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  • 沿多段线路径拉伸
class ExtrudedSolidPolyline {
	* @brief Construct a new extruded solid using a polyline as the axis
	* @param profiles The profiles of the extruded solid
	* @param axis The axis of the extruded solid
	* @param rScale The radius scale of the extruded solid, unused for now
	ExtrudedSolidPolyline(std::vector<Polyline> profiles, Polyline axis, real rScale = 1.0);
  • 沿单段线路径拉伸
class ExtrudeSolidArcLine : public ExtrudedSolidPolyline {
	* @brief Construct a new extruded solid using an arc line as the axis
	* @param profiles The profiles of the extruded solid
	* @param axis The axis of the extruded solid
	* @param rScale The radius scale of the extruded solid, unused for now
	ExtrudeSolidArcLine(std::vector<Polyline> profiles, ArcLine axis, real rScale = 1.0);
  • 沿螺旋路径拉伸
class ExtrudedSolidHelixLine {
	* @brief Construct a new extruded solid using a helix as the axis
	* @param profiles The profiles of the extruded solid (still polyline)
	* @param axis The axis of the extruded solid
	* @param rScale The radius scale of the extruded solid, unused for now
	ExtrudedSolidHelixLine(std::vector<Polyline> profiles, HelixLine axis, real rScale = 1.0);


  • 多段线
using Pt3Array = std::vector<Vec3>;
class Polyline {
		* @brief Construct a new Polyline object
		* @param points The points of the polyline
		* @param bugles The bugles of the polyline
		* @param refNormal The reference normal of the polyline
		* @param closed Whether the polyline is closed
    Polyline(Pt3Array points, std::vector<real> bugles, const Vec3 &refNormal, bool closed = false);
  • 单段线/圆弧线
class ArcLine : public Polyline {
	* @brief Construct a new ArcLine object
	* @param a The start point of the arc line
	* @param b The end point of the arc line
	* @param bugle The bugle of the arc line
	* @param refNormal The reference normal of the arc line
    ArcLine(const Vec3 &a, const Vec3 &b, real bugle, const Vec3 &refNormal);
  • 螺旋线
class HelixLine : public ILine {
	* @brief Construct a new HelixLine object
	* @param axisStart The start point of the helix line
	* @param axisEnd The end point of the helix line
	* @param r The radius of the helix line
	* @param advancePerRound The advance per round of the helix line
	* @param startDir The direction from axisStart to start of the helix line
    HelixLine(const Vec3 &axisStart, const Vec3 &axisEnd, real r, real advancePerRound,
              const Vec3 &startDir);


对拉伸体对象使用.sdf(Vec3 queryPoint)

Polyline axis{...};
ExtrudedSolidPolyline a{..., axis};
const Vec3 queryP = Vec3(...);
auto f = a.sdf(queryP);