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548 lines
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548 lines
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#pragma once
#include "common.hpp"
#include "real.hpp"
#include "vec.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits.h>
#include <limits>
#include <vector>
#include "aabb.hpp"
// class ILineParam {
// public:
// virtual ~ILineParam() = default;
// };
// class PolylineParam : ILineParam {
// int segIdx;
// real tOnSeg;
// };
// class PolynomialLineParam : ILineParam {
// real t;
// };
struct ClosestDescOnLine {
real t;
real dis;
ClosestDescOnLine(real _t, real _dis) : t(_t), dis(_dis) {}
ClosestDescOnLine() : t(0), dis(std::numeric_limits<real>::max()) {}
struct ClosestDescOnProfile : public ClosestDescOnLine {
int i; // line idx
ClosestDescOnProfile(real _t, real _dis, int _i) : ClosestDescOnLine(_t, _dis), i(_i) {}
ClosestDescOnProfile() : i(-1) {}
// vscode C++ override跳转插件
class ILine {
int aaa;
virtual ~ILine() = default;
ILine() = default;
ILine(const ILine &) = default;
ILine &operator=(const ILine &) = default;
ILine(ILine &&) = default;
ILine &operator=(ILine &&) = default;
[[nodiscard]] virtual Vec3 eval(real t) const = 0;
[[nodiscard]] virtual Vec3 der1(real t) const = 0;
[[nodiscard]] virtual Vec3 der2(real t) const = 0;
[[nodiscard]] virtual Vec3 tangent(real t) const = 0;
[[nodiscard]] virtual Vec3 normal(real t, const Vec3 &tan = -1.) const = 0;
[[nodiscard]] virtual ClosestDescOnLine getClosestParam(const Vec3 &p) const = 0;
[[nodiscard]] virtual bool isEndParam(real t) const = 0;
[[nodiscard]] virtual real startT() const = 0;
[[nodiscard]] virtual real endT() const = 0;
[[nodiscard]] virtual AABB getAABB() const = 0;
inline static ClosestDescOnLine segPtDist(const Vec3 &p, const Vec3 &A, const Vec3 &B) {
Vec3 AB = B - A;
Vec3 AP = p - A;
real h = std::clamp( /, 0., 1.);
return {h, (AP - AB * h).norm()};
inline static ClosestDescOnLine segPtDist(const Vec2 &p, const Vec2 &A, const Vec2 &B) {
Vec2 AB = B - A;
Vec2 AP = p - A;
real h = std::clamp( /, 0., 1.);
return {h, (AP - AB * h).norm()};
template <typename VecType> // Vec2 or Vec3
struct CircularArc {
VecType center;
real radius;
real theta;
real h = -1; // straight line for h <= 0.
VecType u;
VecType v;
VecType inCircleDir;
[[nodiscard]] PtBoundaryRelation inCircleCheck(const VecType &pt) const {
real d = (pt - center).norm();
return d < radius ? Inside : d > radius ? Outside : OnBoundary;
struct AA {
int a;
int b;
void print() const { std::cout << a << " " << b << std::endl; }
const real DISC_ARC_ANGLE = PI * 0.125;
class Polyline : public ILine {
Polyline(Pt3Array points, std::vector<real> bugles, const Vec3 &refNormal, bool closed = false)
: _points(std::move(points)), _bugles(std::move(bugles)), _closed(closed),
_refNormal(refNormal.normalize()) {
assert(_points.size() >= 2);
if (closed) {
assert(_points.size() == _bugles.size());
} else {
assert(_points.size() - 1 == _bugles.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < _bugles.size(); ++i) {
AABB tmp{_points[i], _points[i]};
tmp.extend(AABB{_points[(i + 1) % _points.size()], _points[(i + 1) % _points.size()]});
tmp.expand(circularArcs[i].radius - circularArcs[i].h);
[[nodiscard]] const Pt3Array &getPoints() const { return _points; }
[[nodiscard]] const std::vector<real> &getBugles() const { return _bugles; }
[[nodiscard]] const Vec3 &getRefNormal() const { return _refNormal; }
[[nodiscard]] bool isClosed() const { return _closed; }
[[nodiscard]] const std::vector<CircularArc<Vec3>> &getCircularArcs() const {
return circularArcs;
[[nodiscard]] real startT() const override { return 0; };
[[nodiscard]] real endT() const override { return static_cast<real>(_bugles.size()); };
Pt3Array _points;
std::vector<real> _bugles;
Vec3 _refNormal;
bool _closed;
std::vector<CircularArc<Vec3>> circularArcs;
AABB aabb;
void initSegInfo() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < _bugles.size(); ++i) {
initCircularArcInfo(_points[i], _points[(i + 1) % _points.size()], _bugles[i],
_refNormal, circularArcs[i]);
[[nodiscard]] Vec3 eval(real t) const override {
// if (circularArcs.empty())
// initSegInfo();
int seg = static_cast<int>(t);
if (isEqual(_bugles[seg], 0)) {
return _points[seg] + (_points[(seg + 1) % _points.size()] - _points[seg]) * (t - seg);
real tOnSeg = t - seg;
const auto &arc = circularArcs[seg];
real phi = tOnSeg * arc.theta;
return + arc.radius * (arc.u * std::cos(phi) + arc.v * std::sin(phi));
[[nodiscard]] Vec3 der1(real t) const override {
int seg = static_cast<int>(t);
if (isEqual(_bugles[seg], 0)) {
return _points[(seg + 1) % _points.size()] - _points[seg];
real tOnSeg = t - seg;
const auto &arc = circularArcs[seg];
real phi = tOnSeg * arc.theta;
return arc.radius * (arc.u * -std::sin(phi) + arc.v * std::cos(phi));
[[nodiscard]] Vec3 der2(real t) const override {
int seg = static_cast<int>(t);
if (isEqual(_bugles[seg], 0)) {
int aaa = 1;
// assert(!isEqual(_bugles[seg], 0));
real tOnSeg = t - seg;
const auto &arc = circularArcs[seg];
real phi = tOnSeg * arc.theta;
return -arc.radius * (arc.u * std::cos(phi) + arc.v * std::cos(phi));
Vec3 tangent(real t) const override { return der1(t).normalize(); }
// TODO: 试试算出来的结果
Vec3 normal(real t, [[maybe_unused]] const Vec3 &tan = -1.) const override {
if (isEqual(_bugles[static_cast<int>(t)], 0)) {
return -circularArcs[static_cast<int>(t)].inCircleDir;
// 只有对于圆弧这样的特殊曲线是这样
return der2(t).normalize();
// ClosestDescOnSeg getClosestParam(const Vec3 &p) override {
// real closestDis = std::numeric_limits<real>::max();
// real closestParam;
// for (int i = 0; i < _bugles.size(); ++i) {
// const Vec3 &A = _points[i];
// const Vec3 &B = _points[(i + 1) % _points.size()];
// const auto &arc = circularArcs[i];
// real dis2Seg = segPtDist(p, A, B).dis;
// if (dis2Seg - arc.h > closestDis)
// continue;
// if ((A - p).norm() < closestDis) {
// closestDis = (A - p).norm();
// closestParam = i;
// }
// if ((B - p).norm() < closestDis) {
// closestDis = (B - p).norm();
// closestParam = i + 1;
// }
// int segInsertedCnt = arc.theta / DISC_ARC_ANGLE;
// for (int j = 0; j < segInsertedCnt; ++j) {
// real insertParam = i + j * DISC_ARC_ANGLE / arc.theta;
// const Vec3 insertPt = eval(insertParam);
// real dis2InsertPt = (p - insertPt).norm();
// if (dis2InsertPt < closestDis) {
// closestDis = dis2InsertPt;
// closestParam = insertParam;
// }
// }
// }
// // TODO: 为了鲁棒和精度,应该在每个可能最近的seg上做newton iteration
// int seg = static_cast<int>(closestParam);
// // Q = + arc.radius * (arc.u * std::cos(phi) + arc.v *
// // std::sin(phi)) d2 = (Q - p)^2
// Vec3 q = eval(closestParam);
// Vec3 qDer1 = der1(closestParam);
// Vec3 qDer2 = der2(closestParam);
// real lDer1 = (q - p).dot(qDer1);
// int iter = 0;
// while (fabs(lDer1) > std::numeric_limits<real>::epsilon() * 1e6) {
// closestParam -= lDer1 / ( + (q - p).dot(qDer2)); // -der1 / der2
// q = eval(closestParam);
// qDer1 = der1(closestParam);
// qDer2 = der2(closestParam);
// lDer1 = (q - p).dot(qDer1);
// printf("After iter %d, dL is %lf\n", iter, lDer1);
// if (closestParam < seg - std::numeric_limits<real>::epsilon()) {
// closestParam = seg;
// closestDis = (_points[seg] - p).norm();
// break;
// }
// if (closestParam > seg + 1 + std::numeric_limits<real>::epsilon()) {
// closestParam = seg + 1;
// closestDis = (_points[(seg + 1) % _points.size()] - p).norm();
// break;
// }
// closestDis = (q - p).norm();
// iter++;
// }
// return {closestParam, closestDis};
// }
[[nodiscard]] ClosestDescOnLine getClosestParam(const Vec3 &p) const override {
ClosestDescOnLine closestDes{};
for (int i = 0; i < _bugles.size(); ++i) {
const Vec3 &a = _points[i];
const Vec3 &b = _points[(i + 1) % _points.size()];
if (isEqual(_bugles[i], 0)) {
// 点到线段最近距离
ClosestDescOnLine segPtDistRes = segPtDist(p, a, b);
if (segPtDistRes.dis < closestDes.dis) {
closestDes = segPtDistRes;
closestDes.t = i + segPtDistRes.t;
const CircularArc<Vec3> &arc = circularArcs[i];
const Vec3 &o =;
// p 到圆弧平面的投影
const Vec3 projPt = p - - a) * _refNormal;
// projPt到圆的最近点
const Vec3 clsPtOnCircle = o + arc.radius * (projPt - o).normalize();
if ((clsPtOnCircle - a).dot(arc.inCircleDir) > 0) {
// 在圆弧上
real dis = (p - clsPtOnCircle).norm();
if (dis < closestDes.dis) {
closestDes.dis = dis;
Vec3 oa = a - o;
Vec3 oClsPt = clsPtOnCircle - o;
real R2 = arc.radius * arc.radius;
real cosTheta = (oa).dot(oClsPt) / R2;
real theta = std::acos(cosTheta); // [0, pi]
if ((oa.cross(oClsPt)).dot(_refNormal) < 0) {
theta = PI2 - theta;
closestDes.t = i + theta / arc.theta;
real paDis = (p - a).norm();
real pbDis = (p - b).norm();
if (paDis < closestDes.dis) {
closestDes.dis = paDis;
closestDes.t = i;
} else {
closestDes.dis = pbDis;
closestDes.t = i + 1;
return closestDes;
void print() const {
if (_closed)
std::cout << "Closed Polyline: \n";
std::cout << "Open Polyline: \n";
std::cout << "Points: {\n";
for (int i = 0; i < _points.size(); ++i) {
std::cout << _points[i].x() << ", " << _points[i].y() << ", " << _points[i].z() << ">";
if (i != _points.size() - 1)
std::cout << ", ";
std::cout << "}\n";
std::cout << "的可变参数Bugles: {\n";
for (int i = 0; i < _bugles.size(); ++i) {
std::cout << _bugles[i];
if (i != _bugles.size() - 1)
std::cout << ", ";
std::cout << "}\n";
[[nodiscard]] bool isEndParam(real t) const override {
return t < EPS_END_PARAM || t > static_cast<real>(_bugles.size()) - EPS_END_PARAM;
[[nodiscard]] AABB getAABB() const override { return aabb; }
void initCircularArcInfo(const Vec3 &a, const Vec3 &b, real bugle, const Vec3 &refNormal,
CircularArc<Vec3> &res) {
if (isEqual(bugle, 0)) {
res.radius = INFINITY;
res.theta = 0;
res.h = INFINITY;
res.inCircleDir = refNormal.cross(b - a).normalize();
res.u = res.inCircleDir;
res.v = refNormal.cross(res.u);
Vec3 abHalf = (b - a) * HALF;
Vec3 abNorm = abHalf.normalize();
real theta = std::atan(fabs(bugle)) * 4;
res.inCircleDir = abNorm.cross(refNormal) * (bugle > 0 ? 1 : -1);
if (fabs(bugle) == 1) {
res.h = 0;
} else {
res.h = abHalf.norm() / std::tan(theta * HALF);
| = a + abHalf - res.inCircleDir * res.h;
res.theta = theta;
res.radius = ( - a).norm();
res.u = (a -;
res.v = refNormal.cross(res.u);
class HelixLine : public ILine {
HelixLine(const Vec3 &axisStart, const Vec3 &axisEnd, real r, real advancePerRound,
const Vec3 &startDir)
: _axisStart(axisStart), _frequency(PI2 / advancePerRound), _u(startDir), _r(r),
_2pir_p(PI2 * _r / advancePerRound), _4pi2r_p2(_2pir_p * PI2 / advancePerRound),
SEG_T(advancePerRound / SEG_PER_ROUND), SEG_T_HALF(SEG_T / 2) {
auto star2nd = axisEnd - _axisStart;
_advanceLen = star2nd.norm();
_axisDir = star2nd / _advanceLen;
_v = _axisDir.cross(_u);
real _4pi2r = PI2 * PI2 * _r;
// _k = _4pi2r / (advancePerRound * advancePerRound + _4pi2r * _r);
_arcDeltaMaxFactor = _4pi2r / (advancePerRound * advancePerRound + _4pi2r * _r) * ONE_EIGHT;
// init aabb
[[nodiscard]] Vec3 eval(real t) const override {
real theta = _frequency * t;
return _axisStart + _axisDir * t + (_u * std::cos(theta) + _v * std::sin(theta)) * _r;
[[nodiscard]] Vec3 der1(real param) const override {
real theta = _frequency * param;
return _axisDir + _2pir_p * (_v * std::cos(theta) - _u * std::sin(theta));
[[nodiscard]] Vec3 der2(real param) const override {
real theta = _frequency * param;
return -_4pi2r_p2 * (_u * std::cos(theta) + _v * std::sin(theta));
[[nodiscard]] Vec3 tangent(real t) const override { return der1(t).normalize(); }
[[nodiscard]] Vec3 normal(real t, const Vec3 &tan = -1.) const override {
Vec3 der2Vec = this->der2(t);
if (tan == -1.) {
Vec3 realTan = tangent(t);
return (der2Vec - * realTan).normalize();
return (der2Vec - * tan).normalize();
[[nodiscard]] real startT() const override { return 0; }
[[nodiscard]] real endT() const override { return 1; }
[[nodiscard]] AABB getAABB() const override { return aabb; }
ClosestDescOnLine getClosestParam(const Vec3 &p) const override {
// discretization and traversal
real startT = 0;
real endT = SEG_T;
auto segCount = static_cast<size_t>(std::ceil(_advanceLen / SEG_T));
std::vector<ClosestDescOnLine> sampledSegs(segCount + 2); // 加上首尾
std::vector<Vec3> samplePoints(segCount + 2);
ClosestDescOnLine closestSampleDes;
for (size_t i = 0; i < segCount; ++i, startT = endT, endT += SEG_T) {
real sampledT = fmin(startT + SEG_T_HALF, _advanceLen);
samplePoints[i] = eval(sampledT);
sampledSegs[i].dis = (samplePoints[i] - p).norm();
sampledSegs[i].t = sampledT;
if (sampledSegs[i].dis < closestSampleDes.dis) {
closestSampleDes = sampledSegs[i];
// 特别考虑两端,因为有更多的情形,查询点会离两端更近
// 好处是可能降低后续迭代次数
samplePoints[segCount] = eval(0);
samplePoints[segCount + 1] = eval(_advanceLen);
sampledSegs[segCount] = {0, (samplePoints[segCount] - p).norm()};
sampledSegs[segCount + 1] = {_advanceLen, (samplePoints[segCount + 1] - p).norm()};
for (size_t i = segCount; i <= segCount + 1; ++i) {
if (sampledSegs[i].dis < closestSampleDes.dis) {
closestSampleDes = sampledSegs[i];
real deltaMaxCommon = (eval(0) - eval(SEG_T)).l2() * _arcDeltaMaxFactor;
for (int i = 0; i < sampledSegs.size(); ++i) {
if (i == segCount - 1) {
// 最后一段
deltaMaxCommon =
(eval(_advanceLen) - eval(SEG_T * static_cast<real>(segCount - 1))).l2()
* _arcDeltaMaxFactor;
} else if (i == segCount || i == segCount + 1) {
// 首尾点
deltaMaxCommon = 0;
if (sampledSegs[i].dis - deltaMaxCommon < closestSampleDes.dis) {
Vec3 q = samplePoints[i];
real t = sampledSegs[i].t;
Vec3 qDer1 = der1(t);
Vec3 qDer2 = der2(t);
real lDer1 = (q - p).dot(qDer1);
int iter = 0;
while (fabs(lDer1) > EPS_NEWTON_ITERATION) {
real dif = lDer1 / ( + (q - p).dot(qDer2));
real tNew = t - dif;
if (tNew < 0 || tNew > _advanceLen)
t = tNew;
q = eval(t);
qDer1 = der1(t);
qDer2 = der2(t);
lDer1 = (q - p).dot(qDer1);
std::cout << "After iter " << iter << ", dL is " << lDer1 << std::endl;
real dis = (q - p).norm();
if (dis < closestSampleDes.dis) {
closestSampleDes = {t, dis};
return closestSampleDes;
[[nodiscard]] bool isEndParam(real t) const override {
return t < EPS || t > _advanceLen - EPS;
Vec3 _axisStart, _axisDir;
real _advanceLen, _frequency;
real _startTheta;
Vec3 _u, _v; // 螺旋投影圆面上的两个正交单位向量,u X v = axisDir
real _r, _2pir_p, _4pi2r_p2, _arcDeltaMaxFactor;
const int SEG_PER_ROUND = 12;
const real SEG_T, SEG_T_HALF;
AABB aabb;
class SingleLine : public ILine {
// 单段圆弧
class ArcLine : public Polyline {
ArcLine(const Vec3 &a, const Vec3 &b, real bugle, const Vec3 &refNormal)
// : _a(a), _b(b), _bugle(bugle), _refNormal(refNormal.normalize()) {}
: Polyline(Pt3Array{{a, b}}, std::vector<real>{bugle}, refNormal, false) {}
[[nodiscard]] const std::vector<real> &getBugles() const = delete;
[[nodiscard]] const real &getBugle() const { return _bugles[0]; }
// private:
// Vec3 _a, _b, _refNormal;
// real _bugle;
// CircularArc<Vec3> _circularArc;
class PolynomialLine : public ILine {
Vec3 eval(real t) const override { return {}; };
Vec3 der1(real t) const override { return {}; };
Vec3 der2(real t) const override { return {}; };
Vec3 tangent(real t) const override { return {}; }
Vec3 normal(real t, const Vec3 &tan = -1.) const override { return {}; }
ClosestDescOnLine getClosestParam(const Vec3 &p) const override { return {}; };