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gauss map

Dtouch 2 years ago
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@ -3,24 +3,27 @@ project(NurbsPerformer LANGUAGES CXX CUDA)
add_executable(NurbsPerformer src/main.cpp
src/utils.cpp include/utils.h
src/device/Nurbs/ include/device/Nurbs/nurbs_common.cuh
src/device/ include/device/device_utils.cuh
src/device/Nurbs/ include/device/Nurbs/nurbs_surface.cuh
src/device/Nurbs/ include/device/Nurbs/nurbs_curve.cuh
src/device/ include/device/aabb.cuh
src/device/ include/device/vec.cuh
src/device/Nurbs/ include/device/Nurbs/bvh.cuh
src/utils.cpp include/utils.h
src/device/ include/device/aabb.cuh
src/device/ include/device/vec.cuh
src/device/ include/device/device_utils.cuh
src/device/Nurbs/ include/device/Nurbs/nurbs_common.cuh
src/device/Nurbs/ include/device/Nurbs/nurbs_surface.cuh
src/device/Nurbs/ include/device/Nurbs/nurbs_curve.cuh
src/device/Nurbs/ include/device/Nurbs/bvh.cuh
add_executable(NurbsPerformer ${PROJECT_SOURCES})
#add_library(NurbsPerformer NurbsPerformer.cuh utils.cpp utils.h)
#add_library(NurbsPerformer ${PROJECT_SOURCES})
# linux
@ -28,6 +31,8 @@ add_executable(NurbsPerformer src/main.cpp
# windows


@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ A tool for performing NURBS curve/surface modeling operations in parallel using
1. CMakeLists.txt中注释以下代码,不再生成可执行文件
add_executable(NurbsEvaluator src/main.cpp src/utils.cpp include/utils.h)
add_executable(NurbsPerformer ${PROJECT_SOURCES})
2. CMakeLists.txt中取消注释以下代码,表示需要生成静态库。构建项目。
add_library(NurbsEvaluator src/utils.cpp include/utils.h)
add_library(NurbsPerformer ${PROJECT_SOURCES})
3. 原项目连接到生成的静态库目录。如果是由CMake构建,可以用 target_link_libraries 指向依赖(.lib),用 target_include_directories 指向头文件目录。
4. 使用.cu文件调用NurbsEvaluator


@ -5,25 +5,31 @@
#include "../aabb.cuh"
#include "device/aabb.cuh"
struct BVHNode {
AABB bounds; // AABB包围盒
int firstChild, level, childNum = 4; // 第一个孩子节点的下标,该结点所在层次,孩子个数
// 曲面片u, v的范围
float u0, u1, v0, v1;
* 当前层的第一个节点的坐标
* @param layer 层号。根节点为第一层
__device__ __host__ int getStartIdxOfLayerN(int layer);
* 根据u、v参数域中的小矩形的位置,判断它在BVH叶节点层(也就是最后一层)中的位置
__device__ int d_getChildNodeIdx(int ix, int iy);
__host__ int h_getChildNodeIdx(int ix, int iy);
class BVH {
int maxLevel, size;
BVHNode* nodes = nullptr;
BVHNode *nodes = nullptr;
__host__ void printQuadTree();
__global__ void
buildSurfaceBvh(const float *k, int level, const float *evaluatedPoints, float d_lastKnot_u, float d_lastKnot_v,
int d_sampleCnt_u, int d_sampleCnt_v, BVHNode *BVH);
buildBvh(const float *k, int level, const float *evaluatedPoints, float lastKnot_u, float lastKnot_v,
int sampleCnt_u, int sampleCnt_v, BVHNode *BVH);


@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include <vector>
#include "cuda_runtime.h"
#include "bvh.cuh"
@ -15,18 +16,19 @@ namespace NurbsSurface {
* @param d_pointSize 点的大小(3: [x, y, z] | 4:[x, y, z, w])
__global__ static void
g_evaluate(float* res, const float *d_nTexture_u, const float *d_nTexture_v, const float *d_points, int d_pointsCnt_u,
int d_pointsCnt_v, int d_pointSize, float d_lastKnot_u, float d_lastKnot_v, int d_sampleCnt_u,
int d_sampleCnt_v);
g_evaluate(float *res, const float *d_nTexture_u, const float *d_nTexture_v, const float *d_points,
int d_pointsCnt_u, int d_pointsCnt_v, int d_pointSize, float d_lastKnot_u, float d_lastKnot_v,
int d_sampleCnt_u, int d_sampleCnt_v);
__global__ static void
g_derivative(float *derivatives, const float *derTexture_u, const float *derTexture_v, const float *nTexture_u,
const float *nTexture_v,
const float *d_points, int d_pointsCnt_u, int d_pointsCnt_v, int d_pointSize, float d_lastKnot_u,
float d_lastKnot_v, int d_sampleCnt_u, int d_sampleCnt_v);
g_derivative(float *derivatives, float *normals, const float *derTexture_u, const float *derTexture_v,
const float *nTexture_u, const float *nTexture_v, const float *d_points, int d_pointsCnt_u,
int d_pointsCnt_v, int d_pointSize, float d_lastKnot_u, float d_lastKnot_v, int d_sampleCnt_u,
int d_sampleCnt_v);
__global__ static void
g_curvature(const float *derivatives, int sampleCnt_u, int sampleCnt_v, float lastKnot_u, float lastKnot_v, float *ms, float*k);
g_curvature(const float *derivatives, int sampleCnt_u, int sampleCnt_v, float lastKnot_u, float lastKnot_v,
float *ms, float *k);
class Surface {
@ -45,11 +47,12 @@ namespace NurbsSurface {
float *d_evaluationRes; // evaluation结果
float *d_derivatives; // 一阶导计算结果
float *d_normals;
float *d_k; // 最大曲率
BVH bvh;
BVH bvh;
BVH gauss_map;
* 构造函数
* @param controlPoints 控制点矩阵[pointsCnt_u][pointsCnt_v][3]
@ -57,7 +60,7 @@ namespace NurbsSurface {
* @param knots_v v方向knots
__host__ explicit Surface(std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<float>>> controlPoints,
std::vector<float> knots_u, std::vector<float> knots_v);
std::vector<float> knots_u, std::vector<float> knots_v);
* 供外部CPU程序使用的、负责调用gpu并行计算的方法
@ -81,15 +84,55 @@ namespace NurbsSurface {
* 供外部CPU程序使用的、负责调用gpu并行计算BVH的方法
__host__ void buildBHV(int sampleCnt_u, int sampleCnt_v);
__host__ void buildBHV(int layerCnt, bool useK = false);
* 供外部CPU程序使用的、负责调用gpu并行计算Gauss Map Tree的方法
__host__ void buildGaussMap(int layerCnt);
void setRecordTime(bool r);
__host__ void recursiveGetOverlapLeafNodes(const BVH &bvh1, const BVH &bvh2, int idx1, int idx2,
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> &pairs);
__host__ std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> getOverlappedLeafNodes(const BVH &bvh1, const BVH &bvh2);
* 判断两个曲面的Gauss Map在指定的、各自的参数范围内有没有交
* @param idxRange_u1 第一个gauss map的参数u范围对应的u方向上的采样网格的格子下标范围
* @param idxRange_v1 第一个gauss map的参数v范围对应的u方向上的采样网格的格子下标范围
* @param idxRange_u2 第而个gauss map的参数u范围对应的u方向上的采样网格的格子下标范围
* @param idxRange_v2 第二个gauss map的参数v范围对应的u方向上的采样网格的格子下标范围
* @return true:gauss map的包围盒有交集,说明gauss map<可能>有重合;false: gauss map一定没有重合
__host__ bool isGaussMapsOverlapped(const BVH &gm1, const BVH &gm2, std::pair<int, int> idxRange_u1,
std::pair<int, int> idxRange_v1, std::pair<int, int> idxRange_u2,
std::pair<int, int> idxRange_v2);
* 判断两个曲面的Gauss Map在指定的、各自的参数范围内有没有交
* @param range_u1 第一个gauss map的参数u范围
* @param range_v1 第一个gauss map的参数v范围
* @param range_u2 第二个gauss map的参数u范围
* @param range_v2 第二个gauss map的参数v范围
* @param paramRange_u1 第一个gauss map的参数u定义域
* @param paramRange_v1 第一个gauss map的参数v定义域
* @param paramRange_u2 第二个gauss map的参数u定义域
* @param paramRange_v2 第二个gauss map的参数v定义域
* @return true:gauss map的包围盒有交集,说明gauss map<可能>有重合;false: gauss map一定没有重合
__host__ bool isGaussMapsOverlapped(const BVH &gm1, const BVH &gm2, std::pair<float, float> range_u1,
std::pair<float, float> range_v1, std::pair<float, float> range_u2,
std::pair<float, float> range_v2, std::pair<float, float> paramRange_u1,
std::pair<float, float> paramRange_v1,
std::pair<float, float> paramRange_u2,
std::pair<float, float> paramRange_v2);


@ -20,9 +20,17 @@ public:
__device__ __host__ AABB Union(const FVec3& p);
// aabb包围盒合并操作,两个包围盒
__device__ __host__ AABB Union(const AABB& b2);
// aabb包围盒沿各坐标轴政府方向分别扩张
__device__ __host__ void expand(float k);
// 判断两个aabb包围盒是否重叠
__device__ __host__ bool IsOverlap(const AABB& b2);
struct BVHNode {
AABB bounds; // AABB包围盒
int firstChild = -1, level = 0; // 第一个孩子节点的下标,该结点所在层次,孩子个数
// 曲面片u, v的范围
float u0 = 0., u1 = 0., v0 = 0., v1 = 0.;


@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ public:
float x, y, z;
__device__ __host__ FVec3(float x_, float y_, float z_);
__device__ __host__ FVec3(FVec3 const &fVec3);
__device__ __host__ FVec3();


@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
* 当前层的第一个节点的坐标
* @param layer 层号。根节点为第一层
__device__ int getStartIdxOfLayerN(int layer) {
__device__ __host__ int getStartIdxOfLayerN(int layer) {
if (layer == 1) return 0;
int num = 1;
// 找规律得出
@ -17,13 +17,7 @@ __device__ int getStartIdxOfLayerN(int layer) {
return num;
* 根据u、v参数域中的小矩形的位置,判断它在BVH叶节点层(也就是最后一层)中的位置
* @param ix
* @param iy
* @return
__device__ int getChildNodeIdx(int ix, int iy) {
__device__ int d_getChildNodeIdx(int ix, int iy) {
int idx = 0;
while(ix > 0) {
int log2XCeil = int(__log2f(ix));
@ -38,9 +32,23 @@ __device__ int getChildNodeIdx(int ix, int iy) {
return idx;
__host__ int h_getChildNodeIdx(int ix, int iy){
int idx = 0;
while(ix > 0) {
int log2XCeil = int(log2f(ix));
idx += int(pow(4, log2XCeil));
ix -= int(pow(2, log2XCeil));
while(iy > 0) {
int log2XCeil = int(log2f(iy));
idx += 2 * int(pow(4, log2XCeil));
iy -= int(pow(2, log2XCeil));
return idx;
__global__ void
buildSurfaceBvh(const float *k, int level, const float *evaluatedPoints, float lastKnot_u, float lastKnot_v,
buildBvh(const float *k, int level, const float *evaluatedPoints, float lastKnot_u, float lastKnot_v,
int sampleCnt_u, int sampleCnt_v, BVHNode *BVH) {
// 假设还是二维grid和二维的block
int ix = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
@ -53,7 +61,7 @@ buildSurfaceBvh(const float *k, int level, const float *evaluatedPoints, float l
float u = singleStepVal_u * ix, v = singleStepVal_v * iy;
int bias = getChildNodeIdx(ix, iy); // 每层的节点在总数组中的编号相对该层第一个节点的偏置
int bias = d_getChildNodeIdx(ix, iy); // 每层的节点在总数组中的编号相对该层第一个节点的偏置
for (int step = 1; step <= sampleCnt_u - 1 || step <= sampleCnt_v - 1; step = step * 2, --level) {
float step_u = min(step, sampleCnt_u - 1);
@ -63,43 +71,32 @@ buildSurfaceBvh(const float *k, int level, const float *evaluatedPoints, float l
int idx = baseIdx + bias;
int tmpIdx = (ix * sampleCnt_v + iy) * 3;
// AABB bound(FVec3(evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx] + *k, evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx + 1] + *k,
// evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx + 2] + *k)); // 最初只包含u,v点
AABB bound(FVec3(evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx], evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx + 1],
evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx + 2])); // 最初只包含u,v点
if(idx == 75) printf("75: %g, %g, %g\n", evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx], evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx + 1], evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx + 2]);
// if(idx == 75) printf("75: %g, %g, %g\n", evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx], evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx + 1], evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx + 2]);
if (step == 1) {
AABB bound(FVec3(evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx], evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx + 1],
evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx + 2])); // 最初只包含u,v点
// 叶子节点
BVH[idx].u0 = u;
BVH[idx].u1 = u + step_u * singleStepVal_u;
BVH[idx].v0 = v;
BVH[idx].v1 = v + step_v * singleStepVal_v;
BVH[idx].level = level;
// int tmpIdx1 = ((ix + 1) * sampleCnt_v + iy) * 3;
// bound = bound.Union(FVec3(evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx1] + *k, evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx1 + 1] + *k,
// evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx1 + 2] + *k));
// int tmpIdx2 = (ix * sampleCnt_v + iy + 1) * 3;
// bound = bound.Union(FVec3(evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx2] + *k, evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx2 + 1] + *k,
// evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx2 + 2] + *k));
// int tmpIdx3 = ((ix + 1) * sampleCnt_v + iy + 1) * 3;
// bound = bound.Union(FVec3(evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx3] + *k, evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx3 + 1] + *k,
// evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx3 + 2] + *k));
int tmpIdx1 = ((ix + 1) * sampleCnt_v + iy) * 3;
int tmpIdx2 = (ix * sampleCnt_v + iy + 1) * 3;
int tmpIdx3 = ((ix + 1) * sampleCnt_v + iy + 1) * 3;
bound = bound.Union(FVec3(evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx1], evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx1 + 1],
evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx1 + 2]));
int tmpIdx2 = (ix * sampleCnt_v + iy + 1) * 3;
bound = bound.Union(FVec3(evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx2], evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx2 + 1],
evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx2 + 2]));
int tmpIdx3 = ((ix + 1) * sampleCnt_v + iy + 1) * 3;
bound = bound.Union(FVec3(evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx3], evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx3 + 1],
evaluatedPoints[tmpIdx3 + 2]));
if(k != nullptr) bound.expand(*k);
BVH[idx].bounds = bound;
BVH[idx].childNum = -1;
BVH[idx].firstChild = -1;
} else {
if (ix % step == 0 || iy % step == 0) {
// 非叶子节点
BVH[idx].u0 = u;
BVH[idx].u1 = u + step_u * singleStepVal_u;
@ -108,7 +105,7 @@ buildSurfaceBvh(const float *k, int level, const float *evaluatedPoints, float l
BVH[idx].level = level;
int firstChild = 4 * idx + 1;
bound = bound.Union(BVH[firstChild].bounds);
AABB bound(BVH[firstChild].bounds);
bound = bound.Union(BVH[firstChild + 1].bounds);
bound = bound.Union(BVH[firstChild + 2].bounds);
bound = bound.Union(BVH[firstChild + 3].bounds);
@ -123,6 +120,16 @@ buildSurfaceBvh(const float *k, int level, const float *evaluatedPoints, float l
__global__ void getOverlapLeafNodes(const float *k, int level, const float *evaluatedPoints, float lastKnot_u, float lastKnot_v,
int sampleCnt_u, int sampleCnt_v, BVHNode *BVH){
// 假设还是二维grid和二维的block
// int ix = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
// int iy = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
// if (ix >= sampleCnt_u - 1 || iy >= sampleCnt_v - 1) {
// return;
// }
__host__ void BVH::printQuadTree() {
for (int l = 1, levelNodesCnt = 1, baseIdx = 0; l <= maxLevel; l++, levelNodesCnt *= 4, baseIdx = baseIdx * 4 + 1) {


@ -2,17 +2,17 @@
// Created by 14727 on 2022/12/9.
#include "../../../include/device/Nurbs/nurbs_surface.cuh"
#include "../../../include/device/Nurbs/nurbs_common.cuh"
#include "../../../include/utils.h"
#include "../../../include/device/Nurbs/bvh.cuh"
#include "device/Nurbs/nurbs_surface.cuh"
#include "device/Nurbs/nurbs_common.cuh"
#include "utils.h"
#include "device/Nurbs/bvh.cuh"
#include "device/device_utils.cuh"
__global__ void
NurbsSurface::g_evaluate(float *res, const float *d_nTexture_u, const float *d_nTexture_v, const float *d_points,
int d_pointsCnt_u,
int d_pointsCnt_v, int d_POINT_SIZE, float d_lastKnot_u, float d_lastKnot_v, int d_sampleCnt_u,
int d_sampleCnt_v) {
// 二维grid和二维的block
int ix = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int iy = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ NurbsSurface::g_evaluate(float *res, const float *d_nTexture_u, const float *d_n
__global__ void
NurbsSurface::g_derivative(float *derivatives, const float *derTexture_u, const float *derTexture_v,
NurbsSurface::g_derivative(float *derivatives, float *normals, const float *derTexture_u, const float *derTexture_v,
const float *nTexture_u, const float *nTexture_v, const float *d_points, int d_pointsCnt_u,
int d_pointsCnt_v, int d_POINT_SIZE, float d_lastKnot_u, float d_lastKnot_v,
int d_sampleCnt_u, int d_sampleCnt_v) {
@ -118,12 +118,16 @@ NurbsSurface::g_derivative(float *derivatives, const float *derTexture_u, const
derivatives[baseIdx + 4] = pdy_v;
derivatives[baseIdx + 5] = pdz_v;
float x_n = pdy_u * pdz_v - pdy_v * pdz_u, y_n = pdx_v * pdz_u - pdx_u * pdz_v, z_n =
pdx_u * pdy_v - pdx_v * pdy_u; // 叉乘得到法向量
if ((ix == 8 && iy == 9) || (ix == 7 && iy == 9) || (ix == 9 && iy == 9) || (ix == 8 && iy == 8) ||
(ix == 8 && iy == 10))
printf("(%g,%g)-->u:(%g, %g, %g), v:(%g,%g,%g), normal:(%g,%g,%g)\n", u, v, pdx_u, pdy_u, pdz_u, pdx_v, pdy_v,
pdz_v, x_n, y_n, z_n);
// 叉乘得到法向量
baseIdx = (ix * d_sampleCnt_v + iy) * 3;
normals[baseIdx] = pdy_u * pdz_v - pdy_v * pdz_u;
normals[baseIdx + 1] = pdx_v * pdz_u - pdx_u * pdz_v;
normals[baseIdx + 2] = pdx_u * pdy_v - pdx_v * pdy_u;
normalization(normals[baseIdx], normals[baseIdx + 1], normals[baseIdx + 2]);
// if ((ix == 8 && iy == 9) || (ix == 7 && iy == 9) || (ix == 9 && iy == 9) || (ix == 8 && iy == 8) ||
// (ix == 8 && iy == 10))
// printf("(%g,%g)-->u:(%g, %g, %g), v:(%g,%g,%g), normal:(%g,%g,%g)\n", u, v, pdx_u, pdy_u, pdz_u, pdx_v, pdy_v,
// pdz_v, normals[baseIdx], normals[baseIdx + 1], normals[baseIdx + 2]);
__global__ void
@ -210,20 +214,18 @@ NurbsSurface::g_curvature(const float *derivatives, const int sampleCnt_u, const
// normalization(uvx, uvy, uvz);
// normalization(sndPdx_vv, sndPdy_vv, sndPdz_vv);
if (ix == 8 && iy == 9) {
printf("(%g, %g) --> uu: (%g, %g, %g), uv: (%g, %g, %g), vv: (%g, %g, %g)\n", u, v, sndPdx_uu, sndPdy_uu,
uvx, uvy, uvz, sndPdx_vv, sndPdy_vv, sndPdz_vv);
printf("uv: (%g, %g, %g), vu: (%g, %g, %g)\n", sndPdx_uv, sndPdy_uv, sndPdz_uv, sndPdx_vu, sndPdy_vu,
// if (ix == 8 && iy == 9) {
// printf("(%g, %g) --> uu: (%g, %g, %g), uv: (%g, %g, %g), vv: (%g, %g, %g)\n", u, v, sndPdx_uu, sndPdy_uu,
// sndPdz_uu,
// uvx, uvy, uvz, sndPdx_vv, sndPdy_vv, sndPdz_vv);
// printf("uv: (%g, %g, %g), vu: (%g, %g, %g)\n", sndPdx_uv, sndPdy_uv, sndPdz_uv, sndPdx_vu, sndPdy_vu,
// sndPdz_vu);
// }
float m1 = max(max(sndPdx_uu, sndPdy_uu), sndPdz_uu);
float m2 = max(max(uvx, uvy), uvz);
float m3 = max(max(sndPdx_vv, sndPdy_vv), sndPdz_vv);
// __shared__ float ms[363];
ms[(ix * sampleCnt_v + iy) * 3] = m1;
ms[(ix * sampleCnt_v + iy) * 3 + 1] = m2;
@ -280,6 +282,7 @@ __host__ NurbsSurface::Surface::Surface(std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<floa
d_evaluationRes = nullptr;
d_derivatives = nullptr;
d_k = nullptr;
d_normals = nullptr;
bvh.nodes = nullptr;
@ -342,6 +345,7 @@ NurbsSurface::Surface::evaluate(int sampleCnt_u, int sampleCnt_v) {
dim3 grid((sampleCnt_u + block.x - 1) / block.x, (sampleCnt_v + block.y - 1) / block.y);
// 记录用时
double time_cost_device;
if (recordTime) time_cost_device = get_time();
g_basisTexture<<<gridBasis_u, blockBasis>>>(d_nTexture_u, d_nTexture1_u, d_knots_u, pointsCnt_u, knotsCnt_u,
@ -349,7 +353,6 @@ NurbsSurface::Surface::evaluate(int sampleCnt_u, int sampleCnt_v) {
if (recordTime) time_cost_device = get_time();
g_evaluate <<<grid, block>>>(d_evaluationRes, d_nTexture_u, d_nTexture_v, d_points, pointsCnt_u, pointsCnt_v,
knots_u[knotsCnt_u - 1], knots_v[knotsCnt_v - 1], sampleCnt_u, sampleCnt_v);
@ -403,7 +406,12 @@ __host__ void NurbsSurface::Surface::derivative(int sampleCnt_u, int sampleCnt_v
// 构造切向量计算结果
cudaMalloc((void **) &d_derivatives,
sampleCnt_v * sampleCnt_u * 6 * sizeof(float)); // 每个采用所求的切向量是一个六元向量,前三位是对u的偏导、后三位是对v的偏导
sampleCnt_v * sampleCnt_u * 6 * sizeof(float)); // 每个采样所求的切向量是一个六元向量,前三位是对u的偏导、后三位是对v的偏导
// 构造法向量计算结果
cudaMalloc((void **) &d_normals,
sampleCnt_v * sampleCnt_u * 3 * sizeof(float));
// 构造线程层级
dim3 block(32, 32);
@ -420,11 +428,9 @@ __host__ void NurbsSurface::Surface::derivative(int sampleCnt_u, int sampleCnt_v
g_derTexture<<<gridTex_v, blockTex>>>(d_derTexture_v, d_nTexture1_v, d_knots_v, pointsCnt_v, knotsCnt_v,
g_derivative<<<grid, block>>>(d_derivatives, d_derTexture_u, d_derTexture_v, d_nTexture_u, d_nTexture_v, d_points,
pointsCnt_v, POINT_SIZE, knots_u[knotsCnt_u - 1], knots_v[knotsCnt_v - 1],
g_derivative<<<grid, block>>>(d_derivatives, d_normals, d_derTexture_u, d_derTexture_v, d_nTexture_u, d_nTexture_v,
d_points, pointsCnt_u, pointsCnt_v, POINT_SIZE, knots_u[knotsCnt_u - 1],
knots_v[knotsCnt_v - 1], sampleCnt_u, sampleCnt_v);
cudaDeviceSynchronize(); // 所用线程结束后再获取结束时间。cudaThreadSynchronize()在CUDA1.0后被弃用
if (recordTime) {
time_cost_device = get_time() - time_cost_device;
@ -462,9 +468,8 @@ __host__ void NurbsSurface::Surface::curvature(int sampleCnt_u, int sampleCnt_v)
cudaDeviceSynchronize(); // 所用线程结束后再获取结束时间。cudaThreadSynchronize()在CUDA1.0后被弃用
if (recordTime) {
time_cost_device = get_time() - time_cost_device;
printf("GPU time cost of surface second derivative calculating for %d samples: %lf\n",
sampleCnt_u * sampleCnt_v,
printf("GPU time cost of surface curvature calculating for %d samples: %lf\n",
sampleCnt_u * sampleCnt_v, time_cost_device);
@ -483,13 +488,22 @@ NurbsSurface::Surface::~Surface() {
__host__ void NurbsSurface::Surface::buildBHV(int sampleCnt_u, int sampleCnt_v) {
// 先计算曲率
curvature(sampleCnt_u, sampleCnt_v);
__host__ void NurbsSurface::Surface::buildBHV(int layerCnt, bool useK) {
int sampleCnt_u = pow(2, layerCnt - 1) + 1, sampleCnt_v = sampleCnt_u;
if (useK) {
// 先计算曲率,过程中也会计算曲面值
curvature(sampleCnt_u, sampleCnt_v);
} else {
// 只做evaluation
evaluate(sampleCnt_u, sampleCnt_v);
if (POINT_SIZE != controlPoints[0][0].size()) {
printf("Error! Nurbs控制点应表示为长度为4的齐次坐标\n");
@ -498,25 +512,161 @@ __host__ void NurbsSurface::Surface::buildBHV(int sampleCnt_u, int sampleCnt_v)
dim3 block(32, 32);
dim3 grid((sampleCnt_u + block.x - 1) / block.x, (sampleCnt_v + block.y - 1) / block.y);
bvh.maxLevel = max(int(ceil(log2f(sampleCnt_u - 1))) + 1, int(ceil(log2f(sampleCnt_v - 1))) + 1);
// bvh.maxLevel = max(int(ceil(log2f(sampleCnt_u - 1))) + 1, int(ceil(log2f(sampleCnt_v - 1))) + 1);
bvh.maxLevel = layerCnt;
bvh.size = (pow(4, bvh.maxLevel) - 1) / 3; // 等比数列求和公示求出数总的节点数
size_t bvhBytes = sizeof(BVHNode) * bvh.size;
BVHNode *d_bvh = nullptr;
cudaMalloc((void **) &d_bvh, bvhBytes);
// 记录用时
double time_cost_device = get_time();
buildSurfaceBvh<<<grid, block>>>(d_k, bvh.maxLevel, d_evaluationRes, knots_u[knots_u.size() - 1],
knots_v[knots_v.size() - 1], sampleCnt_u, sampleCnt_v, d_bvh);
double time_cost_device;
if (recordTime) time_cost_device = get_time();
buildBvh<<<grid, block>>>(d_k, bvh.maxLevel, d_evaluationRes, knots_u[knots_u.size() - 1],
knots_v[knots_v.size() - 1], sampleCnt_u, sampleCnt_v, d_bvh);
if (recordTime) {
time_cost_device = get_time() - time_cost_device;
printf("GPU time cost of surface second derivative calculating for %d samples: %lf\n",
sampleCnt_u * sampleCnt_v,
printf("GPU time cost of a %d-layer BVH building: %lf\n",
bvh.maxLevel, time_cost_device);
if (bvh.nodes == nullptr) bvh.nodes = (BVHNode *) malloc(bvhBytes);
bvh.nodes = (BVHNode *) malloc(bvhBytes);
cudaMemcpy(bvh.nodes, d_bvh, bvhBytes, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
// bvh.printQuadTree();
__host__ void NurbsSurface::Surface::buildGaussMap(int layerCnt) {
int sampleCnt_u = pow(2, layerCnt - 1) + 1, sampleCnt_v = sampleCnt_u;
// 先计算法向量
derivative(sampleCnt_u, sampleCnt_v);
if (POINT_SIZE != controlPoints[0][0].size()) {
printf("Error! Nurbs控制点应表示为长度为4的齐次坐标\n");
// 构造线程层级
dim3 block(32, 32);
dim3 grid((sampleCnt_u + block.x - 1) / block.x, (sampleCnt_v + block.y - 1) / block.y);
gauss_map.maxLevel = layerCnt;
gauss_map.size = (pow(4, layerCnt) - 1) / 3; // 等比数列求和公示求出数总的节点数
size_t gaussMapBytes = sizeof(BVHNode) * gauss_map.size;
BVHNode *d_gaussMapTree = nullptr;
cudaMalloc((void **) &d_gaussMapTree, gaussMapBytes);
// 记录用时
double time_cost_device;
if (recordTime) time_cost_device = get_time();
buildBvh<<<grid, block>>>(nullptr, layerCnt, d_normals, knots_u[knots_u.size() - 1],
knots_v[knots_v.size() - 1], sampleCnt_u, sampleCnt_v, d_gaussMapTree);
if (recordTime) {
time_cost_device = get_time() - time_cost_device;
printf("GPU time cost of a %d-layer Gauss Map building: %lf\n",
layerCnt, time_cost_device);
gauss_map.nodes = (BVHNode *) malloc(gaussMapBytes);
cudaMemcpy(gauss_map.nodes, d_gaussMapTree, gaussMapBytes, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
__host__ void NurbsSurface::recursiveGetOverlapLeafNodes(const BVH &bvh1, const BVH &bvh2, int idx1, int idx2,
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> &pairs) {
auto A = bvh1.nodes[idx1];
auto B = bvh2.nodes[idx2];
auto AABBSize = [](const AABB &aabb) {
return (aabb.pMax.z - aabb.pMin.z) *
(aabb.pMax.y - aabb.pMin.y) *
(aabb.pMax.x - aabb.pMin.x);
// 两个包围盒不相交,返回
if (!A.bounds.IsOverlap(B.bounds)) return;
// 相交
if (A.firstChild == -1 && B.firstChild == -1) {
// 两者都是叶子节点
pairs.emplace_back(idx1, idx2);
} else if (A.firstChild != -1 && B.firstChild == -1) {
// A是中间结点,B是叶子结点
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) recursiveGetOverlapLeafNodes(bvh1, bvh2, A.firstChild + i, idx2, pairs);
} else if (A.firstChild == -1 && B.firstChild != -1) {
// A是叶子结点,B是中间结点
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) recursiveGetOverlapLeafNodes(bvh1, bvh2, idx1, B.firstChild + i, pairs);
} else {
// 都是中间结点
if (AABBSize(A.bounds) > AABBSize(B.bounds)) {
// A的包围盒更大
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) recursiveGetOverlapLeafNodes(bvh1, bvh2, A.firstChild + i, idx2, pairs);
} else {
// B的包围盒更大
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) recursiveGetOverlapLeafNodes(bvh1, bvh2, idx1, B.firstChild + i, pairs);
__host__ std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>
NurbsSurface::getOverlappedLeafNodes(const BVH &bvh1, const BVH &bvh2) {
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> resPairs;
// 记录用时
double time_cost_device = get_time();
recursiveGetOverlapLeafNodes(bvh1, bvh2, 0, 0, resPairs);
time_cost_device = get_time() - time_cost_device;
printf("CPU time cost for recursively calculating the overlapped leaf nodes: %lf\n", time_cost_device);
return resPairs;
__host__ bool
NurbsSurface::isGaussMapsOverlapped(const BVH &gm1, const BVH &gm2, std::pair<int, int> idxRange_u1,
std::pair<int, int> idxRange_v1, std::pair<int, int> idxRange_u2,
std::pair<int, int> idxRange_v2) {
if (gm1.maxLevel != gm2.maxLevel || gm1.maxLevel <= 0) {
printf("BVH Layer error!\n");
return false;
int commonMaxLayer = gm1.maxLevel;
int edgeCellCnt = pow(2, commonMaxLayer - 1);
if (idxRange_u1.first < 0 || idxRange_u2.first < 0 || idxRange_v1.first < 0 || idxRange_v2.first < 0 ||
idxRange_u1.second >= edgeCellCnt || idxRange_u2.second >= edgeCellCnt ||
idxRange_v1.second >= edgeCellCnt || idxRange_v2.second >= edgeCellCnt) {
printf("Error when detecting overlapping: idx range invalid!\n");
return false;
auto getRangedBox = [&commonMaxLayer](const BVH &bvh, const std::pair<int, int> &idxRange_u,
const std::pair<int, int> idxRange_v) {
AABB bounding;
for (int i = idxRange_u.first; i <= idxRange_u.second; ++i) {
for (int j = idxRange_v.first; j <= idxRange_v.second; ++j) {
bounding = bounding.Union(
bvh.nodes[getStartIdxOfLayerN(commonMaxLayer) + h_getChildNodeIdx(i, j)].bounds);
return bounding;
return getRangedBox(gm1, idxRange_u1, idxRange_v1)
.IsOverlap(getRangedBox(gm2, idxRange_u2, idxRange_v2));
__host__ bool NurbsSurface::isGaussMapsOverlapped(const BVH &gm1, const BVH &gm2, std::pair<float, float> range_u1,
std::pair<float, float> range_v1, std::pair<float, float> range_u2,
std::pair<float, float> range_v2,
std::pair<float, float> paramRange_u1,
std::pair<float, float> paramRange_v1,
std::pair<float, float> paramRange_u2,
std::pair<float, float> paramRange_v2) {
if (gm1.maxLevel != gm2.maxLevel || gm1.maxLevel <= 0) {
printf("BVH Layer error!\n");
return false;
int edgeCellCnt = pow(2, gm1.maxLevel - 1);
// 根据所给参数的范围和参数的定义域范围,获得对应的采样网格中的范围
auto getIdxRange = [](std::pair<float, float> range, std::pair<float, float> paramRange, int edgeCellCnt) {
float paramStep = (paramRange.second - paramRange.first) / edgeCellCnt;
return std::pair<int, int>({int((range.first - paramRange.first) / paramStep),
int((range.second - paramRange.first) / paramStep)});
auto idxRange_u1 = getIdxRange(range_u1, paramRange_u1, edgeCellCnt);
auto idxRange_v1 = getIdxRange(range_v1, paramRange_v1, edgeCellCnt);
auto idxRange_u2 = getIdxRange(range_u2, paramRange_u2, edgeCellCnt);
auto idxRange_v2 = getIdxRange(range_v2, paramRange_v2, edgeCellCnt);
return isGaussMapsOverlapped(gm1, gm2, idxRange_u1, idxRange_v1, idxRange_u2, idxRange_v2);


@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
__device__ __host__ AABB::AABB() {
float minNum = -D_FLT_MAX;
float maxNum = D_FLT_MAX;
pMin = FVec3(minNum, minNum, minNum);
pMax = FVec3(maxNum, maxNum, maxNum);
pMax = FVec3(minNum, minNum, minNum);
pMin = FVec3(maxNum, maxNum, maxNum);
__device__ __host__ AABB::AABB(const FVec3 &p) : pMin(p), pMax(p) {}
@ -40,3 +40,12 @@ __device__ __host__ bool AABB::IsOverlap(const AABB& b2) {
if (b2.pMin.z > pMax.z) return false;
return true;
__device__ __host__ void AABB::expand(float k) {
pMin.x -= k;
pMin.y -= k;
pMin.z -= k;
pMax.x += k;
pMax.y += k;
pMax.z += k;


@ -16,11 +16,8 @@ __device__ bool d_floatEqual(float a, float b) {
__device__ void normalization(float &a, float &b, float &c) {
float sumA = a * a;
float sumB = b * b;
float sumC = c * c;
float sum = sumA + sumB + sumC;
a = sqrt(sumA / sum);
b = sqrt(sumB / sum);
c = sqrt(sumC / sum);
float sqrtSum = sqrt(a * a + b * b + c * c);
a /= sqrtSum;
b /= sqrtSum;
c /= sqrtSum;

src/main.cpp → tests/main.cpp

@ -22,16 +22,34 @@ int main() {
// {0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.5, 0.8, 1, 1, 1},
// {0, 0, 0, 0.2, 0.7, 0.8, 1, 1, 1});
// NurbsSurface::Surface nurbsSurfaceEvaluator({
// {{-0.57, -0.48, -0.31, 1}, {-0.17, -0.49, -0.43, 1}, {0.3, -0.53, -0.27, 1}, {0.66, -0.42, -0.36, 1}},
// {{-0.53, -0.15, -0.03, 1}, {-0.21, -0.12, 0.09, 1}, {0.10, -0.18, 0.03, 1}, {0.49, -0.15, -0.03, 1}},
// {{-0.61, 0.22, 0.09, 1}, {-0.21, 0.20, 0.09, 1}, {0.13, 0.20, 0.12, 1}, {0.49, 0.19, -0.03, 1}},
// {{-0.52, 0.51, 0.13, 1}, {-0.20, 0.32, 0.36, 1}, {0.18, 0.29, 0.28, 1}, {0.51, 0.53, 0.12, 1}}
// }, {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1});
NurbsSurface::Surface nurbsSurfaceEvaluator({
{{-0.57, -0.48, -0.31, 1}, {-0.17, -0.49, -0.43, 1}, {0.3, -0.53, -0.27, 1}, {0.66, -0.42, -0.36, 1}},
{{-0.53, -0.15, -0.03, 1}, {-0.21, -0.12, 0.09, 1}, {0.10, -0.18, 0.03, 1}, {0.49, -0.15, -0.03, 1}},
{{-0.61, 0.22, 0.09, 1}, {-0.21, 0.20, 0.09, 1}, {0.13, 0.20, 0.12, 1}, {0.49, 0.19, -0.03, 1}},
{{-0.52, 0.51, 0.13, 1}, {-0.20, 0.32, 0.36, 1}, {0.18, 0.29, 0.28, 1}, {0.51, 0.53, 0.12, 1}}
{{2, -2, -2, 1}, {-2.5, -2.2, -1.5, 3}, {-2, -2, -0.5, 4}, {-2, -2, 1.5, 2}},
{{2, -1, -2, 2}, {-2.5, -1.2, -1.5, 1}, {-2, -1, -0.5, 1}, {-2, -1, 1.5, 1}},
{{3, 1.2, -2, 9}, {-2.5, 1.2, -1.5, 1}, {-2, 1.5, -0.5, 7}, {-2, 1.5, 1.5, 4}},
{{2, 2, -2, 1}, {-2.5, 2, -1.5, 1}, {-2, 2.5, -0.5, 7}, {-2, 2, 1.5, 1}}
}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1});
nurbsSurfaceEvaluator.buildBHV(17, 17);
// nurbsSurfaceEvaluator.evaluate(101, 101);
nurbsSurfaceEvaluator.buildGaussMap(9); // 构建曲面的Gauss map
// nurbsSurfaceEvaluator.gauss_map.printQuadTree(); // 打印整棵Gauss map树
auto overlappedLeafNodes = NurbsSurface::getOverlappedLeafNodes(nurbsSurfaceEvaluator.gauss_map,
printf("overlapped leafNodes cnt: %llu\n", overlappedLeafNodes.size());
auto isRegionallyOverlapped = NurbsSurface::isGaussMapsOverlapped(nurbsSurfaceEvaluator.gauss_map,
nurbsSurfaceEvaluator.gauss_map, {0.2, 0.3},
{0.2, 0.3}, {0.28, 0.38}, {0.28, 0.38}, {0, 1},
{0, 1}, {0, 1}, {0, 1});
printf("is guass map overlapped: %d\n", isRegionallyOverlapped);
// nurbsSurfaceEvaluator.buildBHV(9); // 构建曲面的BVH
// nurbsSurfaceEvaluator.evaluate(101, 101); // 求值
NurbsCurve::Curve nurbsCurveEvaluator(