bvh1(mesh1.evaluation);
BVH bvh2(mesh2.evaluation);;;
// bvh判交,获得重叠盒子对
auto intersectBoxPairs = getOverlapLeafNodes(bvh1, bvh2); // return [{{u1, v1}, {u2, v2}}]
// 创建SingularityJudger对象
SingularityJudger singularityJudger(s, f, mesh1, mesh2);
// 对于两个曲面各自的参数下标范围所确定的两个子面片,判断哪些小格子内存在critical point
// 一般就用完整的参数下标范围,即{0, pow(2, level - 1) - 1}
pair<int, int> cellIdxFullRange = {0, pow(2, level - 1) - 1};
auto cellsWithCriticalPts = singularityJudger.judge(intersectBoxPairs, cellIdxFullRange, cellIdxFullRange, cellIdxFullRange, cellIdxFullRange);