@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ |
#include <iostream> |
#include <booluarray.hpp> |
#include <cstddef> |
#include <iostream> |
#include <iomanip> |
@ -12,6 +11,7 @@ |
#include <vector> |
#include "bernstein.hpp" |
#include "multiloop.hpp" |
#include "organizer/blobtree.hpp" |
#include "quadrature_multipoly.hpp" |
#include "binomial.hpp" |
@ -32,20 +32,7 @@ namespace algoim::Organizer |
namespace detail |
{ |
void bernstein2PowerTensor(const tensor3& phiBernstein, tensor3& phiPower) {} |
} // namespace detail
bool keepQuadraturePoint(std::vector<tensor3>& originTensors, const uvector3& originPt) |
{ |
// TODO: using blobtree to filter tensors
for (auto& t : originTensors) { |
if (evalPower(t, originPt) >= 0) { return false; } |
} |
return true; |
} |
// std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PrimitiveDesc>> primitives;
// BasicTask(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PrimitiveDesc>> ps) {};
void restrictToInnerFace(const tensor3& phi, int k, real facePos, tensor2& res) |
{ |
assert(0 <= k && k < 3); |
@ -63,143 +50,6 @@ void restrictToInnerFace(const tensor3& phi, int k, real facePos, tensor2& res) |
} |
} |
void basicTask(const std::shared_ptr<PrimitiveDesc>& p, int q = 20, real xmin = -1, real xmax = 1) |
{ |
real volume = 0; |
auto integrand = [](const uvector<real, 3>& x) { return 1.0; }; |
uvector3 range = xmax - xmin; |
if (auto pt = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<SphereDesc>(p)) { |
tensor3 tensor(nullptr, 3); |
algoim_spark_alloc(real, tensor); |
makeSphere(*pt, tensor); |
detail::powerTransformation(range, xmin, tensor); |
tensor3 phi(nullptr, 3); |
algoim_spark_alloc(real, phi); |
detail::power2BernsteinTensor(tensor, phi); |
uvector<real, 3> testX(0., 0., 0.25); |
real testEvalBernstein = bernstein::evalBernsteinPoly(phi, testX); |
// auto vec1 = xarray2StdVector(phi);
std::cout << "eval bernstein without interpolation:" << testEvalBernstein << std::endl; |
ImplicitPolyQuadrature<3> ipquad(phi); |
ipquad.integrate(AutoMixed, q, [&](const uvector<real, 3>& x, real w) { |
if (isInsideBernstein(phi, x)) volume += w * integrand(xmin + x * (xmax - xmin)); |
}); |
} else if (auto pt = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<MeshDesc>(p)) { |
const int faceCount = pt->indexInclusiveScan.size(); |
assert(faceCount > 1); |
std::vector<tensor3> planeTensors(faceCount, tensor3(nullptr, 2)); |
algoim_spark_alloc(real, planeTensors); |
tensor3 compositeTensor(nullptr, 1 + faceCount); |
algoim_spark_alloc(real, compositeTensor); |
makeMesh(*pt, compositeTensor, planeTensors); |
detail::powerTransformation(range, xmin, compositeTensor); |
auto planeStdVector1 = xarray2StdVector(planeTensors[0]); |
auto planeStdVector2 = xarray2StdVector(planeTensors[1]); |
auto compositeTensorStdVector = xarray2StdVector(compositeTensor); |
uvector<real, 3> testX(0., 0.75, 0.2); |
real textEvalPower = evalPower(compositeTensor, testX); |
tensor3 phi(nullptr, 1 + faceCount); |
algoim_spark_alloc(real, phi); |
detail::power2BernsteinTensor(compositeTensor, phi); |
int quadraturePointCount = 0; |
ImplicitPolyQuadrature<3> ipquad(phi); |
real testEvalBernstein = bernstein::evalBernsteinPoly(phi, testX); |
ipquad.integrate(AutoMixed, q, [&](const uvector<real, 3>& x, real w) { |
quadraturePointCount++; |
auto realX = x * range + xmin; |
if (isInsidePowers(planeTensors, realX)) volume += w * integrand(realX); |
}); |
std::cout << "textEvalPower: " << textEvalPower << std::endl; |
std::cout << "quadraturePointCount: " << quadraturePointCount << std::endl; |
} |
volume *= pow(xmax - xmin, 3); |
std::cout << "Volume xxx: " << volume << std::endl; |
}; |
void basicTask(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PrimitiveDesc>>& primitives, int q = 20, real xmin = -1, real xmax = 1) |
{ |
std::vector<SparkStack<real>*> phiStacks; |
std::vector<tensor3> phis; |
std::vector<SparkStack<real>*> originTensorStacks; |
std::vector<tensor3> originTensors; |
real volume; |
auto integrand = [](const uvector<real, 3>& x) { return 1.0; }; |
uvector3 range = xmax - xmin; |
uvector<real, 3> testX(0., 0.75, 0.2); |
for (int i = 0; i < primitives.size(); i++) { |
if (auto pt = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<SphereDesc>(primitives[i])) { |
tensor3 originTensor(nullptr, 3), transformedTensor(nullptr, 3); |
originTensorStacks.emplace_back(algoim_spark_alloc_heap(real, originTensor)); // 记录,用以最后bool
tensor3 phi(nullptr, 3); |
phiStacks.emplace_back( |
algoim_spark_alloc_heap(real, phi)); // 必须先于algoim_spark_alloc,使transformedTensor的内存以栈形式释放
algoim_spark_alloc(real, transformedTensor); |
makeSphere(*pt, originTensor); |
originTensors.emplace_back(originTensor); |
detail::powerTransformation(range, xmin, originTensor, transformedTensor); |
detail::power2BernsteinTensor(transformedTensor, phi); |
phis.emplace_back(phi); |
} else if (auto pt = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<MeshDesc>(primitives[i])) { |
const int faceCount = pt->indexInclusiveScan.size(); |
assert(faceCount > 1); |
std::vector<tensor3> planeTensors(faceCount, tensor3(nullptr, 2)); |
algoimSparkAllocHeapVector(originTensorStacks, planeTensors); |
tensor3 phi(nullptr, 1 + faceCount); |
phiStacks.emplace_back( |
algoim_spark_alloc_heap(real, phi)); // 必须先于algoim_spark_alloc,使compositeTensor的内存以栈形式释放
tensor3 compositeTensor(nullptr, 1 + faceCount); |
algoim_spark_alloc(real, compositeTensor); |
makeMesh(*pt, compositeTensor, planeTensors); |
detail::powerTransformation(range, xmin, compositeTensor); |
real testEvalPower = evalPower(compositeTensor, testX); |
originTensors.insert(originTensors.end(), planeTensors.begin(), planeTensors.end()); |
detail::power2BernsteinTensor(compositeTensor, phi); |
real testEvalBernstein = bernstein::evalBernsteinPoly(phi, testX); |
phis.emplace_back(phi); |
} |
} |
real testEvalBernstein = bernstein::evalBernsteinPoly(phis[0], testX); |
ImplicitPolyQuadrature<3> ipquad(phis); |
ipquad.integrate(AutoMixed, q, [&](const uvector<real, 3>& x, real w) { |
auto realX = x * range + xmin; |
if (keepQuadraturePoint(originTensors, realX)) volume += w * integrand(realX); |
}); |
volume *= pow(xmax - xmin, 3); |
std::cout << "Volume xxx: " << volume << std::endl; |
// free memory, thus deallocate memory of xarray
for (auto& p : phiStacks) delete p; |
for (auto& p : originTensorStacks) delete p; |
}; |
void quadratureTask(const Scene& scene) {} |
void buildOctree(const Scene& scene, std::vector<Node>& nodes, const uvector3& min, const uvector3& max) {} |
template <int N> |
int numOfZero(const uvector<int, N>& v) |
{ |
@ -259,28 +109,60 @@ std::pair<uvector<int, 3>, uvector<int, 3>> getOneEightCellAABB(const uvector3& |
} |
return res; |
} |
} // namespace detail
// TODO: delete it
bool keepQuadraturePoint(std::vector<tensor3>& originTensors, const uvector3& originPt) |
{ |
for (auto& t : originTensors) { |
if (evalPower(t, originPt) >= 0) { return false; } |
} |
return true; |
} |
std::array<int, 2> sides = {-1, 1}; |
bool keepQuadraturePoint(const Scene& scene, const OcTreeNode& ocTreeNode, const uvector3& originPt) |
{ |
// 只需要考虑intersect polys,不用考虑fully contained polys
for (auto& polyIntersectIdx : ocTreeNode.polyIntersectIndices) { |
// TODO:
} |
return true; |
} |
// std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PrimitiveDesc>> primitives;
// BasicTask(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PrimitiveDesc>> ps) {};
const std::array<int, 2> sides = {-1, 1}; |
struct BasicTaskRes { |
real volume; |
real area; |
}; |
// 对于mark含2个及以上0的情况,尝试对每个0填1或-1的所有组合
// TODO: 参数太多了,考虑换用std::function + lambda
void visitSubcellOnBothSidesOfDir(const uvector3& nodeMid, |
, |
const int polyIntersectIndex, |
const tensor3& poly, |
const int polyIntersectIndex, |
const tensor3& poly, |
std::array<Node, CHILD_NUM>& subNodes, |
int startIdxToCheck, |
uvector<int, 3>& mark) |
std::array<OcTreeNode, CHILD_NUM>& subNodes, |
int startIdxToCheck, |
uvector<int, 3>& mark) |
{ |
int zeroIdx = findFirst(mark, 0, startIdxToCheck); |
int zeroIdx = detail::findFirst(mark, 0, startIdxToCheck); |
if (zeroIdx == -1) { |
tensor3 halfCellPoly(nullptr, poly.ext()); |
algoim_spark_alloc(real, halfCellPoly); |
int subIdx = binaryToDecimal(mark); |
int subIdx = detail::binaryToDecimal(mark); |
auto& subNode = subNodes[subIdx]; |
bernstein::deCasteljau(poly, subNode.min, subNode.max, halfCellPoly); // 求1/8空间下的表达
if (bernstein::uniformSign(halfCellPoly) != 1) { subNode.polyIntersectIndices.emplace_back(polyIntersectIndex); } |
if (bernstein::uniformSign(halfCellPoly) != 1) { |
subNode.polyIntersectIndices.emplace_back(polyIntersectIndex); |
} else { |
organizer::traverse(subNode.blobTree, polyIntersectIndex, organizer::NODE_OUT); |
} |
} else { |
for (auto side : sides) { |
mark(zeroIdx) = side; |
@ -292,23 +174,24 @@ void visitSubcellOnBothSidesOfDir(const uvector3& nodeMid, |
// 叶节点单独存在leaves中,是因为最后只需要叶节点信息,没有自顶向下/自底向上遍历
// 所以树结构是不需要的记录的
// void build(const Scene& scene, std::vector<Node>& intermediateNodes, std::vector<Node> leaves, int nowNodeIdx)
void build(const Scene& scene, const Node& node, std::vector<Node> leaves) |
// void buildOcTree(const Scene& scene, std::vector<Node>& intermediateNodes, std::vector<Node> leaves, int nowNodeIdx)
void buildOcTree(const Scene& scene, const OcTreeNode& node, std::vector<OcTreeNode>& leaves) |
{ |
const std::vector<int>& polyIntersectIndices = node.polyIntersectIndices; |
if (polyIntersectIndices.size() <= 4) { |
leaves.emplace_back(node); |
return; |
} |
const uvector3& nowNodeMin = node.min; |
const uvector3& nowNodeMax = node.max; |
std::array<Node, CHILD_NUM> subNodes; |
const uvector3& nowNodeMin = node.min; |
const uvector3& nowNodeMax = node.max; |
std::array<OcTreeNode, CHILD_NUM> subNodes; |
// intermediateNodes.resize(lastIdx + 8);
int subIdx = 0; |
int subIdx = 0; |
for (MultiLoop<3> j(0, 2); ~j; ++j, ++subIdx) { |
auto nodeAABB = getOneEightCellAABB(node.min, node.max, j(), 0); |
subNodes[subIdx].min = nodeAABB.first; |
subNodes[subIdx].max = nodeAABB.second; |
auto nodeAABB = detail::getOneEightCellAABB(node.min, node.max, j(), 0); |
subNodes[subIdx].min = nodeAABB.first; |
subNodes[subIdx].max = nodeAABB.second; |
subNodes[subIdx].blobTree = node.blobTree; |
} |
uvector3 nodeMid = (nowNodeMin + nowNodeMax) / 2; |
for (int i = 0; i < polyIntersectIndices.size(); ++i) { |
@ -317,9 +200,10 @@ void build(const Scene& scene, const Node& node, std::vector<Node> leaves) |
uvector<int, 3> mark(0, 0, 0); |
for (int faceAxis = 0; faceAxis < 3; ++faceAxis) { |
real centerPlane = nodeMid(faceAxis); |
tensor2 restrictToCenterPlane(nullptr, remove_component(poly.ext(), faceAxis)); |
tensor2 restrictToCenterPlane(nullptr, remove_component(poly.compositedBernstein.ext(), faceAxis)); |
algoim_spark_alloc(real, restrictToCenterPlane); |
restrictToInnerFace(poly, faceAxis, centerPlane, restrictToCenterPlane); |
// NOTE: 这里restrict To Face用的是合成的tensor,这可能导致产生很多实际不需要考虑的交线
detail::restrictToInnerFace(poly.compositedBernstein, faceAxis, centerPlane, restrictToCenterPlane); |
int signOnHalfPlane = bernstein::uniformSign(restrictToCenterPlane); |
if (signOnHalfPlane == -1) { |
// primitive contain the centerface
@ -329,16 +213,16 @@ void build(const Scene& scene, const Node& node, std::vector<Node> leaves) |
// deCasteljau to transformation
uvector3 halfCellMin = nowNodeMin, halfCellMax = nowNodeMax; |
halfCellMax(faceAxis) = nodeMid(faceAxis); |
tensor3 halfCellPoly(nullptr, poly.ext()); |
tensor3 halfCellPoly(nullptr, poly.compositedBernstein.ext()); |
algoim_spark_alloc(real, halfCellPoly); |
bernstein::deCasteljau(poly, halfCellMin, halfCellMax, halfCellPoly); |
bernstein::deCasteljau(poly.compositedBernstein, halfCellMin, halfCellMax, halfCellPoly); |
if (bernstein::uniformSign(halfCellPoly) != 1) { |
// 负空间有
mark(faceAxis) = -1; |
} |
halfCellMax(faceAxis) = nowNodeMax(faceAxis); |
halfCellMin(faceAxis) = nodeMid(faceAxis); |
bernstein::deCasteljau(poly, halfCellMin, halfCellMax, halfCellPoly); |
bernstein::deCasteljau(poly.compositedBernstein, halfCellMin, halfCellMax, halfCellPoly); |
if (bernstein::uniformSign(halfCellPoly) != 1) { |
// 正空间有
mark(faceAxis) += 1; // 当正负空间都有,记0
@ -350,8 +234,8 @@ void build(const Scene& scene, const Node& node, std::vector<Node> leaves) |
if (all(mark == uvector3(2, 2, 2))) { |
// fully containing cases
for (int i = 0; i < CHILD_NUM; ++i) { |
tensor3 subPoly(nullptr, poly.ext()); |
bernstein::deCasteljau(poly, subNodes[i].min, subNodes[i].max, subPoly); |
tensor3 subPoly(nullptr, poly.compositedBernstein.ext()); |
bernstein::deCasteljau(poly.compositedBernstein, subNodes[i].min, subNodes[i].max, subPoly); |
if (bernstein::uniformSign(subPoly) == -1) { |
subNodes[i].polyFullyContainedIndices.emplace_back(polyIntersectIndex); |
} else { |
@ -368,22 +252,34 @@ void build(const Scene& scene, const Node& node, std::vector<Node> leaves) |
} |
continue; |
} |
int zeroCount = numOfZero<3>(mark); |
int zeroCount = detail::numOfZero<3>(mark); |
if (zeroCount == 0) { |
// mark has -1 or 1 only
real nodeMidVal = bernstein::evalBernsteinPoly(poly, nodeMid); |
if (mark(0) == 2 && mark(1) == 1 && mark(2) == 1) {} |
subNodes[binaryToDecimal(mark, -1)].polyIntersectIndices.emplace_back(polyIntersectIndex); |
real nodeMidVal = bernstein::evalBernsteinPoly(poly.compositedBernstein, nodeMid); |
int markIdx = detail::binaryToDecimal(mark); |
for (int subIdx = 0; subIdx < CHILD_NUM; ++subIdx) { |
if (subIdx == markIdx) |
subNodes[subIdx].polyIntersectIndices.emplace_back(polyIntersectIndex); |
else |
organizer::traverse(subNodes[subIdx].blobTree, polyIntersectIndex, organizer::NODE_OUT); |
} |
} else if (zeroCount == 1) { |
// poly related to 2 subcells
uvector<int, 3> sideMark = mark; |
int zeroIdx = replaceFirst(sideMark, 0, 1); |
subNodes[binaryToDecimal(sideMark, -1)].polyIntersectIndices.emplace_back(polyIntersectIndex); |
sideMark(zeroIdx) = -1; |
subNodes[binaryToDecimal(sideMark, -1)].polyIntersectIndices.emplace_back(polyIntersectIndex); |
int zeroIdx = detail::replaceFirst(sideMark, 0, 1); |
int sideIdx1 = detail::binaryToDecimal(sideMark, -1); |
sideMark(zeroIdx) = -1; |
int sideIdx2 = detail::binaryToDecimal(sideMark, -1); |
subNodes[sideIdx1].polyIntersectIndices.emplace_back(polyIntersectIndex); |
subNodes[sideIdx2].polyIntersectIndices.emplace_back(polyIntersectIndex); |
for (int subIdx = 0; subIdx < CHILD_NUM; ++subIdx) { |
if (subIdx != sideIdx1 && subIdx != sideIdx2) { |
organizer::traverse(subNodes[subIdx].blobTree, polyIntersectIndex, organizer::NODE_OUT); |
} |
} |
} else { |
// zeroCount == 2 or 3
visitSubcellOnBothSidesOfDir(nodeMid, polyIntersectIndex, poly, subNodes, 0, mark); |
visitSubcellOnBothSidesOfDir(nodeMid, polyIntersectIndex, poly.compositedBernstein, subNodes, 0, mark); |
} |
} |
// launch subdivision in subcells
@ -393,14 +289,231 @@ void build(const Scene& scene, const Node& node, std::vector<Node> leaves) |
subNodes[subIdx].polyFullyContainedIndices.insert(subNodes[subIdx].polyFullyContainedIndices.end(), |
node.polyFullyContainedIndices.begin(), |
node.polyFullyContainedIndices.end()); |
build(scene, subNodes[subIdx], leaves); |
buildOcTree(scene, subNodes[subIdx], leaves); |
} |
} |
/** single object quadrature */ |
void basicTask(const std::shared_ptr<PrimitiveDesc>& p, int q = 20, real xmin = -1, real xmax = 1) |
{ |
real volume = 0; |
auto integrand = [](const uvector<real, 3>& x) { return 1.0; }; |
uvector3 range = xmax - xmin; |
if (auto pt = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<SphereDesc>(p)) { |
tensor3 tensor(nullptr, 3); |
algoim_spark_alloc(real, tensor); |
makeSphere(*pt, tensor); |
detail::powerTransformation(range, xmin, tensor); |
tensor3 phi(nullptr, 3); |
algoim_spark_alloc(real, phi); |
detail::power2BernsteinTensor(tensor, phi); |
uvector<real, 3> testX(0., 0., 0.25); |
real testEvalBernstein = bernstein::evalBernsteinPoly(phi, testX); |
std::cout << "eval bernstein without interpolation:" << testEvalBernstein << std::endl; |
ImplicitPolyQuadrature<3> ipquad(phi); |
ipquad.integrate(AutoMixed, q, [&](const uvector<real, 3>& x, real w) { |
if (isInsideBernstein(phi, x)) volume += w * integrand(xmin + x * (xmax - xmin)); |
}); |
} else if (auto pt = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<MeshDesc>(p)) { |
const int faceCount = pt->indexInclusiveScan.size(); |
assert(faceCount > 1); |
std::vector<tensor3> planeTensors(faceCount, tensor3(nullptr, 2)); |
algoim_spark_alloc(real, planeTensors); |
tensor3 compositeTensor(nullptr, 1 + faceCount); |
algoim_spark_alloc(real, compositeTensor); |
makeMesh(*pt, compositeTensor, planeTensors); |
detail::powerTransformation(range, xmin, compositeTensor); |
auto planeStdVector1 = xarray2StdVector(planeTensors[0]); |
auto planeStdVector2 = xarray2StdVector(planeTensors[1]); |
auto compositeTensorStdVector = xarray2StdVector(compositeTensor); |
uvector<real, 3> testX(0., 0.75, 0.2); |
real textEvalPower = evalPower(compositeTensor, testX); |
tensor3 phi(nullptr, 1 + faceCount); |
algoim_spark_alloc(real, phi); |
detail::power2BernsteinTensor(compositeTensor, phi); |
int quadraturePointCount = 0; |
ImplicitPolyQuadrature<3> ipquad(phi); |
real testEvalBernstein = bernstein::evalBernsteinPoly(phi, testX); |
ipquad.integrate(AutoMixed, q, [&](const uvector<real, 3>& x, real w) { |
quadraturePointCount++; |
auto realX = x * range + xmin; |
if (isInsidePowers(planeTensors, realX)) volume += w * integrand(realX); |
}); |
std::cout << "textEvalPower: " << textEvalPower << std::endl; |
std::cout << "quadraturePointCount: " << quadraturePointCount << std::endl; |
} |
// TODO: 考虑fully contain 问题
volume *= pow(xmax - xmin, 3); |
std::cout << "Volume xxx: " << volume << std::endl; |
}; |
void basicTask(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PrimitiveDesc>>& primitives, int q = 20, real xmin = -1, real xmax = 1) |
{ |
std::vector<SparkStack<real>*> phiStacks; |
std::vector<tensor3> phis; |
std::vector<SparkStack<real>*> originTensorStacks; |
std::vector<tensor3> originTensors; |
real volume; |
auto integrand = [](const uvector<real, 3>& x) { return 1.0; }; |
uvector3 range = xmax - xmin; |
uvector<real, 3> testX(0., 0.75, 0.2); |
for (int i = 0; i < primitives.size(); i++) { |
if (auto pt = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<SphereDesc>(primitives[i])) { |
tensor3 originTensor(nullptr, 3), transformedTensor(nullptr, 3); |
originTensorStacks.emplace_back(algoim_spark_alloc_heap(real, originTensor)); // 记录,用以最后bool
tensor3 phi(nullptr, 3); |
phiStacks.emplace_back( |
algoim_spark_alloc_heap(real, phi)); // 必须先于algoim_spark_alloc,使transformedTensor的内存以栈形式释放
algoim_spark_alloc(real, transformedTensor); |
makeSphere(*pt, originTensor); |
originTensors.emplace_back(originTensor); |
detail::powerTransformation(range, xmin, originTensor, transformedTensor); |
detail::power2BernsteinTensor(transformedTensor, phi); |
phis.emplace_back(phi); |
} else if (auto pt = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<MeshDesc>(primitives[i])) { |
const int faceCount = pt->indexInclusiveScan.size(); |
assert(faceCount > 1); |
std::vector<tensor3> planeTensors(faceCount, tensor3(nullptr, 2)); |
algoimSparkAllocHeapVector(originTensorStacks, planeTensors); |
tensor3 phi(nullptr, 1 + faceCount); |
phiStacks.emplace_back( |
algoim_spark_alloc_heap(real, phi)); // 必须先于algoim_spark_alloc,使compositeTensor的内存以栈形式释放
tensor3 compositeTensor(nullptr, 1 + faceCount); |
algoim_spark_alloc(real, compositeTensor); |
makeMesh(*pt, compositeTensor, planeTensors); |
detail::powerTransformation(range, xmin, compositeTensor); |
real testEvalPower = evalPower(compositeTensor, testX); |
originTensors.insert(originTensors.end(), planeTensors.begin(), planeTensors.end()); |
detail::power2BernsteinTensor(compositeTensor, phi); |
real testEvalBernstein = bernstein::evalBernsteinPoly(phi, testX); |
phis.emplace_back(phi); |
} |
} |
real testEvalBernstein = bernstein::evalBernsteinPoly(phis[0], testX); |
ImplicitPolyQuadrature<3> ipquad(phis); |
ipquad.integrate(AutoMixed, q, [&](const uvector<real, 3>& x, real w) { |
auto realX = x * range + xmin; |
if (keepQuadraturePoint(originTensors, realX)) volume += w * integrand(realX); |
}); |
volume *= pow(xmax - xmin, 3); |
std::cout << "Volume xxx: " << volume << std::endl; |
// free memory, further deallocating memory of xarray
for (auto& p : phiStacks) delete p; |
for (auto& p : originTensorStacks) delete p; |
}; |
BasicTaskRes basicTask(const Scene& scene, const OcTreeNode& node, int q = 20) |
{ |
auto integrand = [](const uvector<real, 3>& x) { return 1.0; }; |
real volume = 0., surf = 0.; |
auto range = node.max - node.min; |
ImplicitPolyQuadrature<3> ipquad(scene.polys); |
ipquad.integrate(AutoMixed, q, [&](const uvector<real, 3>& x, real w) { |
auto realX = x * range + node.min; |
if (keepQuadraturePoint(scene, node, realX)) volume += w * integrand(realX); |
}); |
} |
void quadratureScene(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PrimitiveDesc>>& primitives, |
const uvector3& xmin, |
const uvector3& xmax, |
const organizer::BlobTree& blobTree) |
{ |
OcTreeNode rootNode(xmin, xmax, blobTree); |
std::vector<OcTreeNode> leaves; |
std::vector<SparkStack<real>*> tensorStacks; |
std::vector<CompleteTensorRep> completeTensorReps; |
real volume; |
auto integrand = [](const uvector<real, 3>& x) { return 1.0; }; |
uvector3 range = xmax - xmin; |
uvector<real, 3> testX(0., 0.75, 0.2); |
for (int i = 0; i < primitives.size(); i++) { |
if (auto pt = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<SphereDesc>(primitives[i])) { |
tensor3 originTensor(nullptr, 3); |
tensor3 transformedTensor(nullptr, 3); |
tensorStacks.emplace_back(algoim_spark_alloc_heap(real, originTensor)); |
tensor3 phi(nullptr, 3); |
tensorStacks.emplace_back( |
algoim_spark_alloc_heap(real, phi)); // 必须先于algoim_spark_alloc,使transformedTensor的内存以栈形式释放
algoim_spark_alloc(real, transformedTensor); |
makeSphere(*pt, originTensor); |
detail::powerTransformation(range, xmin, originTensor, transformedTensor); |
detail::power2BernsteinTensor(transformedTensor, phi); |
completeTensorReps.emplace_back(CompleteTensorRep{phi, {originTensor}}); |
} else if (auto pt = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<MeshDesc>(primitives[i])) { |
const int faceCount = pt->indexInclusiveScan.size(); |
assert(faceCount > 1); |
std::vector<tensor3> planeTensors(faceCount, tensor3(nullptr, 2)); |
algoimSparkAllocHeapVector(tensorStacks, planeTensors); |
tensor3 phi(nullptr, 1 + faceCount); |
tensorStacks.emplace_back( |
algoim_spark_alloc_heap(real, phi)); // 必须先于algoim_spark_alloc,使compositeTensor的内存以栈形式释放
tensor3 compositeTensor(nullptr, 1 + faceCount); |
algoim_spark_alloc(real, compositeTensor); |
makeMesh(*pt, compositeTensor, planeTensors); |
detail::powerTransformation(range, xmin, compositeTensor); |
real testEvalPower = evalPower(compositeTensor, testX); |
detail::power2BernsteinTensor(compositeTensor, phi); |
real testEvalBernstein = bernstein::evalBernsteinPoly(phi, testX); |
completeTensorReps.emplace_back(CompleteTensorRep{phi, planeTensors}); |
} |
} |
Scene scene{completeTensorReps, blobTree}; |
buildOcTree(scene, rootNode, leaves); |
for (const auto& leaf : leaves) { |
auto basicRes = basicTask(scene, leaf, xmin, xmax, 10); |
volume += basicRes.volume; |
} |
volume *= prod(xmax - xmin); |
// TODO: surface area
std::cout << "Volume xxx: " << volume << std::endl; |
// free memory, further deallocating memory of xarray
for (auto& p : tensorStacks) delete p; |
} |
}; // namespace algoim::Organizer
// clang-format off
最一开始的cell应当包含所有的primitive |
func(given cell) { |
得到8个subcell |
@ -408,7 +521,7 @@ void build(const Scene& scene, const Node& node, std::vector<Node> leaves) |
mark = [0,0,0] |
for k in 0,1,2 { |
测试primitive和k轴向的centerface有无交 |
if 无交 { |
if 无交 {0 |
if primitive包裹centerface { |
mark[k] = 2 |
} else { |