3 changed files with 1100 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,713 @@ |
#pragma once |
#include "organizer.hpp" |
#include <uvector.hpp> |
#include "primitive.hpp" |
#include <sparkstack.hpp> |
class Vector3D |
{ |
public: |
Vector3D() = default; |
Vector3D(const double x, const double y, const double z) |
{ |
this->m_x = x; |
this->m_y = y; |
this->m_z = z; |
} |
double length() const |
{ |
return std::sqrt(this->m_x * this->m_x + this->m_y * this->m_y + this->m_z * this->m_z); |
} |
Vector3D operator/(const double scalar) const |
{ |
if (scalar == 0) |
{ |
throw std::runtime_error("Division by zero error."); |
} |
return Vector3D( |
this->m_x / scalar, |
this->m_y / scalar, |
this->m_z / scalar |
); |
} |
Vector3D operator*(const double scalar) const |
{ |
return Vector3D( |
this->m_x * scalar, |
this->m_y * scalar, |
this->m_z * scalar |
); |
} |
Vector3D cross(const Vector3D& other) const |
{ |
return Vector3D( |
this->m_y * other.m_z - this->m_z * other.m_y, |
this->m_z * other.m_x - this->m_x * other.m_z, |
this->m_x * other.m_y - this->m_y * other.m_x |
); |
} |
double dot(const Vector3D& other) const |
{ |
return this->m_x * other.m_x + this->m_y * other.m_y + this->m_z * other.m_z; |
} |
algoim::uvector3 getUVector3Data() const |
{ |
algoim::uvector3 node; |
node(0) = this->m_x; |
node(1) = this->m_y; |
node(2) = this->m_z; |
return node; |
} |
double m_x, m_y, m_z; |
}; |
class Direction3D : public Vector3D |
{ |
public: |
Direction3D() = default; |
Direction3D(const double x, const double y, const double z) |
{ |
this->m_x = x; |
this->m_y = y; |
this->m_z = z; |
this->normalized(); |
} |
Direction3D(const Vector3D& vector) |
{ |
this->m_x = vector.m_x; |
this->m_y = vector.m_y; |
this->m_z = vector.m_z; |
this->normalized(); |
} |
Direction3D cross(const Direction3D& other) const |
{ |
return Direction3D( |
this->m_y * other.m_z - this->m_z * other.m_y, |
this->m_z * other.m_x - this->m_x * other.m_z, |
this->m_x * other.m_y - this->m_y * other.m_x |
); |
} |
double dot(const Direction3D& other) const |
{ |
return this->m_x * other.m_x + this->m_y * other.m_y + this->m_z * other.m_z; |
} |
void normalized() |
{ |
double length = this->length(); |
if (std::abs(length) < 1e-8) |
{ |
throw std::runtime_error("Cannot normalize a zero-length vector."); |
} |
this->m_x /= length; |
this->m_y /= length, |
this->m_z /= length; |
} |
bool isParallel(const Direction3D& other) |
{ |
auto cross = this->cross(other); |
return std::abs(cross.length()) < 1e-8; |
} |
Direction3D operator- () const |
{ |
return Direction3D( |
-this->m_x, |
-this->m_y, |
-this->m_z |
); |
} |
}; |
class Point3D : public Vector3D |
{ |
public: |
Point3D() = default; |
Point3D(const double x, const double y, const double z) |
{ |
this->m_x = x; |
this->m_y = y; |
this->m_z = z; |
} |
Vector3D operator- (const Point3D& other) const |
{ |
return Vector3D( |
this->m_x - other.m_x, |
this->m_y - other.m_y, |
this->m_z - other.m_z |
); |
} |
Point3D operator- (const Direction3D& direction) const |
{ |
return Point3D( |
this->m_x - direction.m_x, |
this->m_y - direction.m_y, |
this->m_z - direction.m_z |
); |
} |
Point3D operator- (const Vector3D& offset) const |
{ |
return Point3D( |
this->m_x - offset.m_x, |
this->m_y - offset.m_y, |
this->m_z - offset.m_z |
); |
} |
Point3D operator+ (const Direction3D& direction) const |
{ |
return Point3D( |
this->m_x + direction.m_x, |
this->m_y + direction.m_y, |
this->m_z + direction.m_z |
); |
} |
Point3D operator+ (const Vector3D& offset) const |
{ |
return Point3D( |
this->m_x + offset.m_x, |
this->m_y + offset.m_y, |
this->m_z + offset.m_z |
); |
} |
double getDistance(const Point3D& other) const |
{ |
return std::sqrt((other.m_x - this->m_x) * (other.m_x - this->m_x) + (other.m_y - this->m_y) * (other.m_y - this->m_y) + (other.m_z - this->m_z) * (other.m_z - this->m_z)); |
} |
Point3D getMiddlePoint(const Point3D& other) const |
{ |
return Point3D((this->m_x + other.m_x) / 2.0, (this->m_z + other.m_z) / 2.0, (this->m_z + other.m_z) / 2.0); |
} |
}; |
class Loader |
{ |
public: |
* @brief Compute the barycentric coordinates of polygon |
* @param[in] points All points which define the polygon |
* @return The barycentric coordinates |
*/ |
Point3D computePolygonCentroid(const std::vector<Point3D>& points) const |
{ |
double centroidX = 0, centroidY = 0, centroidZ = 0; |
for (const auto& point : points) |
{ |
centroidX += point.m_x; |
centroidY += point.m_y; |
centroidZ += point.m_z; |
} |
int n = points.size(); |
return Point3D(centroidX / n, centroidY / n, centroidZ / n); |
} |
* @brief Create an empty blob tree |
* @return The created empty blob tree |
*/ |
static algoim::organizer::BlobTree createEmptyBlobTree() |
{ |
algoim::organizer::BlobTree tree; |
algoim::organizer::Blob blob0; |
blob0.isPrimitive = 1; |
blob0.nodeOp = 0; |
blob0.inOut = 0; |
blob0.oneChildInOut = 0; |
blob0.isLeft = 1; |
blob0.ancestor = 2; |
tree.structure.push_back(blob0); |
algoim::organizer::Blob blob1; |
blob0.isPrimitive = 1; |
blob0.nodeOp = 0; |
blob0.inOut = 0; |
blob0.oneChildInOut = 0; |
blob0.isLeft = 0; |
blob0.ancestor = 0; |
tree.structure.push_back(blob1); |
algoim::organizer::Blob blob2; |
blob0.isPrimitive = 0; |
blob0.nodeOp = 3; // no set
blob0.inOut = 0; |
blob0.oneChildInOut = 0; |
blob0.isLeft = 0; |
blob0.ancestor = 0; |
tree.structure.push_back(blob2); |
tree.primitiveNodeIdx.push_back(0); |
tree.primitiveNodeIdx.push_back(1); |
return tree; |
} |
* @brief Union two visible primitive node |
* @param[in] rep1 The first visible primitive node |
* @param[in] rep2 The second visible primitive node |
* @return The unioned visible primitive |
*/ |
static algoim::organizer::VisiblePrimitiveRep unionNode(const algoim::organizer::VisiblePrimitiveRep& rep1, const algoim::organizer::VisiblePrimitiveRep rep2) |
{ |
auto tree = createEmptyBlobTree(); |
tree.structure[2].nodeOp = 0; |
const std::vector<algoim::organizer::VisiblePrimitiveRep> reps = {rep1, rep2}; |
std::vector<algoim::organizer::MinimalPrimitiveRep> minimalReps; |
algoim::organizer::mergeSubtree2Leaf(tree, minimalReps, reps); |
algoim::organizer::VisiblePrimitiveRep result; |
result.subBlobTree = tree; |
for (auto& rep : minimalReps) |
{ |
result.tensors.push_back(rep.tensor); |
result.aabb.extend(rep.aabb); |
} |
return result; |
} |
* @brief Intersect two visible primitive node |
* @param[in] rep1 The first visible primitive node |
* @param[in] rep2 The second visible primitive node |
* @return The intersected visible primitive |
*/ |
static algoim::organizer::VisiblePrimitiveRep intersectionNode(const algoim::organizer::VisiblePrimitiveRep& rep1, const algoim::organizer::VisiblePrimitiveRep rep2) |
{ |
auto tree = createEmptyBlobTree(); |
tree.structure[2].nodeOp = 1; |
const std::vector<algoim::organizer::VisiblePrimitiveRep> reps = {rep1, rep2}; |
std::vector<algoim::organizer::MinimalPrimitiveRep> minimalReps; |
algoim::organizer::mergeSubtree2Leaf(tree, minimalReps, reps); |
algoim::organizer::VisiblePrimitiveRep result; |
result.subBlobTree = tree; |
for (auto& rep : minimalReps) |
{ |
result.tensors.push_back(rep.tensor); |
result.aabb.extend(rep.aabb); |
} |
return result; |
} |
* @brief Difference two visible primitive node |
* @param[in] rep1 The first visible primitive node |
* @param[in] rep2 The second visible primitive node |
* @return The differenced visible primitive |
*/ |
static algoim::organizer::VisiblePrimitiveRep differenceNode(const algoim::organizer::VisiblePrimitiveRep& rep1, const algoim::organizer::VisiblePrimitiveRep rep2) |
{ |
auto tree = createEmptyBlobTree(); |
tree.structure[2].nodeOp = 2; |
const std::vector<algoim::organizer::VisiblePrimitiveRep> reps = {rep1, rep2}; |
std::vector<algoim::organizer::MinimalPrimitiveRep> minimalReps; |
algoim::organizer::mergeSubtree2Leaf(tree, minimalReps, reps); |
algoim::organizer::VisiblePrimitiveRep result; |
result.subBlobTree = tree; |
for (auto& rep : minimalReps) |
{ |
result.tensors.push_back(rep.tensor); |
result.aabb.extend(rep.aabb); |
} |
return result; |
} |
* @brief Create a polygonal column without top face and bottom face |
* @param[in] points All the bottom point with counter clockwise |
* @param[in] extusion The stretch direction |
* @return The polygonal column |
*/ |
algoim::organizer::VisiblePrimitiveRep createPolygonalColumnWithoutTopBottom(const std::vector<Point3D>& points, const Vector3D& extusion) |
{ |
int pointNumber = points.size(); |
std::vector<algoim::uvector3> vertices; |
std::vector<int> indices; |
std::vector<int> indexInclusiveScan; |
/* All bottom point */ |
for (int i = 0; i < pointNumber; i++) |
{ |
vertices.push_back(points[i].getUVector3Data()); |
} |
/* All top point */ |
for (int i = 0; i < pointNumber; i++) |
{ |
vertices.push_back((points[i] + extusion).getUVector3Data()); |
} |
/* Side face */ |
int index = 0; |
for (int i = 0; i < pointNumber; i++) |
{ |
indices.push_back(i); |
indices.push_back((i + 1) % pointNumber); |
indices.push_back((i + 1) % pointNumber + pointNumber); |
indices.push_back(i + pointNumber); |
indexInclusiveScan.push_back(index); |
index += 4; |
} |
algoim::organizer::MeshDesc polygonalColumn(vertices, indices, indexInclusiveScan); |
algoim::organizer::VisiblePrimitiveRep result; |
result.tensors.resize(2 + pointNumber, algoim::tensor3(nullptr, 3)); |
std::vector<algoim::SparkStack<algoim::real>*> temp; |
algoim::algoimSparkAllocHeapVector(temp, result.tensors); |
algoim::organizer::makeMesh(polygonalColumn, result); |
for (auto& pointer : temp) |
{ |
this->m_allPointer.push_back(pointer); |
} |
return result; |
} |
* @brief Create a cylinder column without top face and bottom face |
* @param[in] origion The origion point of bottom circle of the cylinder |
* @param[in] radius The radius of the cylinder |
* @param[in] length The length of the cylinder |
* @param[in] alignAxis The align axis of the cylinder |
* @return The cylinder column |
*/ |
algoim::organizer::VisiblePrimitiveRep createCylinderWithoutTopBottom(const Point3D& origion, const double radius, const double length, const int alignAxis) |
{ |
algoim::organizer::CylinderDesc cylinderDesc(origion.getUVector3Data(), radius, length, alignAxis); |
algoim::organizer::VisiblePrimitiveRep cylinder; |
cylinder.tensors.resize(3, algoim::tensor3(nullptr, 3)); |
std::vector<algoim::SparkStack<algoim::real>*> temp; |
algoim::algoim_spark_alloc(algoim::real, cylinder.tensors); |
algoim::organizer::makeCylinder(cylinderDesc, cylinder); |
algoim::organizer::VisiblePrimitiveRep result; |
result.tensors.resize(1, algoim::tensor3(nullptr, 3)); |
std::vector<algoim::SparkStack<algoim::real>*> resultTemp; |
algoim::algoimSparkAllocHeapVector(temp, result.tensors); |
this->m_allPointer.push_back(resultTemp[0]); |
result.tensors[0] = cylinder.tensors[0]; |
result.aabb = cylinder.aabb; |
result.subBlobTree.primitiveNodeIdx.push_back(0); |
result.subBlobTree.structure.push_back(algoim::organizer::Blob{1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0}); |
return result; |
} |
* @brief Create a half plane |
* @param[in] basePoint The base point of the plane |
* @param[in] normal The normal of the plane |
* @return The half plane |
*/ |
algoim::organizer::VisiblePrimitiveRep createHalfPlane(const Point3D& basePoint, const Direction3D& normal) |
{ |
auto halfPlaneDesc = algoim::organizer::HalfPlaneDesc(basePoint.getUVector3Data(), normal.getUVector3Data()); |
algoim::organizer::VisiblePrimitiveRep halfPlane; |
halfPlane.tensors.resize(1, algoim::tensor3(nullptr, 3)); |
std::vector<algoim::SparkStack<algoim::real>*> temp; |
algoim::algoim_spark_alloc(algoim::real, halfPlane.tensors); |
algoim::organizer::makeHalfPlane(halfPlaneDesc , halfPlane); |
this->m_allPointer.push_back(temp[0]); |
return halfPlane; |
} |
* @brief Add a extrude body to csg tree with only two points |
* @param[in] points All the bottom point which define the base face |
* @param[in] bulges All the bulge on each edge of the base face |
* @param[in] extusion The Stretch direction and length |
*/ |
void addExtrudeWithTwoPoint(const std::vector<Point3D>& points, const std::vector<double>& bulges, const Vector3D& extusion) |
{ |
} |
* @brief Add a extrude body to csg tree |
* @param[in] points All the bottom point which define the base face |
* @param[in] bulges All the bulge on each edge of the base face |
* @param[in] extusion The Stretch direction and length |
*/ |
void addExtrude(const std::vector<Point3D>& points, const std::vector<double>& bulges, const Vector3D& extusion) |
{ |
int pointNumber = points.size(); |
assert(pointNumber >= 2); |
if (pointNumber == 2) |
{ |
addExtrudeWithTwoPoint(points, bulges, extusion); |
return; |
} |
/* Get base polygonal column */ |
auto base = createPolygonalColumnWithoutTopBottom(points, extusion); |
auto normal = Direction3D(extusion); |
for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) |
{ |
/* Get point and bulge data */ |
auto bulge = bulges[i]; |
if (std::abs(bulge) < 1e-8) |
{ |
continue; |
} |
auto& point1 = points[i]; |
Point3D point2; |
if (i + 1 == points.size()) |
{ |
point2 = points[0]; |
} |
else |
{ |
point2 = points[i + 1]; |
} |
/* Compute the origion and radius */ |
auto halfDistance = point1.getDistance(point2) / 2.0; |
auto middlePoint = point1.getMiddlePoint(point2); |
auto middleToOrigion = normal.cross(Direction3D(point2 - point1)); |
double sinHalfTheta = 2 * bulge / (1 + bulge * bulge); |
double radius = halfDistance / sinHalfTheta; |
double scalar = std::sqrt(radius * radius - halfDistance * halfDistance); |
auto origion = middlePoint + middleToOrigion * scalar; |
/* Determine whether to merge or subtract */ |
/* The operation is merge if flag is true, otherwise it is subtract */ |
bool flag; |
auto centroidPoint = computePolygonCentroid(points); |
auto middleToCentroid = Direction3D(centroidPoint - middlePoint); |
if (middleToCentroid.dot(middleToOrigion) > 0.0) |
{ |
if (bulge > 0.0) |
{ |
flag = true; |
} |
else |
{ |
flag = false; |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
if (bulge > 0.0) |
{ |
flag = false; |
} |
else |
{ |
flag = true; |
} |
} |
/* Determine which axis is aligned */ |
int alignAxis; |
if (normal.isParallel(Direction3D(1, 0, 0))) |
{ |
alignAxis = 0; |
} |
else if (normal.isParallel(Direction3D(0, 1, 0))) |
{ |
alignAxis = 1; |
} |
else if (normal.isParallel(Direction3D(0, 0, 1))) |
{ |
alignAxis = 2; |
} |
else |
{ |
throw std::runtime_error("Non align axis cylinder."); |
} |
/* Create the cylinder face */ |
auto cylinder = createCylinderWithoutTopBottom(origion, radius, extusion.length(), alignAxis); |
/* Perform union and difference operations on the basic prismatic faces */ |
if (flag) |
{ |
/* Union */ |
/* cylinder - half plane */ |
auto halfPlane = createHalfPlane(middlePoint, middleToOrigion); |
auto subtraction = this->intersectionNode(cylinder, halfPlane); |
/* base + (cylinder - column) */ |
base = this->unionNode(base, subtraction); |
} |
else |
{ |
/* difference */ |
/* base - cylinder */ |
base = this->differenceNode(base, cylinder); |
} |
} |
auto halfPlane1 = createHalfPlane(points[0], -normal); |
auto halfPlane2 = createHalfPlane(points[0] + extusion, normal); |
base = this->unionNode(base, halfPlane1); |
base = this->unionNode(base, halfPlane2); |
this->m_allVisible.push_back(base); |
} |
private: |
std::vector<algoim::organizer::VisiblePrimitiveRep> m_allVisible; |
std::vector<algoim::SparkStack<algoim::real>*> m_allPointer; |
}; |
void test() |
{ |
Loader l; |
std::vector<Point3D> points; |
std::vector<double> bulges; |
Vector3D extusion; |
points.clear(); |
bulges.clear(); |
points.push_back(Point3D{-32450.000001122418 ,-3.8391231093737305e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
points.push_back(Point3D{32449.999998877582 ,-3.8392495305561452e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
bulges.push_back(0.99999999999999989); |
bulges.push_back(0.99999999999999989); |
extusion = Vector3D{0.0000000000000000,0.0000000000000000,3300.0000000000000}; |
l.addExtrude(points, bulges, extusion); |
points.clear(); |
bulges.clear(); |
points.push_back(Point3D{-32450.000001122418 ,-3.8391231093737305e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
points.push_back(Point3D{32449.999998877582 ,-3.8392495305561452e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
points.push_back(Point3D{33538.999998877582 ,-3.8392534654100421e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
points.push_back(Point3D{-33539.000001122418 ,-3.8391228016184551e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
bulges.push_back(0.99999999999999989); |
bulges.push_back(0.0000000000000000); |
bulges.push_back(-0.99999999999999989); |
bulges.push_back(0.0000000000000000); |
extusion = Vector3D{0.0000000000000000,0.0000000000000000,3300.0000000000000}; |
l.addExtrude(points, bulges, extusion); |
points.clear(); |
bulges.clear(); |
points.push_back(Point3D{-32450.000001122418 ,-3.8391231093737305e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
points.push_back(Point3D{32449.999998877582 ,-3.8392495305561452e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
points.push_back(Point3D{33538.999998877582 ,-3.8392534654100421e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
points.push_back(Point3D{-33539.000001122418 ,-3.8391228016184551e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
bulges.push_back(0.99999999999999989); |
bulges.push_back(0.0000000000000000); |
bulges.push_back(-0.99999999999999989); |
bulges.push_back(0.0000000000000000); |
extusion = Vector3D{0.0000000000000000,0.0000000000000000,3300.0000000000000}; |
l.addExtrude(points, bulges, extusion); |
points.clear(); |
bulges.clear(); |
points.push_back(Point3D{-32450.000001122418 ,-3.8391231093737305e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
points.push_back(Point3D{32449.999998877582 ,-3.8392495305561452e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
points.push_back(Point3D{33538.999998877582 ,-3.8392534654100421e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
points.push_back(Point3D{-33539.000001122418 ,-3.8391228016184551e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
bulges.push_back(0.99999999999999989); |
bulges.push_back(0.0000000000000000); |
bulges.push_back(-0.99999999999999989); |
bulges.push_back(0.0000000000000000); |
extusion = Vector3D{0.0000000000000000,0.0000000000000000,3300.0000000000000}; |
l.addExtrude(points, bulges, extusion); |
points.clear(); |
bulges.clear(); |
points.push_back(Point3D{-32450.000001122418 ,-3.8391231093737305e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
points.push_back(Point3D{32449.999998877582 ,-3.8392495305561452e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
points.push_back(Point3D{33538.999998877582 ,-3.8392534654100421e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
points.push_back(Point3D{-33539.000001122418 ,-3.8391228016184551e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
bulges.push_back(0.99999999999999989); |
bulges.push_back(0.0000000000000000); |
bulges.push_back(-0.99999999999999989); |
bulges.push_back(0.0000000000000000); |
extusion = Vector3D{0.0000000000000000,0.0000000000000000,3300.0000000000000}; |
l.addExtrude(points, bulges, extusion); |
points.clear(); |
bulges.clear(); |
points.push_back(Point3D{32449.999998877582 ,-3.8392495305561452e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
points.push_back(Point3D{-32450.000001122418 ,-3.8391231093737305e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
points.push_back(Point3D{-33539.000001122418 ,-3.8391191745198337e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
points.push_back(Point3D{33538.999998877582 ,-3.8392498383114206e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
bulges.push_back(0.99999999999999989); |
bulges.push_back(0.0000000000000000); |
bulges.push_back(-0.99999999999999989); |
bulges.push_back(0.0000000000000000); |
extusion = Vector3D{0.0000000000000000,0.0000000000000000,3300.0000000000000}; |
l.addExtrude(points, bulges, extusion); |
points.clear(); |
bulges.clear(); |
points.push_back(Point3D{32449.999998877582 ,-3.8392495305561452e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
points.push_back(Point3D{-32450.000001122418 ,-3.8391231093737305e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
points.push_back(Point3D{-33539.000001122418 ,-3.8391191745198337e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
points.push_back(Point3D{33538.999998877582 ,-3.8392498383114206e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
bulges.push_back(0.99999999999999989); |
bulges.push_back(0.0000000000000000); |
bulges.push_back(-0.99999999999999989); |
bulges.push_back(0.0000000000000000); |
extusion = Vector3D{0.0000000000000000,0.0000000000000000,3300.0000000000000}; |
l.addExtrude(points, bulges, extusion); |
points.clear(); |
bulges.clear(); |
points.push_back(Point3D{32449.999998877582 ,-3.8392495305561452e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
points.push_back(Point3D{-32450.000001122418 ,-3.8391231093737305e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
points.push_back(Point3D{-33539.000001122418 ,-3.8391191745198337e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
points.push_back(Point3D{33538.999998877582 ,-3.8392498383114206e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
bulges.push_back(0.99999999999999989); |
bulges.push_back(0.0000000000000000); |
bulges.push_back(-0.99999999999999989); |
bulges.push_back(0.0000000000000000); |
extusion = Vector3D{0.0000000000000000,0.0000000000000000,3300.0000000000000}; |
l.addExtrude(points, bulges, extusion); |
points.clear(); |
bulges.clear(); |
points.push_back(Point3D{32449.999998877582 ,-3.8392495305561452e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
points.push_back(Point3D{-32450.000001122418 ,-3.8391231093737305e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
points.push_back(Point3D{-33539.000001122418 ,-3.8391191745198337e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
points.push_back(Point3D{33538.999998877582 ,-3.8392498383114206e-07 ,0.0000000000000000 }); |
bulges.push_back(0.99999999999999989); |
bulges.push_back(0.0000000000000000); |
bulges.push_back(-0.99999999999999989); |
bulges.push_back(0.0000000000000000); |
extusion = Vector3D{0.0000000000000000,0.0000000000000000,3300.0000000000000}; |
l.addExtrude(points, bulges, extusion); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,310 @@ |
体1: |
extrude(const CArray<PmDbPolyline *> & polys,const PmGePoint3d &fixedPt,const PmGeVector3d &plgNormal,const PmGeVector3d &extusionVector); |
+ (Vertexs).m_pData[0] {x=-32450.000001122418 y=-3.8391231093737305e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ (Vertexs).m_pData[1] {x=32449.999998877582 y=-3.8392495305561452e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
(bulge).m_pData[0] 0.99999999999999989 double |
(bulge).m_pData[1] 0.99999999999999989 double |
+ OdGeVector3d {x=0.0000000000000000 y=0.0000000000000000 z=3300.0000000000000 } OdGeVector3d |
体2:同1 |
+ (pt3ds).m_pData[0] {x=-32450.000001122418 y=-3.8391231093737305e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ (pt3ds).m_pData[1] {x=32449.999998877582 y=-3.8392495305561452e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ (pt3ds).m_pData[2] {x=33538.999998877582 y=-3.8392534654100421e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ (pt3ds).m_pData[3] {x=-33539.000001122418 y=-3.8391228016184551e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
(dBulges).m_pData[0] 0.99999999999999989 double |
(dBulges).m_pData[1] 0.0000000000000000 double |
(dBulges).m_pData[2] -0.99999999999999989 double |
(dBulges).m_pData[3] 0.0000000000000000 double |
+ OdGeVector3d {x=0.0000000000000000 y=0.0000000000000000 z=3300.0000000000000 } OdGeVector3d |
体3:同1 |
+ (pt3ds).m_pData[0] {x=-32450.000001122418 y=-3.8391231093737305e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ (pt3ds).m_pData[1] {x=32449.999998877582 y=-3.8392495305561452e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ (pt3ds).m_pData[2] {x=33538.999998877582 y=-3.8392534654100421e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ (pt3ds).m_pData[3] {x=-33539.000001122418 y=-3.8391228016184551e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
(dBulges).m_pData[0] 0.99999999999999989 double |
(dBulges).m_pData[1] 0.0000000000000000 double |
(dBulges).m_pData[2] -0.99999999999999989 double |
(dBulges).m_pData[3] 0.0000000000000000 double |
+ OdGeVector3d {x=0.0000000000000000 y=0.0000000000000000 z=3300.0000000000000 } OdGeVector3d |
体4:createCone |
+ topPt {x=-1.1224183253943920e-06 y=-3.8391322798592142e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ downPt {x=-1.1224183253943920e-06 y=-3.8391322798592142e-07 z=3300.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
dRadius1 32450.000000000000 double |
dRadius2 33539.000000000000 double |
体3被切割,以下为切割面的基点和矢量,保留矢量方向部分 |
+ topPt {x=-1.1224183253943920e-06 y=-3.8391322798592142e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
kZAxis (体3被改变) |
体3和体4布尔差 |
体5:同1 |
+ (pt3ds).m_pData[0] {x=-32450.000001122418 y=-3.8391231093737305e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ (pt3ds).m_pData[1] {x=32449.999998877582 y=-3.8392495305561452e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ (pt3ds).m_pData[2] {x=33538.999998877582 y=-3.8392534654100421e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ (pt3ds).m_pData[3] {x=-33539.000001122418 y=-3.8391228016184551e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
(dBulges).m_pData[0] 0.99999999999999989 double |
(dBulges).m_pData[1] 0.0000000000000000 double |
(dBulges).m_pData[2] -0.99999999999999989 double |
(dBulges).m_pData[3] 0.0000000000000000 double |
+ OdGeVector3d {x=0.0000000000000000 y=0.0000000000000000 z=3300.0000000000000 } OdGeVector3d |
体5被切割,以下为切割面的基点和矢量,保留矢量方向部分 |
+ topPt {x=-1.1224183253943920e-06 y=-3.8391322798592142e-07 z=3300.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
kZAxis (体5被改变) |
体3和体5布尔并 |
体6:同1 |
+ (pt3ds).m_pData[0] {x=-32450.000001122418 y=-3.8391231093737305e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ (pt3ds).m_pData[1] {x=32449.999998877582 y=-3.8392495305561452e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ (pt3ds).m_pData[2] {x=33538.999998877582 y=-3.8392534654100421e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ (pt3ds).m_pData[3] {x=-33539.000001122418 y=-3.8391228016184551e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
(dBulges).m_pData[0] 0.99999999999999989 double |
(dBulges).m_pData[1] 0.0000000000000000 double |
(dBulges).m_pData[2] -0.99999999999999989 double |
(dBulges).m_pData[3] 0.0000000000000000 double |
+ OdGeVector3d {x=0.0000000000000000 y=0.0000000000000000 z=3300.0000000000000 } OdGeVector3d |
体6被切割,以下为切割面的基点和矢量,保留矢量方向部分 |
+ topPt {x=-1.1224183253943920e-06 y=-3.8391322798592142e-07 z=3300.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
kZAxis (体6被改变) |
体3和体6布尔并 |
体2和体3布尔差 |
体7:同1 |
+ (pt3ds).m_pData[0] {x=32449.999998877582 y=-3.8392495305561452e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ (pt3ds).m_pData[1] {x=-32450.000001122418 y=-3.8391231093737305e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ (pt3ds).m_pData[2] {x=-33539.000001122418 y=-3.8391191745198337e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ (pt3ds).m_pData[3] {x=33538.999998877582 y=-3.8392498383114206e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
(dBulges).m_pData[0] 0.99999999999999989 double |
(dBulges).m_pData[1] 0.0000000000000000 double |
(dBulges).m_pData[2] -0.99999999999999989 double |
(dBulges).m_pData[3] 0.0000000000000000 double |
+ OdGeVector3d {x=0.0000000000000000 y=0.0000000000000000 z=3300.0000000000000 } OdGeVector3d |
体8:同1 |
+ (pt3ds).m_pData[0] {x=32449.999998877582 y=-3.8392495305561452e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ (pt3ds).m_pData[1] {x=-32450.000001122418 y=-3.8391231093737305e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ (pt3ds).m_pData[2] {x=-33539.000001122418 y=-3.8391191745198337e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ (pt3ds).m_pData[3] {x=33538.999998877582 y=-3.8392498383114206e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
(dBulges).m_pData[0] 0.99999999999999989 double |
(dBulges).m_pData[1] 0.0000000000000000 double |
(dBulges).m_pData[2] -0.99999999999999989 double |
(dBulges).m_pData[3] 0.0000000000000000 double |
+ OdGeVector3d {x=0.0000000000000000 y=0.0000000000000000 z=3300.0000000000000 } OdGeVector3d |
体9:createCone |
+ topPt {x=-1.1224183253943920e-06 y=-3.8392403600706615e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ downPt {x=-1.1224183253943920e-06 y=-3.8392403600706615e-07 z=3300.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
dRadius1 32450.000000000000 double |
dRadius2 33539.000000000000 double |
体8被切割,以下为切割面的基点和矢量,保留矢量方向部分 |
+ topPt {x=-1.1224183253943920e-06 y=-3.8392403600706615e-07 z=3300.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
kZAxis (体8被改变) |
体8和体9布尔差 |
体10:同1 |
+ (pt3ds).m_pData[0] {x=32449.999998877582 y=-3.8392495305561452e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ (pt3ds).m_pData[1] {x=-32450.000001122418 y=-3.8391231093737305e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ (pt3ds).m_pData[2] {x=-33539.000001122418 y=-3.8391191745198337e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ (pt3ds).m_pData[3] {x=33538.999998877582 y=-3.8392498383114206e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
(dBulges).m_pData[0] 0.99999999999999989 double |
(dBulges).m_pData[1] 0.0000000000000000 double |
(dBulges).m_pData[2] -0.99999999999999989 double |
(dBulges).m_pData[3] 0.0000000000000000 double |
+ OdGeVector3d {x=0.0000000000000000 y=0.0000000000000000 z=3300.0000000000000 } OdGeVector3d |
体10被切割,以下为切割面的基点和矢量,保留矢量方向部分 |
+ topPt {x=-1.1224183253943920e-06 y=-3.8392403600706615e-07 z=3300.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
kZAxis (体10被改变) |
体8和体10布尔并 |
体11:同1 |
+ (pt3ds).m_pData[0] {x=32449.999998877582 y=-3.8392495305561452e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ (pt3ds).m_pData[1] {x=-32450.000001122418 y=-3.8391231093737305e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ (pt3ds).m_pData[2] {x=-33539.000001122418 y=-3.8391191745198337e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ (pt3ds).m_pData[3] {x=33538.999998877582 y=-3.8392498383114206e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
(dBulges).m_pData[0] 0.99999999999999989 double |
(dBulges).m_pData[1] 0.0000000000000000 double |
(dBulges).m_pData[2] -0.99999999999999989 double |
(dBulges).m_pData[3] 0.0000000000000000 double |
+ OdGeVector3d {x=0.0000000000000000 y=0.0000000000000000 z=3300.0000000000000 } OdGeVector3d |
体11被切割,以下为切割面的基点和矢量,保留矢量方向部分 |
+ topPt {x=-1.1224183253943920e-06 y=-3.8392403600706615e-07 z=3300.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
kZAxis (体11被改变) |
体8和体11布尔并 |
体7和体8布尔差 |
体2和体7布尔并 |
体1和体2布尔并 |
体1 Z轴偏移-3600 |
// 以上为回填土实体生成 |
// |
体11: |
+ m_pt {x=-32050.000001122418 y=-3.8396319723688066e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
m_dBugle 0.99999999999999989 double |
+ m_pt {x=32049.999998877582 y=-3.8387224776670337e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
m_dBugle 0.99999999999999989 double |
+ OdGeVector3d {x=0.0000000000000000 y=0.0000000000000000 z=600.0000000000000 } OdGeVector3d |
体0: |
+ m_pt {x=-11798.670446418590 y=5999.2409883221799 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
m_dBugle 0.99999999999999989 double |
+ m_pt {x=11801.337366082498 y=5999.2409883221590 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
m_dBugle 0.99999999999999989 double |
+ OdGeVector3d {x=0.0000000000000000 y=0.0000000000000000 z=600.0000000000000 } OdGeVector3d |
体11和体0布尔差 |
体11 Z轴偏移-3500 |
体1和体11判交 |
体12: |
+ m_pt {x=676.33403607269543 y=5999.2409883221790 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
m_dBugle 0.99999999999999989 double |
+ m_pt {x=-673.66711640879771 y=5999.2409883221790 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
m_dBugle 0.99999999999999989 double |
+ OdGeVector3d {x=0.0000000000000000 y=0.0000000000000000 z=600.0000000000000 } OdGeVector3d |
体12 Z轴偏移-3500 |
体1和体12判交 |
体11和体12布尔并保留体12 |
体13: |
+ m_pt {x=-2398.6665401680511 y=5999.2409883221771 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
m_dBugle 0.99999999999999989 double |
+ m_pt {x=2401.3334598319489 y=5999.2409883221790 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
m_dBugle 0.99999999999999989 double |
+ OdGeVector3d {x=0.0000000000000000 y=0.0000000000000000 z=600.0000000000000 } OdGeVector3d |
体14: |
+ m_pt {x=-673.66711640879771 y=5999.2409883221790 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
m_dBugle -0.99999999999999989 double |
+ m_pt {x=676.33403607269543 y=5999.2409883221790 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
m_dBugle -0.99999999999999989 double |
体13和体14布尔差 |
体13 Z轴偏移-3500 |
体1和体13判交 |
体11和体13布尔并保留体13 |
体1和体11布尔差 |
获取体1 布尔前后的体积差和面积差 |
// |
以下为一个循环 |
定义空体 扣减体1 |
{ |
循环体1: |
+ m_pt {x=-1000.0000000000000 y=1000.0000000000001 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
m_dBugle 0.0000000000000000 double |
+ m_pt {x=-1000.0000000000000 y=-1000.0000000000000 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
m_dBugle 0.0000000000000000 double |
+ m_pt {x=1000.0000000000000 y=-1000.0000000000000 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
m_dBugle 0.0000000000000000 double |
+ m_pt {x=1000.0000000000000 y=1000.0000000000000 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
m_dBugle 0.0000000000000000 double |
+ OdGeVector3d {x=0.0000000000000000 y=0.0000000000000000 z=600.0000000000000 } OdGeVector3d |
循环体1偏移+ 传入的X,Y,Z坐标值 已点的方式传入P |
循环体2: BOX |
+左下角点 minPt {x=P.X-1000 y=P.Y-1000 z=P.Z+0.0000000000005 } OdGePoint3d |
长 2000.0000000000036 宽 2000.0000000000036 高 600 |
循环体3: |
+ m_pt {x=-32050.000001122418 y=-3.8396319723688066e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
m_dBugle 0.99999999999999989 double |
+ m_pt {x=32049.999998877582 y=-3.8387224776670337e-07 z=0.0000000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
m_dBugle 0.99999999999999989 double |
+ OdGeVector3d {x=0.0000000000000000 y=0.0000000000000000 z=600.0000000000000 } OdGeVector3d |
循环体3 Z轴偏移-2900 |
循环体3和体2布尔交 |
循环体1和体3布尔交 |
循环体1和体1判交 |
扣减体1和循环体1布尔并 |
} |
以下为传入点: |
{x=-21595.036456438422 y=-21609.173181957169 z=-2900.0000000000000 } |
{x=-13505.711180076411 y=-13505.717935507526 z=-2900.0000000000000 } |
{x=-2987.8729842756293 y=-18864.829751913778 z=-2900.0000000000000 } |
+ InsertPt {x=2987.9196792985895 y=-18864.830728476278 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=13505.770265236089 y=-13505.722818320026 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=17018.254640236089 y=-8671.2047519137759 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=27220.281983986089 y=-13869.397623007526 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=21602.139405861089 y=-21602.103677695028 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=30173.926515236089 y=-4778.9669589450259 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=18864.887452736089 y=-2987.8275546481514 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=-18864.815672263911 y=-2987.8811435153389 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=-30173.856687888911 y=-4779.0570468356509 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=-13869.422117576411 y=-27220.218912070028 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=-11781.052000388911 y=-23121.591958945028 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=-8671.2131332014105 y=-17018.193521445028 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=-27220.229734763911 y=-13869.391763632526 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=-17018.194578513911 y=-8671.1974276950259 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=-30173.856687888911 y=4779.0965176174741 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=-25630.485594138911 y=4059.4959316799741 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=-18864.815672263911 y=2987.9134121487236 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=-15863.798094138911 y=8083.0535488674741 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=-27220.216062888911 y=13869.449056679974 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=-21602.091062888911 y=21602.130697304972 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=-18349.393797263911 y=18349.437337929972 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=-13908.684812888911 y=13908.728353554974 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=-9584.8552230451605 y=18811.339681679972 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=-13869.425047263911 y=27220.249837929972 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=-4779.0493148420355 y=30173.900228554972 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=4779.0900894548395 y=30173.904134804972 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=13869.430421486089 y=27220.275228554972 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=9584.8806167985895 y=18811.363119179972 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=13908.739015236089 y=13908.728353554974 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=18349.453858986089 y=18349.433431679972 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=21602.147218361089 y=21602.130697304972 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=27220.268312111089 y=13869.454916054974 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=15863.852296486089 y=8083.0574551174741 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=18864.879640236089 y=2987.9153652737236 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=25630.543702736089 y=4059.4900723049741 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=30173.912843361089 y=4779.0896816799741 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=13869.432374611089 y=-27220.242349570028 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=-4776.1108367703273 y=-30098.869302695028 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=4779.0915542985895 y=-30098.869302695028 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=-23121.594969138911 y=-11781.033365195026 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=23121.637452736089 y=11781.092611367474 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=11781.053468361089 y=-23121.619302695028 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
+ InsertPt {x=-23121.583250388911 y=11781.089681679974 z=-2900.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
体1和扣减体1布尔差 |
获取体1 布尔前后的体积差和面积差 |
// 3237 |
体15:Ent1.bool |
体1和体15布尔差 |
体16: |
+ m_pt {x=-2503.6291053659488 y=5999.2409883221790 z=-3500.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
m_dBugle 0.99999999999999989 double |
+ m_pt {x=2501.2960250298465 y=5999.2409883221790 z=-3500.0000000000000 } OdGePoint3d |
m_dBugle 0.99999999999999989 double |
+ OdGeVector3d {x=-0.0000000000000000 y=-0.0000000000000000 z=-100.00000000000000 } OdGeVector3d |
体1和体16布尔差 |
获取体1 布尔前后的体积差和面积差 |
// 3237 |
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ |
import re |
class Parser: |
def __init__(self): |
self.all = [] |
def parser(self): |
pattern1 = re.compile(r"m_pData\[\d+\]\t\{x=(.*?) y=(.*?) z=(.*?) \}\tOdGePoint3d\n", re.VERBOSE) |
pattern2 = re.compile(r"m_pData\[\d+\]\t(.*?)\tdouble\n", re.VERBOSE) |
pattern3 = re.compile(r"\{x=(.*?) y=(.*?) z=(.*?) \}") |
end_pattern = re.compile(r"体(\d+)") |
with open("/home/xiaolong/HeteQuadrature/wxl/data.txt") as f: |
points = [] |
bulges = [] |
extusion = [] |
for line in f: |
if line.find("体") != -1: |
self.all.append([points, bulges, extusion]) |
points = [] |
bulges = [] |
extusion = [] |
continue |
match1 = pattern1.findall(line) |
if match1 != []: |
points.append(match1) |
#print(match1) |
continue |
match2 = pattern2.findall(line) |
if match2 != []: |
bulges.append(match2) |
#print(match2) |
continue |
match3 = pattern3.findall(line) |
if match3 != []: |
extusion = match3 |
#print(match3) |
continue |
def generate(self): |
result = " Loader l;\n\n" |
result += " std::vector<Point3D> points;\n" |
result += " std::vector<double> bulges;\n" |
result += " Vector3D extusion;\n\n" |
for value in self.all: |
points, bulges, extusion = value |
if points == []: |
continue |
result += " points.clear();\n" |
result += " bulges.clear();\n" |
for point in points: |
result += " points.push_back(Point3D{" + point[0][0] + "," + point[0][1] + "," + point[0][2] +"});\n" |
for bulge in bulges: |
result += " bulges.push_back(" + bulge[0] + ");\n" |
result += " extusion = Vector3D{" + extusion[0][0] + "," + extusion[0][1] + "," + extusion[0][2] + "};\n" |
result += " l.addExtrude(points, bulges, extusion);\n\n" |
print(result) |
p = Parser() |
p.parser() |
# print(p.all) |
p.generate() |
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