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9 months ago
// Examples to demonstrate Algoim's methods for computing high-order accurate quadrature schemes
// for implicitly defined domains in hyperrectangles. The file contains a single main() routine;
// compile it as you would for any .cpp file with a main() entry point.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include "quadrature_general.hpp"
template<int N>
struct Ellipsoid
template<typename T>
T operator() (const algoim::uvector<T,N>& x) const
if constexpr (N == 2)
return x(0)*x(0) + 4.0*x(1)*x(1) - 1.0;
return x(0)*x(0) + 4.0*x(1)*x(1) + 9.0*x(2)*x(2) - 1.0;
template<typename T>
algoim::uvector<T,N> grad(const algoim::uvector<T,N>& x) const
if constexpr (N == 2)
return algoim::uvector<T,N>(2.0*x(0), 8.0*x(1));
return algoim::uvector<T,N>(2.0*x(0), 8.0*x(1), 18.0*x(2));
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
std::cout << "Algoim Examples - High-order quadrature algorithms for implicitly defined domains\n\n";
std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(16);
// Area of a 2D ellipse using automatic subdivision
std::cout << "Area of a 2D ellipse using automatic subdivision:\n";
Ellipsoid<2> phi;
auto q = algoim::quadGen<2>(phi, algoim::HyperRectangle<double,2>(-1.1, 1.1), -1, -1, 4);
double area = q([](const auto& x) { return 1.0; });
std::cout << " computed area = " << area << "\n";
std::cout << " (exact area = 1.5707963267948966)\n\n";
// Volume of a 3D ellipsoid using automatic subdivision
std::cout << "Volume of a 3D ellipsoid using automatic subdivision:\n";
Ellipsoid<3> phi;
auto q = algoim::quadGen<3>(phi, algoim::HyperRectangle<double,3>(-1.1, 1.1), -1, -1, 4);
double volume = q([](const auto& x) { return 1.0; });
std::cout << " computed volume = " << volume << "\n";
std::cout << " (exact volume = 0.6981317007977318)\n\n";
// Area of a 2D ellipse, computed via the cells of a Cartesian grid
int n = 16;
std::cout << "Area of a 2D ellipse, computed via the cells of a " << n << " by " << n << " Cartesian grid:\n";
double dx = 2.2 / n;
Ellipsoid<2> phi;
double area = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
algoim::uvector<double,2> xmin{-1.1 + i*dx, -1.1 + j*dx};
algoim::uvector<double,2> xmax{-1.1 + i*dx + dx, -1.1 + j*dx + dx};
area += algoim::quadGen<2>(phi, algoim::HyperRectangle<double,2>(xmin, xmax), -1, -1, 4).sumWeights();
std::cout << " computed area = " << area << "\n";
std::cout << " (exact area = 1.5707963267948966)\n\n";
// Surface area of a 3D ellipsoid using automatic subdivision
std::cout << "Surface area of a 3D ellipsoid using automatic subdivision:\n";
Ellipsoid<3> phi;
auto q = algoim::quadGen<3>(phi, algoim::HyperRectangle<double,3>(-1.1, 1.1), 3, -1, 4);
double surface_area = q.sumWeights();
std::cout << " computed surface area = " << surface_area << "\n";
std::cout << " (exact surface area = 4.4008095646649703)\n\n";
// Visualisation of a quadrature scheme in ParaView via XML VTP file
std::cout << "Visualisation of a quadrature scheme in ParaView via XML VTP file:\n";
Ellipsoid<3> phi;
auto q = algoim::quadGen<3>(phi, algoim::HyperRectangle<double,3>(-1.1, 1.1), -1, -1, 2);
std::ofstream f("scheme.vtp");
algoim::outputQuadratureRuleAsVtpXML(q, f);
std::cout << " scheme.vtp file written, containing " << q.nodes.size() << " quadrature points\n";
return 0;